Ella Woodward

Image of Ella Woodward
I don't want people to see healthy eating as a diet. I want it to be satisfying food that everyone takes pleasure in eating.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
Before I changed my diet, every time I ate, my torso would feel burning hot, and the areas around my lymph nodes would really ache.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Life
Image of Ella Woodward
A delicious smoothie is a really easy way of taking on lots of amazing skin boosting ingredients and was my first port of call every morning in the run-up to my wedding - I'll throw in frozen berries, banana, spinach, almond butter, almond milk, and oats for a quick breakfast quite often.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Wedding
Image of Ella Woodward
I've always been pretty lucky with my skin. I did notice a big change when I changed my diet and started to eat more natural foods in that my skin just got clearer and brighter.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
I literally never ate fruit or vegetables before. My diet instead revolved around ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter and jelly eaten with a spoon, pick-n-mix, and lots of cereal and pasta - I was a sugar monster.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
It's about making small changes at first and adding foods to your diet before you take any away; start with one extra vegetable or fruit at every meal, and hey, presto, that's 21 portions a week.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
My problem with the word 'clean' is that it has become too complicated. It has become too loaded. When I first read the term, it meant natural, unprocessed. Now it doesn't mean that at all. It means diet. It means fad.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
My illness is now in remission, and on a day-to-day basis, I truly feel amazing. I wake up with such incredible energy, which I never had before my illness, and I really feel so in tune with my body.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Amazing
Image of Ella Woodward
I was really inspired by lots of people I came across who were managing various illnesses through diet and lifestyle. I kind of figured, you know, if it worked for them, then I might as well try it and see if it works. So I did.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
I began researching natural healing, which is how I came to change my diet. Overnight, I gave up refined sugar, gluten, dairy, anything processed or refined, and meat.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
Eating a natural diet with loads of fresh fruit and veg and little processed food helps me manage the symptoms of my illness.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
My whole thing isn't about being vegan, to be honest. It's more about a more natural diet.
- Ella Woodward
Collection: Diet
Image of Ella Woodward
The most important thing is to snack on things that are filled with real food and nourishing ingredients that will leave you feeling energised and happy.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
There's no such thing as 'bad' food or 'good' food.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I love really simple colours at home - lots of cream, beige, and grey with rustic wooden tables.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Healthy eating isn't supposed to be about self-denial; it's not a punishment.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I can smell bacon sizzling or chicken roasting and appreciate the aroma, but I don't want to eat it.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I finished my dissertation six weeks early. Who does that? As soon as something comes in, I like it to go out.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I've always loved the scent of rose; it's just the most beautiful scent. If you open my bathroom cupboard, everything is rose scented.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I love knowing exactly what you're putting onto your skin and about the ingredient benefits of those products.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I have always kept my beauty regime super simple, but I would say discovering you could use coconut oil to take off eye-makeup remover has been a game changer.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I always carry a little jar of nuts around with me. I roast them beforehand with tamari and thyme to give them a deliciously rich flavour.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Home-made smoothies are a great way of satisfying a sweet tooth. Adding in things like frozen banana will make it taste super sweet and creamy.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
If you're struggling with that sweet tooth, try making healthy sugar swaps using things like honey, maple syrup, and medjool dates. These are all completely natural and will satisfy any sweet cravings.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I literally couldn't walk down the street; I slept for 16 hours a day, was in chronic pain, had blackouts, never-ending heart palpitations, unbearable stomach issues, constant headaches - the list goes on.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
For me, I've got no interest in being a celebrity, and I have no interest in doing photographs, going to this party or that.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
It was back in 2011 that everything changed. I was not a healthy eater at all. Up until that point, I was a student and a complete sugar addict.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Since September 2013, I have been in a really good place with my health. But I still have to be conscious about keeping it in that good place and taking care of myself.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I think the smell of something is so important, especially when you're putting it on your face.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
As I started eating more natural foods and thinking about what I was putting into my body, I became more interested in what I was putting on it, too.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Eating well isn't about dieting or deprivation, so you shouldn't feel that you're bound to certain rules.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I'm promoting healthy - healthier - eating, not suggesting everyone should emulate me.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Food was a big part of our family gatherings, but it was usually pasta. We didn't eat that well. Everything was home-made but not much veg or fruit.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I don't know what would happen to me if I ate a bacon sandwich, but I'm just not interested.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I still have a sweet tooth, so I bake a lot, but I'd much rather have one of my sweet potato brownies than a processed chocolate bar.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
It's so cool, the number of emails I get from people saying I changed their life. It's pretty crazy.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I love social media, but it made me quite anxious.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I wouldn't ever have believed I would marry so young, but it was love at first sight, so there was no point in holding back for the sake of it.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
You've got to introduce people to things in a way they're going to enjoy.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I didn't believe in marriage; I thought it was a silly concept before I met Matt.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I don't make big promises about losing weight or anything like that. I just suggest things that people can make to make them feel good.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
If you have a large family like ours, you have to fight to get your point across, and I think I learned that from my dad.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I was a very, very slow learner. I was good at nothing.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Just because I like being healthy doesn't mean I can't have fun - I don't drink excessively, but I'll have a couple of vodka-and-sodas.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Just because you want to eat vegetables and eat well doesn't mean you can't share food and have fun with it. It should still be an exciting thing. It shouldn't be just eating kale on your own in the corner.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I think if you don't enjoy something, it's not sustainable.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I want to give you a way to eat your broccoli in a way that you actually want to eat it.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
Growing up, my dad was the ultimate person for open-mindedness.
- Ella Woodward
Image of Ella Woodward
I'm not at yoga all the time, but equally, I'm not being sick after a night out.
- Ella Woodward