Elaine Chao

Image of Elaine Chao
When Peace Corps was first proposed, some in Congress assumed that only men would be volunteers.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
The work of these women doesn't end when they return home from overseas, as one goal of the Peace Corps' mission is to help promote a better understanding of other cultures here in the United States.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
As we celebrate Women's History Month this March, it's important to remember the key role women have played in promoting a better understanding and relationships between our country and the rest of the world.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
There are many reasons to worry; the evening news is full of them.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
Perhaps the original layaway angel knew from experience, or simply deduced, that people resorting to the old-fashioned installment method of layaway may be struggling financially.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
Because of these layaway angels, many children did not have to wonder why Santa skipped them in 2011.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
Though the National Bureau of Economic Research deemed the recession to have ended in June 2009, to most Americans, that conclusion seems not to square with reality.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
Three years after the four deepest previous recessions began - in 1953, 1957, 1973 and 1981 - employment was on average 4.7% higher than the pre-recession peak.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
While there have been news reports of recent college graduates living with their parents because they have been unable to find a job paying a salary sufficient to move out, their near and long-term career prospects remain far brighter than for those without a college degree.
- Elaine Chao
Image of Elaine Chao
The pursuit of excellence is a continuous process through life. Enjoy the pursuit.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Enjoy Life
Image of Elaine Chao
We do not support an automatic pathway to citizenship.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Support
Image of Elaine Chao
We feel a pathway to citizenship would reward illegal activity, ... Amnesty encourages further illegal immigration.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Illegal Activities
Image of Elaine Chao
Those who come forward will not be offered an automatic pass to citizenship and should be expected to pay a substantial fine or penalty to participate in the temporary program.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Pay
Image of Elaine Chao
Our intention is to clarify and modernize overtime pay rules.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Pay
Image of Elaine Chao
It will level the playing field, ... It will give American workers choice, confidence and also control.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Giving
Image of Elaine Chao
Given the rest of the economic news, including the fact that GDP growth is positive, inflation is still low, jobless claims are still moving downward and temporary services are firming up, that means the recovery continues, and we hope it will continue in a more robust fashion.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Fashion
Image of Elaine Chao
Many Enron employees lost 70 percent to 90 percent of their retirement assets after the company indicated that it would re-state profit reports.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Retirement
Image of Elaine Chao
The attacks on Sept. 11 really sent a shock wave through our economy, and the full reverberation of that is not yet known.
- Elaine Chao
Collection: Wave