Eddie Howe

Image of Eddie Howe
There is no magic formula to success. It is down to hard work and graft on the training ground and having a good attitude.
- Eddie Howe
Collection: Attitude
Image of Eddie Howe
We are all competing and all trying to do the same thing and I think it is very important we all show respect for each other.
- Eddie Howe
Collection: Respect
Image of Eddie Howe
If you've got great people, you've got a chance of creating a great team.
- Eddie Howe
Collection: Chance
Image of Eddie Howe
I've always had the mindset that you've got to be creative and not moan or whinge at what you're given.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
It is strange how setbacks in your life can spark reactions that you never thought could happen.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I have a burning desire to achieve and that leads to a high amount of work.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
It's up to us to try to recreate those times - the attacking verve, the swagger that Kevin Keegan's 1990s Newcastle had, the flair the individual players possessed and the team identity.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
The future is the only thing that matters.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
One result can swing opinions. You have to be ready for that. It is very difficult, so you need a very level-headed chairman, owner and support from above.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I remember when I was a youth-team player, fans putting money in buckets at the Winter Gardens.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
You are not going to get promoted into the Premier League without some investment.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
We want to find ways to stimulate people, keep everyone motivated, to keep progressing and improving.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
You can never predict what will happen in the future.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Who knows whether I will go into management. I'm ambitious, I want to progress and want to feel like I'm improving. Whatever happens, will happen.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Different games require different things.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
My specialist subject is football.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I'm job-obsessed and part of modern management now is to know what's going on around the world.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Playing in the Premier League is difficult enough without any other thoughts.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Players educating themselves on all areas of the world is a positive thing; I've got no issue with it - but my players need to be focused on playing football.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I love to coach and to try and make players better, think of new drills and ways to make the teams better.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
You need to see to believe sometimes.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
No game is a write-off in my opinion.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
It's about being consistent with the players, it's about not ripping up everything you believe in, not listening to the noise around you, getting the best out of every single player.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
When VAR was first introduced I think it was used regularly to try to get the right decision. But I think the use of it has been diluted and I don't see it effectively intervening as much as it did in a positive way.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
The use of VAR as far as we're concerned has definitely been a bit contentious.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
For the benefit of the league you want everybody to be treated the same and you want a level playing field.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
My job is to coach the football team and to get results for the football team.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I think I am addicted to the game. I think you have to be, with the volume of games you are watching and the amount of interest you have to have. You have to love the game.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I am passionate on the training ground about things being perfect.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I'm absolutely delighted to be manager of Newcastle.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
The game is always about how much you commit one way or the other.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
If you watched, my Bournemouth teams always tried to play on the front foot and play brave, attacking football.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I want to play football that entertains and excites and I think that is the type of football Newcastle fans want to see.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
My personality is introverted.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I'm not an extrovert, I don't seek attention. I've always been that way.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I keep a low profile - I don't need adulation in my life.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
The joy for me comes from coaching and trying to win matches.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Joelinton can be whatever he wants to be.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Historically, if you look at all my signings, when I first work with a player there is nearly always a period of adjustment.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
One of the ways we work is that we attack with relationships. The only way you build those relationships is by repetition in training, by attacking with everyone together as a team so you know what you're going to do.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
You always need to win. I'm in the kind of job when only winning is acceptable really because you can highlight positives but ultimately only winning silences any outside noise.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I've been loyal to Bournemouth and it's extremely difficult to leave a club that's been close to my heart.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I don't think the pressure's ever off in football, let alone in the Premier League.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I am very patriotic.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I didn't even want to be a manager, I was just given an opportunity to do it and felt I shouldn't say no.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
I don't want to sound like a dictator but I don't seek too much opinion from players. That's not to say I won't bounce things off them. But they are looking for you to lead.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
Players need to play freely. They need to play without that weight of expectation and to concentrate on their normal game rather than worrying about what's said about them afterwards.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
We always felt that, by implementing a football philosophy that could be transferable from League One to the Championship, and the Championship to the Premier League, it would give us more of a chance.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
My Bournemouth teams always tried to be on the front foot.
- Eddie Howe
Image of Eddie Howe
At Bournemouth, every year we were in a relegation battle.
- Eddie Howe