Eddie Albert

Image of Eddie Albert
Courage is just fear plus prayers plus understanding.
- Eddie Albert
Collection: Courage
Image of Eddie Albert
I don't really care how I am remembered as long as I bring happiness and joy to people.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
And so I missed those best years and I find it difficult for me, in groups, to be comfortable.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
You can forgive yourself a great deal.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
I don't think I'm proud of anything in acting.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
I was not really as good as I should have been.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
I always thought I was a singer, but I really am not.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
What's the most important thing in the world? It's love, and I look at that as an energy, not a sentiment.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
If I wasn't Eddie Albert's son, I'd be someone else's. It gave me a chance to do a lot of traveling, but mostly I'm glad I'm his son because he's such a good man.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
I always knew I would act. It was just a matter of time.
- Eddie Albert
Image of Eddie Albert
Usually in features, I'm the lead. I consider the director the captain, but I consider myself the first mate, and it's up to me to keep in contact with the heart of the crew.
- Eddie Albert