Donatella Versace

Image of Donatella Versace
I like perfume and flowers.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Valentines
Image of Donatella Versace
I think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I'm already thinking glamour.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Morning
Image of Donatella Versace
Let's just say beauty inspires me. But I like all beauty - I think it really comes from the inside out.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Beauty
Image of Donatella Versace
When I meet celebrities, I have to know what they are like and only then can I design. The clothes have to fit their personality.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Design
Image of Donatella Versace
Women are all the same; we want to be smaller in the waist, longer legs, slimmer. I design for women and their defects, to make them better.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Design
Image of Donatella Versace
A business woman needs a successful mix of design and practicality.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Design
Image of Donatella Versace
Lady Gaga is the present and the future. She is the most revolutionary and inspirational artist. She is fearless and daring.
- Donatella Versace
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Donatella Versace
Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
It's no good being too easily swayed by people's opinions. You have to believe in yourself.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Fashion is a weapon that you can use when you need it.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
In mythology, the Medusa can petrify people with a look - which is a good thing, I think. But the Medusa is a unique symbol - something strong. It's about going all the way.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
The three biggest fashion mistakes are cheap suits, shoes, and shirts. Spend your money on something good.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I've learned how to appreciate what I have. And it's a lot. I'm very lucky.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Something has to change in the world. Without change, young people will have no future.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
During the eighties and nineties, people wanted to be chic, elegant, bourgeois.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I find older men more attractive than boys. I need a man who can teach me a thing or two.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I think my own look makes people think I'm tough, but when they get to know me I'm very different.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Women should be sure of themselves because women have a lot of capacities. We can achieve so many different things that men cannot. I think women are stronger.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
As with most things in my life, I believe you should try to enjoy yourself and never feel like you are a slave to a routine.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Many young people don't know what Versace represent. I want to show what makes Versace an iconic brand.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
In my life I had no other choice than to become a strong person.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
The first thing I do each morning is get out of bed and give my dog, Audrey, a hug. She's a Jack Russell. I think having an animal is a wonderful thing, particularly dogs. They are great levelers, there's no nonsense with them, and they just want simple affection.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
To define the era we live in is very difficult. How do we define it? We define it by music.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I have long been a fan and enthusiast where art is concerned.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I have worked with wool all my life as a designer. There's so much more to it than knitwear - it's an amazingly versatile material and can be used in so many different ways from chic to rustic.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I always wear high heels - I simply feel naked without them.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
In fashion, only sexy won't go out of fashion.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I'm a feminist. I want to fight, but I don't see many people with this desire to fight for something. Women don't help each other, especially in fashion.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
You can't pretend that everybody likes Versace. It would be boring. It's better to create a reaction than to create no reaction. That's dangerous.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Richard Avedon is a true genius of photography and one of the greatest artists of our time.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
In order to be responsible, you need some discipline in your life. For a while I lost mine.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
My muse changes all the time because I think every designer is a bit of a muse for themselves in a way - they just don't want to say it.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I don't like my physique at all.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Scent is very important. Strong fragrances suit some men, while citrus types suit others. I like my men to smell fresh and woody, but also like a man.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
In Italian there is an expression: We don't sleep on the fame.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
For me, music gives a voice to fashion.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
For me the safety pin is about rebellion, and I'm punk in the soul.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
The suit does not represent the businessman anymore. Nor does the loud shirt represent the rock star. The same man can now wear both.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Some say the economy means that you have to persuade people to invest in clothes - to buy less things but more expensive things. I disagree - invest in jewelry, or a house, maybe, but not in fashion.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Die and born again, die and born again. It's the story of my life.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Gianni created the whole thing. I came later and helped him.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I like to eat. Definitely. I love sitting around a table with my friends. But I don't know how to cook anything.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
I don't like balance. Balance is not a word you can use in Versace fashion.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
Sometimes big designers are afraid that people won't recognize them if they change that much.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
It would be very easy for us to do a collection that everybody would like and not criticize. But criticism is a part of life. You have to take it.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
If I could dress anyone, I'd like to dress the Queen - she can handle anything. I'd put her in black - she never wears black - and add a little leather, maybe. A little rock n' roll.
- Donatella Versace
Image of Donatella Versace
For so long Versace couture was identified with celebrities and music, which I love. But at the same time it could overwhelm the clothes.
- Donatella Versace