Dino Morea

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I am a fitness enthusiast since childhood.
- Dino Morea
Collection: Fitness
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I have great friends in film industry but professionalism and friendship are two different cups of tea.
- Dino Morea
Collection: Friendship
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My small jobs were basically... cut a ribbon somewhere or fly to be a judge in some pageant in Darjeeling. It was those small kinds of jobs which sort of kept me going and I am thankful for people to even notice me.
- Dino Morea
Collection: Thankful
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Whenever rejected, I thought maybe the director saw someone better suited for that role than me. I didn't think of it as so and so is someone's son or relative who got preference.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Someday you give a hit movie and things are good, but when your next movie fails, your stocks fall.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
There are times when I get a role that someone else didn't. And there are instances when someone came from nowhere and is new to the industry, beat me to a role. The director and producer know who they want to work with. Who am I to stop them from doing that?
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Even as a producer, I want to work with certain actors. Now, if they don't want to be a part of the film, what am I supposed to do? Everyone has their right to choose.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
We watch Hrithik Roshan perform, he's brilliant and good looking. I have never let that bother me.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
My job is to go out there, perform.
- Dino Morea
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What I earned in my previous years as an actor, I knew I had to invest smart to stay afloat. I was investing in a couple of businesses, some of them did decently well, some of them didn't.
- Dino Morea
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As an actor, I'm not really worried about being typecast.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Every character has its unique trajectory, and I try to do my best for every role I take up.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I feel certain negative characters, or the ones with grey shades, provide more scope for acting. These characters help you excel. And such interesting characters allure me.
- Dino Morea
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I have tried to introduce my madness through Shaybani Khan.
- Dino Morea
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I keep repeating this. The trolls do not pay your bills. You cannot base your life on their opinions.
- Dino Morea
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You base your life, and you live your life on your terms. Your opinion matters, and the opinions of the people closest to you matter. Nobody else's opinion matters.
- Dino Morea
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After acting in several Hindi films, I have decided to be a producer.
- Dino Morea
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People were offering me terrible projects.
- Dino Morea
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I believed that if someone approaches me with a good offer and says 'let's begin tomorrow,' I should be ready.
- Dino Morea
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If a big director comes to me 'I want you in this role, the story is very good,' I will be ready to shoot.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Call it my bad luck or whatever it is, after 'Pyaar Impossible,' people were offering me nonsense films. I was offered roles of no consequence.
- Dino Morea
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I wash my scalp with shampoo once a week and no conditioner. I get my scalp massaged once in every three weeks.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
One beauty tip men can follow is to apply argan oil on their face before they sleep, I have been following this routine for a long time.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I hardly use a face wash and use face scrubs at times to exfoliate the skin.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I brush my scalp from the back of my neck to the front of head. I brush it every night before I sleep before it stimulates the scalp. If you brush it, it will naturally secrete oil that is very good for your hair.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I enjoy watching a couple of movies or a web series before I sleep.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I'm a voracious reader.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Don't hold back your feelings, don't keep secrets - communicate.
- Dino Morea
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I like a good mattress. Period.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I had watched 'What Lies Beneath' long before I signed 'Raaz.' It was similar in terms of the story premise and the infidelity part. But I didn't have to go and watch the other film. Once I read the script I wanted to bring my own perspective. I didn't want to copy from a Hollywood film.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
The OTT experience has been outstanding because you instantly reach out to millions of viewers as compared to a movie, though movies have a charm that is unmatched.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I don't differentiate between mediums and I feel if your web show is interesting and people love it, then it reaches out to a wide number of people all over the world.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
You can't be mediocre on OTT. The content on OTT is outstanding.
- Dino Morea
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When I came into the industry, I didn't know anyone. I was modelling and I got one opportunity after another. This industry has given me life and my home.
- Dino Morea
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You got to be confident and comfortable in your skin. After all everyone has to age and for how long can we look like a 21-year-old?
- Dino Morea
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I really take good care of myself and I am fit. Fortunately, I think I am aging gracefully. And I am happy with the way I am.
- Dino Morea
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Health had been of utmost importance ever since I was a kid.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
When you make a decision to stop saying yes to rubbish, mediocre films, or roles that are not going to help you in any way. To make a conscious decision to say no. Then at the back of your mind you also have your insecurities 'oh God, will I ever even work again?'
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
When you are in a position of hunger, you can't say you want to only focus on craft, you can say that in a position of money. You have to make ends meet. If you think you are going to get by without that, it is a tough one.
- Dino Morea
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Don't compare me with anything else but the best.
- Dino Morea
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Love is a feeling that can't be defined; you feel it in your heart. It is a special bond.
- Dino Morea
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If the universe feels that I should meet someone special, it will definitely happen.
- Dino Morea
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I speak a little bit of Italian.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
My name is an Italian name because my father is an Italian and my mother is Indian.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
Sunny Leone is beautiful and extremely hot. When I met her for the first time, I found her flawless.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
When I do work out its an hour to hour and a half. But its not always at the gym. I play a lot of sports.
- Dino Morea
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If given an opportunity I would act in regional films.
- Dino Morea
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I love Bengali films especially Satyajit Ray.
- Dino Morea
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The only reality show I'd probably take part in would be 'The Amazing Race.' Reality shows are fun to watch. Very tiring for the participants.
- Dino Morea
Image of Dino Morea
I made mistakes like working with producers who did not complete their film, producers who did not market their films well and those who were frightened to spend money on promoting a film.
- Dino Morea