Diane Lane

Image of Diane Lane
I think fun is an important part of the entertainment industry, and it should be. Anybody who's not incorporating some of that into their work needs to take a break, go away, and have an attitude adjustment.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Attitude
Image of Diane Lane
All the lessons are in nature. You look at the way rocks are formed - the wind and the water hitting them, shaping them, making them what they are. Things take time, you know?
- Diane Lane
Collection: Time
Image of Diane Lane
A lot can change in the editing room.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Change
Image of Diane Lane
My relationship with aging is cozy. I'm not trying to play 29 and holding on with white knuckles, you know?
- Diane Lane
Collection: Relationship
Image of Diane Lane
I've heard stories of people, even celebrities that have gone online, pretended to be someone they weren't, and conducted a 5-year friendship via e-mail. Then, they got married because they really love each other from all that communication.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Communication
Image of Diane Lane
It's always refreshing to step into another time.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Time
Image of Diane Lane
I think that anybody that smiles automatically looks better.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Smile
Image of Diane Lane
I think, certainly, directing is a visual medium, but it's also about communication, and a lot of times, great directors are lacking in communication skills, which is rather shocking to discover that.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Communication
Image of Diane Lane
I was raised by free-spirited people, though my father gave me a very strong work ethic.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Dad
Image of Diane Lane
I think the secret to happiness is having a Teflon soul. Whatever comes your way, you either let it slide or you cook with it.
- Diane Lane
Collection: Happiness
Image of Diane Lane
So now I'm left with cigarettes, and I'm trying to scrape that off my shoe and then I'll be done.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Self-respect is a commodity worth cleaving to.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Well, I can fake my way around some things, but I don't think I would be good at betting.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I wish I could always look like I've just finished a really good laugh.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Americans have an interesting conundrum, a black and white line: You're on one side or the other of Puritanism or licentiousness. But that gray area where people abide, between their ears or on the Internet, needs to be fleshed out more in terms of permission granted.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
It's all so confusing and incestuous and curious, the trail that actors wander through in the course of their careers and how stories overlap. It's funny.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Secretariat was just ridiculously endowed with every positive quality that a person would seek out in a non-human. He was very aware of his environment; he surveyed the terrain before he ran and would look people in the eye.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I want to sit down, and I want to laugh. Nothing works better for me than watching somebody slip on a banana peel.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
You really can't take a cat and turn it into a dog, or try and get lemons off an apple tree, or what have you.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Playing dead is difficult with a full bladder.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I've always been a daddy's girl, and that's served me well in life; most of my directors have been male.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I love the rebelliousness of snail mail, and I love anything that can arrive with a postage stamp. There's something about that person's breath and hands on the letter.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I feel like I'm the most forgiven actress I can think of, probably because of this short memory people have!
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I've got a lot of mileage, and I love my mileage. I wouldn't trade a mile of that for a minute of being younger.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Some people fascinate me. They really worship at the altar of their careers, you know? And it's terrifying. It's sort of like setting a table and waiting for someone to come along and whoosh - push all the plates onto the floor.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I think that directing is the ultimate martyred task of filmmaking, that it has nobility to it. It takes three years to make a film, for the most part. I think it requires the attentiveness of a mother hen.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were invented so teenage girls could use text messaging.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
To be honest, relationships with the opposite sex are the most challenging things I've done. You lose your compass, gravity changes, you don't know what's up or down, you're trying to figure it out. You're trying to make everybody happy, including yourself, and it's just... it's humbled me.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I have just enough attention to feel glamorous and important.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
When I really young yet feeling very old, I offered up a lot of myself to the press; I knew it was good copy.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
The industry's memory is quite short, it's true.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
More yoga in the world is what we need.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Independent films have a very different cachet than success films.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I don't really know how to relate to a long-term day-in day-out kind of comfortable relationship.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Americans are like Pac Man. We just eat our way through the day. There's always something going into the mouth.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I'm fascinated by how Hollywood has changed since I started. Today it's about immediate delivery. There's less risk and less art.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I've always had this unresolved desire to prove that I could get a Ph.D., or contribute something else to the world.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
When I was about seven, I started touring the globe as part of New York's La MaMa theater company - without my parents!
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Well, I didn't really admit that I anywhere until my daughter started school and I knew I couldn't pull up and leave when I felt like it.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I like someone who's suffered from both sides.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
To me, there's no greater reward than being around people you care about and can be present with.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I'm not a bad parent and partner, even if I make a thousand mistakes.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
When I was 12, all I wanted was to be good at school, and to do something admirable, something you can't take away from me because I'm not popular or beautiful enough.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
You can't get work without working.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I try not to be overly analytical.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
It's nice to have a pause to parent and to be more present at home, teaching them how to drive cars and navigate boys and all this sort of thing.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
Every film is its own experience, its own planet, its own family. It seems infinite when you're working on it, and then it's suddenly very finite, and it's done.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
I don't want to live in a bubble, in my craft or in the world... I can't, I would be cheating myself out of my generation and the world we live in.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
For me, I don't even like to promote my films but I have to because it's in the fine print of my contract.
- Diane Lane
Image of Diane Lane
When I was growing up in New York City, my father was a taxi driver for a time.
- Diane Lane