Derrick Favors

Image of Derrick Favors
That's what winning does. It gives you that extra juice.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I do make a difference. I just come out and provide a presence in the paint, defensively and offensively. I play hard.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
Guys aren't going to have it going offensively every game so you need to find ways to contribute to the game, whether it's hustle plays, defense or whatever.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I want my friends and family to see me play.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
It seems like everybody seems to forget about me all the time.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
That's what people kind of forget, I can score the ball, too, when I get the chance.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I'm 19 years old from Atlanta, then a year later I go to New Jersey. I'm there for a couple months then the next thing I'm traded across the country to a place I've never been before. It was tough.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I feel like I got underestimated a little bit.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I just told myself I'm going to work as hard as I can and prove a lot of people wrong.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I'm open to learning Russian.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I'm excited to be in the NBA. It didn't matter what team, I'm just excited to be here.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
Other teams and other opponents, they look and see I'm 6-foot-10 and think I'm a 5 man or whatever, so they try to take advantage of it.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
Utah has become my home and I am excited to be able to continue my career playing for the Jazz and the best fans in the NBA.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
You just have to know how to put in the work, know how to be patient, how to take advantage of every opportunity that you get.
- Derrick Favors
Image of Derrick Favors
I know a lot of guys are going to look up to me, because I've been in the league 10 years now.
- Derrick Favors