Dennis Edwards

Image of Dennis Edwards
I used to tell my mother, 'I'm going to have to get a real job one day.' You keep saying this will end one day, but people still call us up and ask us to sing. It's truly amazing.
- Dennis Edwards
Collection: Amazing
Image of Dennis Edwards
I had a mother who prayed for me, and prayer changes everything.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
I'd like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to sing with the greatest group in the world.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
Marvin Gaye was a friend of mine, and he used to say, 'Man, I wish I could sing like you - if I could have that growl in my voice.' And I said, 'Man, are you kidding me? I want to sing like you. Everybody wants to sing like you.'
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
When The Temptations began, we wanted to be visual. So we did our own choreography and developed our own uniforms.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
We never do two shows the same way. The audience has a lot to do with that spontaneity, and it's our job to satisfy them.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
The secret to The Temptations is the music: simple music about a man loving a woman. We talk about the lady when we need her, when we want her to be there; we talk about ain't too proud to beg. It's simple, you know? You can't go wrong.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
I like to think I was just lucky. I didn't think I was better than anybody else, but I could sing everybody's songs.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
I had some good Alabama raising. You might do something wrong, but you wouldn't do it but once.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
When you're doing something you love to do, when you have a gift, it's the most rewarding thing.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
Country life is different from city life, but I think it was good for me. Working on the farm, I got a balance in my life.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
The thrill of standing on the stage and hearing the crowd, it's the greatest feeling in the world. It's a blessed feeling.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
There were a lot of great acts at Motown, and some of them were hard to get along with.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
A singer knows how he wants the song to go, and a writer visualizes how he wants the song to go.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
When I first got to Motown, Smokey was already a fixture there. To me, he is one of the greatest songwriters and poets, so anything they ask me to do for Smokey is going to get a yes.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
Every Motown act dressed classy, and we were clean-cut. Whenever you saw a Motown act, they were polished, and they knew how to treat people.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
My whole life, I've been a Temptation.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
We have a portion of our show where we ask everybody to get up and do the Temptation Walk. People 8 to 80 know how to do that Temptation Walk.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
Sam Cooke was a gospel singer like myself, and when he crossed over and started singing rock n' roll, it kind of gave me the green light to go ahead and do it.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
Singing rock n' roll - they called it singing for the devil. But we all wanted an opportunity to compete in the music industry, and that was the opportunity.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
We always felt that there was some hanky-panky going on with our money. We were the No. 1 group in the world, but we weren't paid like that.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
I'm not an original member, though I'm sort of an original member. I've been on a lot of records and took them to great heights. For them to make me the sixth Temptation is quite an honor.
- Dennis Edwards
Image of Dennis Edwards
St. Louis is the best thing that ever happened to me. I needed that peace in my life. And I've always been a semi-country boy.
- Dennis Edwards