Denis Villeneuve

Image of Denis Villeneuve
It's not about choosing a specific genre; that's not how I go about deciding what movies to make.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
When I work in English, I'd say I don't see a big difference in my rapport with my team or the actors. When I work in English or French, the music of the language is different, but beyond that music, in the depths, it's the same.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
Since I began making movies, I've always looked for screenwriters instead of going through the long and painful process of writing.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I was a sci-fi addict when I was a kid and a teenager. Novels, graphic novels, movies, it was my way to deal with reality.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
Each movie I make has its own heroes, and the two heroes for me in 'Arrival' are Amy Adams and Joe Walker, the editor. We worked very, very hard, and it was, by far, the longest editing process.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I didn't think I'd do movies in Los Angeles. I never thought it would happen. In fact, it was not a fantasy. For me, I said, 'If ever I go there, they will ask me to do 'Legally Blonde 5.'
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I always thought, like everyone, that Hollywood was a superhero factory.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I'm a very slow screenwriter. It takes time for me to write a screenplay. Also, I feel it's not my strength.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I always have a strange feeling that projects choose you. It's always mysterious.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
The idea, as a director, is to be able to bring everybody on board and to inspire and give energy to everybody and to explain specific color, specific ambience. I need to be very precise, but I think I'm a better director when I'm more a channeler than a dictator.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I think that the world is very complex. I think that the movie is a good way to ask questions. To give answers, you would write a lot of books.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I have joy. Canadians have the reputation of making dark movies because we are in this society where we have the space to explore darkness. That's the way I see it.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I'm someone who thinks that the world would be a better place if there was a big middle class. I mean, middle class is peace. In a perfect world, everybody would have enough to eat and we'd be living in security. It's obvious. I'm very happy to pay my taxes and all that. I would say I'm more of a Social Democrat.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I feel, since 2001, this huge need for Americans to have superheroes on the screen. This idea that a super-being will protect you. That this being can go above the law but, at the end of the day, would be a good force and defeat the evil. This idea that this half-god exists. This need in the subconscious of America to find these gods.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
The truth is, I'm someone coming from a spoiled society - the worst thing we deal with in Canada is winter.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I remember when I read the screenplay for 'Sicario,' I fell in love with it, but at the same time, I went, 'Oh no, not again.' I mean, I would love to fall in love with something that is more light, like a rom-com or a comedy. I would love to. Because it's very demanding to go to dark places like this.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I started in documentaries. I started alone with a camera. Alone. Totally alone. Shooting, editing short documentaries for a French-Canadian part of CBC. So to deal with the camera alone, to approach reality alone, meant so much. I made a few dozen small documentaries, and that was the birth of a way to approach reality with a camera.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I was raised with James Bond. I love James Bond movies. I would love to do a James Bond movie one day. Action is very cinematic.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I'm coming from a small town in Quebec where, at that time, there was no Internet, and the way to be in contact with movies were those American fan magazines like 'Fantastic Films' and 'Starlog,' and I still remember the shock, the impact of seeing the first frames, the first pictures coming out of 'Blade Runner.'
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
In a way, the truth is that I was dreaming to do a movie in the United States just because, as a filmmaker, I always loved the idea of trying to make movies in a different culture, in a different way. It's always interesting to make a movie abroad.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I was saying to myself that I would love to try it once, just one time, to know what it's like to make a movie in Hollywood. I was so curious because most of my favorite directors were there. There's a history; there's a way of working.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I love, in movies, when you feel and you understand the past of the character without it being said or having a flashback or something that explains. I think, in 'Prisoners,' we need to understand that Loki's character's past was not first class. He was not the first in his class.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
The beauty of Toronto is that it has not been shot a lot in movies, for itself at least. I mean, most of the time, Toronto is shot to portray something else.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
When you do casting in Hollywood, it's always the same question: 'Who is available?'
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
Very early on, I was writing stories, and I was amazed at Spielberg's movies when I was young. Coming from the countryside, I was so impressed with the way he was able to tell stories and the way he was able to deal with le merveilleux - the wonders.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
I'm very sensitive about the fact that there's not a lot of good work for women in cinema that also deals with strong characters. But 'strong character' doesn't mean 'masculine character' - but something that finds the strength in femininity and the beauty in femininity. And something that says you can find femininity in men in some way.
- Denis Villeneuve
Image of Denis Villeneuve
When I was a kid, I was always going to bed creating a story and that was the birth of filmmaking for me. I would like going to the dream-state by telling the story to someone else in my mind. That was my imaginary friend; it was an imaginary audience listening to my story.
- Denis Villeneuve
Collection: Kids
Image of Denis Villeneuve
Sometimes you have compulsions that you can't control coming from the subconscious they are the dictator inside ourselves.
- Denis Villeneuve
Collection: Dictator
Image of Denis Villeneuve
The movies I did before were movies with a lot of characters, a lot of locations, and low budgets, which meant that I was running all over the place and never had the chance to build a relationship with an actor. I was always having big, strong relationships with the cinematographers or editors or production designers, but not with the actors.
- Denis Villeneuve
Collection: Running
Image of Denis Villeneuve
You cannot make promises because you never know what your next project will be.
- Denis Villeneuve
Collection: Promise