DeMarcus Cousins

Image of DeMarcus Cousins
You make yourself be whatever the hell you want to be, at the end of the day.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Nobody can tell you what your destiny is.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I grew up in a rough area, went to an all-black school, public school.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Believe in yourself.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I don't like to be proved wrong.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I actually prefer teammates that have emotions. It means you care, compared to a guy that's kind of just nonchalant and goes about it like it doesn't matter. So I want guys that care. I want guys that show they care.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
So you know, the people that do know me, they know I can be very stubborn.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm a Mobile, Alabama kid.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
We in a nasty business, at times. I don't even say that in a good or bad way. It's just no place to get too emotional.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
When it was clear I couldn't stay in New Orleans, I went out and created what would end up being the best opportunity for myself. I asked my agent to set up a call with the Warriors. I knew they could use a big.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm grateful for every opportunity. I learned the hard way.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I've kind of been doubted my whole life. I use that as fuel to continue to push every single day.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
The body can take you wherever your mind goes. If I can do it in my mind, I think my body will follow.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I love it here in New Orleans.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
There are ignorant individuals in every city.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
If you was somewhere walking down the street and somebody says something crazy to you, you're going to react. So just because it's a basketball event doesn't mean those emotions go out the door or us being a human being goes out the door. It's the same thing.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I've got a real problem when I know something is wrong or I feel something is wrong, I'm going to speak about it. I get it from my mother.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Sometimes I let some of the small things take over. It can be a simple thing, like a call going the wrong way, and it takes me all off.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm not going to sit here and say I'm innocent, because I've done things. But to get the reputation that I've got, I don't think I've done enough. I don't have a criminal record.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Coming into the league, everyone said I was going to be fat, I was the next Oliver Miller. I had all these red flags. I just feel I was never given a fair chance coming in.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm an emotional guy. It's as simple as that.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
This is a frustrating sport. There are a lot of emotions involved.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
You are either with me or you're not.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm a good guy.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I didn't have the best Christmases, but my mom and family did what they could.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
It's hard getting the rhythm when you're not seeing the ball go through the basket.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
My main purpose every night is to win a game.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I never in a million years would have thought I would end up with Golden State.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Who knew I was blowing my Achilles?
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I love the game. I think that's obvious, and I'm very passionate in what I do.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I love my job. If I have a chance to play against some of the top talent in the world or whether it's against guys around the corner, I'm going to play.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
If you judge me only by my profession, you don't know me at all. Those people who do that? They'll never know me.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I don't do things to be rewarded. I help people because it's the right thing to do.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
If I started smiling all the time, people would say, 'DeMarcus must not care anymore.'
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I've never been a guy who plays the political game. It's either right or wrong; that's how I was raised.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
A lot of the mistakes I made were my fault.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Some of what I get, I deserve; I do some dumb stuff sometimes. But I do not deserve the perception that I have.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
When they say I'm a bad teammate and that I got a coach fired, that irritates the hell out of me. The biggest thing for me is to always have respect for my teammates. And then the whole Westphal thing - the man got himself fired. He was losing before I got here.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I don't want to be Boogie. I just wanna be DeMarcus.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I want my family and myself to be comfortable wherever I am at the time, and just be able to relax and kind of let my hair down.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I just control what I control.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm a guy with a big heart who cares about people.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm human. I mean, I'm not always happy.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I'm goofy. I like to have fun. I'm always joking around.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
Health is probably the No. 1 thing that gets overlooked for a player.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I've been the type to just get up and go or I'm finding something to do, I'm on some type of grind every single day.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
People don't like when people are straight forward. They like things to be sugar coated. They like to beat around the bush. I'm not that type of person.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
I have my family, my loved ones and they love me for who I am.
- DeMarcus Cousins
Image of DeMarcus Cousins
The competitive spirit of basketball is slowly leaking out. Taking pride in one-on-one defense is slowly leaking out. It's more about selling calls and flopping.
- DeMarcus Cousins