Deeyah Khan

Image of Deeyah Khan
Old, deeply engrained systems take time to change, but we can't leave it to time.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Attacking racism and discrimination is a very important way to work against radicalisation.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
We need a broader perspective on what counter-radicalisation means.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Freedom of expression is essential for feminists and dissidents in the Muslim world.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
As a girl, I abandoned a promising singing career due to violent harassment by Islamists.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Speech, not violence, is how we will bridge the divides between us.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Our freedoms are shared freedoms: they are bound up in each other. The ability to confront oppression in the guise of religion is linked to our ability to worship as we choose: both are acts of expression.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
I'm a woman of colour. I am the daughter of immigrants. I am a Muslim. I am a feminist. I am a lefty liberal.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
I come from a Muslim family. The label 'Muslim' is one aspect of me, but it's not the only part of me.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Music, performance, and a woman is very rarely accepted within Muslim communities.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
Rather than shutting down free speech, we need to broaden it, to make it possible for young people to say even the things we dislike so we can talk them down. And we need politicians to articulate a picture of the future that includes all of us. Not British values but shared human values.
- Deeyah Khan
Image of Deeyah Khan
I'm just trying to stretch the public space wider and make it more open so that a wider variety of people and faces and stories and perspectives and also expertise can come through. So everything that I do rests on that, trying to support on other voices.
- Deeyah Khan