Declan McKenna

Image of Declan McKenna
I think one of the coolest things that you can do with music is when it sounds a certain way and can be kind of misleading in terms of the lyrical content, like what David Bowie did with 'Oh You Pretty Things' or The Beatles on 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer.' That the song kind of has this double meaning of conflicting emotions.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I've never had anything in my life that I could create that felt more valuable than music. It is just art, but art is important!
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
People think that if you are young, you don't know what is best for you. That's a myth.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I just write songs because l enjoy it, l never thought to be an activist. If that's what l am then that's cool, but l just wrote songs because l enjoyed writing songs it's a good way to express your thoughts, really.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
The Key To Life On Earth' reflects on mundanity and hostility. I suppose it's set in suburbia much like my hometown. The video sees two people, who are very similar, in conflict with each other, and I think that's the simplest analogy for the song's purpose.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Not only do we still engage in wars far away from our homes, which settle nothing and fuel extremism in the aftermath, we sell weapons to other countries full well knowing where they end up.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Violence breeds violence and I just don't think the world is too complex to set a peaceful precedent, but it seems the business of war is what keeps happening. To say it's a shame feels like a huge understatement.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I wrote 'Paracetamol' between the ages of 15 and 16. With many of my songs, I have this strange habit of spending months fumbling over song structure ideas before suddenly writing all the lyrics in one day, and that's what happened here.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
It's kind of what makes touring interesting I'm ending up in places that I wouldn't go on holiday to, places I wouldn't go for any other reason other than touring.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
You don't need to be getting everything in life right. I think the most important thing is growing up, enjoying yourself and understanding yourself a little bit more.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I've had opportunities to do a couple of really cool things online, but it's not a festival. A really good online performance, people are honing that as a thing, but no way is it the same.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Having creative control has always been important to me in different ways.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I find that with each new record I'm learning more and dipping my toes into new things.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I was very independent through my teenage years, probably too independent I just got on with making music and getting it out on the Internet in any way I knew how. One thing led to another. Getting a career in music so young was always the dream, but it was also an accident.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
With my first album, I was just simply trying to highlight problems within society and put it into pop songs.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I'd like to be able to make something as good as 'Hunky Dory' or 'Young Americans.'
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I would love to write with St. Vincent or Tame Impala or EMO, Sufjan Stevens.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I wouldn't have voted in favour of Brexit if I was able to vote.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I have a tiny bit of pride in myself for the fact that I do stick up for things I believe in, but social media is so good at making you feel like you're not doing enough.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
St Vincent did a self-titled album four records in, so I could do that. I'll call mine St Vincent and I'll talk about St Vincent more in interviews.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I love hearing about young people doing well and I'm really behind, you know, a wave of young people inspiring the world to change things for good.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Many times you may feel alone in the world, but the right record pulls you back to realizing that many people have gone through the same thing.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
With 'My House' I was diving into this daydream of running away and becoming reconnected.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
You can live your own life and do what you want to do. You shouldn't feel pressure to do anything because you think someone else wants you to, you should go by what you want.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I've always looked to the wider world for what I can analyse or give some substantial comment on from my own perspective.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I'm a big fan of Greta Thunberg and I'm really into Stella Donnelly's music. I think it's really incredible, important music and very relevant; same with Greta Thunberg's work.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I have to really convince myself to buy something online.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
When making a music video, it becomes quite difficult to find a director who can puts all your words into pictures and convey the same message.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I feel like young people aren't afraid to make their voices heard and try and make changes in the world, especially through art and music.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
We are already seeing the impact of pollution, the impact of all of this stuff for many years now - why wait? Why wait to do something massive?
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Algorithms work when someone is doing a daily vlog or something, not when it's someone's life's work.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I just remember being in love with 'Busted' and pop punk and all the pop that my sisters were listening to and that sort of stuff.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I don't know why I need music, I just do, and that's what I love.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I've always been really into blues guitar. I feel like that comes out a little bit in my guitar parts: country, blues sort of stuff, even if my music isn't technically that genre. I started out loving blues, wanting to be like a blues guitarist. I listened to B.B. King and Steven Walker. Steven Walker's one of my favorites.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
It's important to remind kids who obviously love writing and creating, that's it's going to be the most important part of what they do. And before you even think of stepping into the business side of the industry, just discover yourself as an artist, spend time on it. There's no rush.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I've been very fortunate to have my music spread widely via the Internet.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I could have gone down a more academic route if I wanted to but I just didn't. It's not for everyone and it's not always the right thing to do for you.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Life is constantly political, it's constantly reminding you that it's political.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
That's been a pretty interesting thing, visiting schools and performing and doing songwriting talks and stuff.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I rarely finish songs on the road but a lot of them get started there.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Releasing a record makes you realise what you want to do with music. It's not something you can understand before you do it.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
There's not enough focus put on learning about yourself and how that can teach you more than certain subjects can.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
Everything you observe in day-to-day life comes back to politics.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
It's never going to be easy to release a second album.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
British Bombs' is a tune I wrote about the hypocrisy of the British arms trade.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I'm used to feeling isolated from people I want to see, it's been a big part of my life since I was a teenager touring and so on.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I don't know why I end up writing about such heavy topics.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
I like to think our brains are a bit like algorithms. Whatever you give it and feed it, you get out the product.
- Declan McKenna
Image of Declan McKenna
My generation has a lot of very anxious young people.
- Declan McKenna