David Lidington

Image of David Lidington
Ukrainians are entitled to decide their own future.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
In many countries, the authority of the state is weak and openly defied by militias and terrorist groups. In others, state forces themselves act with impunity.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
In countries that lack a longstanding and entrenched commitment to the rule of law, it can be hard to recruit, train and keep prosecutors and judges who are both independent and effective, even in the face of attempted intimidation or corruption.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
We all want to believe that our country's forces have, at all times and even under extreme pressure, acted with both humanity and honour.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
South Korea is a vigorous democracy, with strong judicial institutions and a commitment to the rule of law.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Taxpayers should be able to see where their money is being spent and what impact it is having.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The work of the CSSF and Prosperity Fund is guided by the National Security Council. As chair of the National Security Council Sub-Committee that oversees both funds, I am working to ensure that they are accountable and measurable against their intended objectives.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The Prosperity Fund has found innovative ways to help developing countries to improve their infrastructure, skills, trade and business environments; introducing to them sustainable models of trade and growth, rather than reliance upon traditional aid.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The CSSF and Prosperity Fund are making lives better, both at home and abroad.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Moving to a new school, or up a year at an existing school - with new friends, teachers, subjects, rules and expectation - is a big deal for young people. All of us who are adults remember how daunting it was, but we sometimes take it for granted that children will be able to cope with the change.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The truth is, for many young people, the changing schools or starting a new academic year is really difficult to deal with.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
If we could end the old fashioned idea that feeling down is something to be ashamed of, something that you shouldn't burden others with, we would make our society a much happier and healthier place.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
While the circumstances of any one situation are unique, it is clear that many families could have been helped if they had found it easier to talk openly about mental health challenges in the home.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
We know that fathers find asking for help harder than mothers.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
I really believe that a child's mental health is just as important as his or her physical health.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
It is often said that fathers can often find it hard to talk about their own feelings so there's no wonder they struggle to speak to their son or daughter about the topic.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The closer you get to Number 10 the more you see what a back-breaking job that is, the pressure is absolutely constant and the loss of privacy is almost complete so I don't have ambitions in that direction and there is no vacancy nor likely to be during my time in politics.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
There's going to be a need for a system of cooperation within the continent of Europe including the U.K. that covers both economic and political cooperation.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
I think we try to categorise people, put them in pigeon holes, I think we get into all sorts of difficulties.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
I agree with those who say that democracies need to work together more effectively to stand up for the liberal democratic model that China is increasingly challenging. It's important for there to be an alliance of democracies.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The treaties of the European Union say that, once a country has decided to leave, then they are excluded from the treaty after two years, unless there is unanimous agreement to extend that period.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
In Africa, animals and the natural landscape allow local communities to support themselves, as there is a constant source of money from tourism.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Many people might wonder why conserving wildlife should be considered so important when there are wider issues of global and national interest, such as conflict and poverty to worry about. The answer is because these issues are interlinked.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Russia is a major power; it should live up to its international responsibilities.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Being part of the E.U. is central to how we in the U.K. create jobs, expand trade and protect our interests around the world.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The U.K. has always had good track record in providing leadership and a constructive agenda for change.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
As the Eurozone takes steps towards closer fiscal and economic integration, and as the E.U. continues to develop, we need to be absolutely clear when it is most appropriate to take decisions at the national or local level, closer to the people affected, and in other cases when it is best to take action at the E.U. or global level.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
A desire to see significant reform and change is perfectly compatible with our belief that membership of the E.U. is in our national interest.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Our competitors outside Europe are manufacturing goods cheaper and better. Through innovation, other countries are producing new products which we do not make yet, but which we could.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
We can restore E.U. growth through reducing regulation, strengthening governance, pushing ahead with free trade agreements and strengthening the single market.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The Foreign Office works hard to remind people of local laws and customs as often they can be very different to British law.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
People are mistaken if they think the Foreign Office can get you out of jail. We can't, but we will work hard to try and ensure your safety, and that you get a fair trial.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Prison conditions in some parts of the world can be very poor, overcrowded and, in some cases, dangerous and sentences can be much tougher than in the U.K.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
It is vital that people are aware of what the Foreign Office can and can't do.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Every European country faces threats which ignore national frontiers: pandemics, climate change, terrorism and organised crime.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Russia and China deride western democracy and deploy both hard and soft power to promote their alternative models of political development.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
We think it is possible to get the benefits of a customs union but still have the flexibility for the U.K. to pursue an independent trade policy on top of that with other countries outside the E.U.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
As Minister for the Cabinet Office, working to maintain the integrity of our Union has been one of my most rewarding responsibilities.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
Northern Ireland has a unique place in the Union. As the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement enshrined in law, the people of Northern Ireland can be British, Irish or neither.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
The United Kingdom is already a remarkable success story. So as we navigate global challenges, including the U.K.'s exit from the European Union, we must continue to champion and strengthen the bonds we share.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
A strong devolved government is vital so that we have proper local decision-making, helping to strengthen the economy and build a more united community.
- David Lidington
Image of David Lidington
There's merit in ministers being just open with the public about the inherent complexity and uncertainty of many of the decisions that they are taking.
- David Lidington