Daniel Jacobs

Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm able to do motivational speaking all over the world and do so many positive things with my life because of my journey and the battles I've fought. Without cancer, I would have never had some of these opportunities, and I wouldn't be the man I am today.
- Daniel Jacobs
Collection: Motivational
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm just living daily and I thank God for every day that I have.
- Daniel Jacobs
Collection: God
Image of Daniel Jacobs
It's kind of hard for boxing, which is a violent sport, to get the respect that it deserves.
- Daniel Jacobs
Collection: Respect
Image of Daniel Jacobs
My grandmother was very strict. She and my mom wouldn't let me hang around the streets. It wasn't my lifestyle.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
If I wasn't boxing I'd be a wide receiver or a running back for the Giants.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm very confident in myself and in my ability, but in boxing there's always the unknown.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I believe my speed is my greatest advantage. My skill, my ring generalship... I could go on and on.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
If I'm winning and looking impressive and being on the scene, the fans are going to start demanding bigger fights.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
A fighter in his prime needs to stay active. A fighter, who doesn't have certainty when he's going to fight again, it's hard for him to stay mentally ready.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I fight with glory and I fight with guts and I fight with skills.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
It never ceases to amaze me the opportunities that have arisen for me after my cancer scare.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I've been able to not only fulfill my dreams and become a world champion, but there's been so many different opportunities that just blow my mind and opportunities that I never thought I'd have.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Canelo is not only the face of boxing, but he is probably pound-for-pound one of the best in the sport. He's one of the most recognized fighters in all our sport. I think a victory over him, a convincing victory, would definitely solidify my spot and it would be inevitable for people to know who Daniel Jacobs is.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
One thing that I learned post-cancer is to enjoy every moment of every day. To find things to be grateful for.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
My outlook on life is totally different because my life was almost taken.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Being able to see my family... it's priceless.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Sergio Mora is a Rubik's Cube. You have to figure him out. He's crafty and I have the utmost respect for him.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm fortunate for where I come from because even though I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, it allowed me to appreciate any little thing that I have.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I was raised by my grandmother, my mom, about five or six aunts and female cousins as well. We were all in one building. I definitely learned how to respect and how to treat women.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I know that the strong, black woman is the most beautiful creature in this world, so that's why I always have the utmost respect for my sisters. That's why I make sure I'm not out here disrespecting women and acting a fool.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I've always vowed that if I had a child, I would treat him right. My father was a perfect model for me because everything that he did wrong, or everything that he did I would just do the opposite. Which would be the right thing to do. So that is being in your son's life 100 percent, give them love, give them affection, give them discipline.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'll continue to strive for success and be the best that I can be.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I wouldn't say that I'm the most avoided man in boxing, but a few guys might avoid me in the middleweight division.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
A lot of guys would prefer to go the business route by getting as much as they can for the least amount of risk than to actually put everything on the line.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
This is boxing - you can't really say what is going to happen because anything can happen in that square ring.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
This is boxing and it's all about putting your punches together perfectly.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
They say the only thing that your parents don't teach you is how to live without them, but my grandma's religious beliefs allowed me to accept death even though it was so hard to live without her.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
You have all these different reality shows, all social media, all these different things where people have to act a certain way to get attention.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Listen, it's crazy because I almost have to work twice as hard to get the amount of attention as it is for somebody who's a little lighter than me or from a different country than me, you know?
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
It's a beautiful thing to live in a diverse area.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Boxing is one of those things where you want to be respected for what you do at your craft.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I accept MMA, I appreciate MMA, I even get techniques from MMA, surprisingly, like footwork techniques and how I move. It's different and unorthodox to what boxers are normally used to.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I would be a dumb guy to say I don't like MMA because it's not boxing. You just have to appreciate everything.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Anytime you get an opportunity to better yourself and escape your surroundings you take advantage of it.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
My life is meaningful.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm not a real religious guy. I'm a spiritual guy and my religion is love.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
The thing I've most realized is that when people come up to me and tell me how much my story means to them, how much it was inspiration for them to see me fight through and push through with my career, I realized love is real. And there's no greater feeling in this world, to give back and touch people.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm a ride or die Biggie fan. I've come out to 'Victory' so many times.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I miss corner men dressed up in the white cardigans, with sometimes the white hat they may have on.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm a very spiritual guy. I'm a firm believer of positive energy.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I'm a pure boxer. I have lightning speed that hurts guys. But I love to box. I love to be on my back foot. I love to work my jab and combinations.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
There's no better way to prove the doubters wrong than to win in a KO fashion.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Andre Ward is a guy I look up to, a guy I have the highest respect for in and out of the ring, so anytime he can give me some kind of advice, I'm like a sponge.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
At the end of the day, don't bet against me. Don't bet against me.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
Giving back - that's the purest joy you can possibly have.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I had such severe nerve damage that I didn't get the nerves all the way back. My pinky toe on my left foot is still numb, and I feel it when I'm in bed at night or when I'm by myself. That pins-and-needles feeling reminds me that life is precious, and don't take for granted what you have.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I have athletic power that people can't see, that sharpness, the big bang that hits you.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
When I first turned pro, I was making a lot of money, and I was spending money from two fights down the line.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
When I was reading the Bible, I came across the word 'meek.' It means to be humble. I asked God, I want to become meek, allow me to become meek. About two months later I was struck with cancer. I realized this was God testing me. If you want to become appreciative, and humble, and meek, I'll strip you of everything.
- Daniel Jacobs
Image of Daniel Jacobs
I want to be a world champion, but I want to be the face of Livestrong.
- Daniel Jacobs