Daniel Bryan

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I've lifted weights ever since I was a teenager, but I started going more towards the Olympic weightlifting style, which is clean and jerk.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
My brain is - essentially, you take any college football player in the country, because I have had multiple, multiple concussions. I had 10 documented concussions, four post-concussion seizures and so, but, with that said, my brain is no worse than your average college football player's brain, right?
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
My health is 100% more important than coming back to wrestling. Being a good father is more important than going out there and expounding on my belief that doing more hammerlocks in wrestling is good for the business!
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
One of the wonderful things about wrestling, to me, is that you can protect people who have had head injuries.
- Daniel Bryan
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I would read a lot about how to be a dad. I had never changed a diaper before we had Birdie.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I would define the new aspects of fatherhood like this: It is 75 percent amazing and 25 percent demoralizing. I think any new parent can understand exactly what I'm talking about.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
Seeing your baby in pain and seeing them crying and that sort of thing, and you're tired, and you can do nothing about it - that's, like, one of the most demoralizing things I can think of.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I was very good in school, and my parents really would have really liked me to go to college. Instead, I went on this random journey to go be a professional wrestler.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
A lot of people don't understand how hard the girls on 'Total Divas' work. They're on the road, the same as the rest of us, and then when they get home, they've got to be filming this whole time.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
My biggest concern with the whole deal with 'Total Divas' and with WWE - and, you know, they want you to be engaged with social media and all this kind of stuff - I don't want to live my life to entertain other people.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I love wrestling, and I love the entertainment aspect of wrestling, but the rest of my life, I just want to be able to live and enjoy my life. I don't want to be living it essentially for other people's entertainment.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I'm not somebody who is genetically gifted when it comes to facial hair.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
William Regal has been the most influential person in my entire career.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
For some reason, the fans got behind me, and I don't know exactly why that is. I wasn't supposed to main event WrestleMania XXX, but the fans were so vocal about it that the fans had no choice but to put me in the match. I've had a lot of lucky breaks.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I have to look at my career as 'it was what it was,' but I do wish there was more of it.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
Part of me wants to stay involved in wrestling, because I love it. But the thing I loved most about it was the wrestling part of it. I didn't get into it to be famous or to be a TV star: I got into it because I loved the act of wrestling.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I'm a terrible actor. I would suck in films! The only way I would do well is if I was playing myself, which is what I did in my career.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I went from being a guy who was sparingly being used on television to being the World Heavyweight Champion and the focus of a lot of the storylines on Smackdown.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I have no problem with people eating meat. I would just like it, for the people who do eat meat, for the animals to be treated better. To be treated humanely. Cows in pastures living the life that they're supposed to live. I have no problem with that.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I like having a bunch of different experiences. I don't want to do just one thing for the rest of my life.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I love wrestling, but to wrestle just one style for the rest of my life seems like it would really hold me down creatively.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I like going to Japan where they treat it like a real sport. I like doing the entertainment stuff with the WWE. I really like doing the small venue stuff, like Ring of Honor, because everything is so intimate. There's different feelings and different experiences, and you have to be good at different things to do all of that.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
Wrestling is something that nothing else can replace for me.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
WWE was an opportunity to wrestle in front of thousands - in 2013, I did 227 matches, and almost all of them were in front of more than three or four thousand people, with a high of 70,000 plus. It was an incredible experience to be part of that.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
People who like hard-hitting wrestling and action, they'll like me.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I don't do really well in cities, which is crazy given that we're flying in and out of these major cities every week.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I get this anxiety in cities and places like that. When you grow up in kind of a small town and when you grow up around a lot of green and trees and nature and that sort of thing, sometimes I think it's a little mentally disconcerting to be around this concrete.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
One of the autobiographies I really liked was Bob Dylan's. It was interesting because he didn't do it in a linear fashion.
- Daniel Bryan
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I spent a lot of time over in England wrestling at Butlins holiday camps for Brian Dixon and All Star Wrestling.
- Daniel Bryan
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I always try to live in the moment.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
Wrestling is different to me. As I talk to other wrestlers, wrestling seems a little different to me than it does to a lot of them. To me, it's about an artistic performance and about honing my artistic performance in pursuit of these minute moments of perfection. These little encapsulations. And none of them are ever perfect.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I've always respected and appreciated Punk, but we never really hung out. We came from the same route, but we didn't necessarily hang out in the same circles. I've always had a great appreciation and respect for his hard work.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
With ladder matches, you can't expect anything other than craziness.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
The thing that I have to stay away from is sweets. I have a horrible sweet tooth. It's just the worst.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
What we do is entertainment. We entertain people. Sometimes we inspire people, but sometimes we are just a way to fill their time.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I didn't really grow up playing video games. I had an original Nintendo after the original Nintendo was cool.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
My No. 1 dream match is Brock Lesnar. And I want that to be a WrestleMania match. I don't know if the WWE will ever let that happen, because they might be afraid he might legitimately hurt me pretty bad.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I'd like to to do a major pay-per-view match with Seth Rollins. I'd love do a major pay-per-view match with Stardust.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
As you write about your life, there's a lot of things that you think about that you regret. It's interesting, because one of the things I regret the most is spending so much time focused on wrestling as opposed to focusing on my family.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I've always thought Shawn Michaels's story is fascinating.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I've been wrestling since I was 18 years old. And within the first five months of my wrestling career, I'd already had three concussions. And for years after that, I would get a concussion here and there, and it gets to the point that when you've been wrestling for 16 years, that adds up to a lot of concussions.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
To me, the funnest part of wrestling is evolving. If you stay the same all the time, you're eventually going to be left behind.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
When I watch myself, I see nothing but faults, like, 'This I need to do different, this I need to do different,' and so if there comes a point in time where I'm like, 'Man, this whole thing is just getting really stale,' I am not opposed to being the bad guy again.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
Being a bad guy is fun for me.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I am a big Seth Rollins fan and have been for a long period of time.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
My favorite wrestler growing up was Dean Malenko. He was a very technical wrestler, and when I trained with Shawn Michaels, he wasn't that kind of a technical wrestler. So, when I finally met Regal in 2001, he was that kind of a wrestler, and all of a sudden, I could ask him things, and he would know what I was talking about and how to do it.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I don't want to be away from wrestling even a little.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
When I was around nine, my parents took me to my first live event, which was a WWE show with Ultimate Warrior. From then on, I loved it.
- Daniel Bryan
Image of Daniel Bryan
I've never really been a character on TV. I think, if possible, you want to portray yourself. If you're in a situation where you're supposed to react, you need to react.
- Daniel Bryan