Dana Loesch

Image of Dana Loesch
I was at St. Louis's very first tea party and stood across the mighty Mississippi on the Arch steps with a bunch of wide-eyed, virgin protesters who were just as shocked as I was to see the amount of people who had assembled.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
The tea party movement has challenged the GOP to get back on track or risk losing its grip on the right wing. It's reminded Democrats that a slick marketing campaign coupled with paid activism isn't the same as a groundswell of real change, and the reason that Democrats are so hostile towards it is because they've never before encountered it.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
It's not the United States's job to 'protect' Islam.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
Don't do anything to upset the victimhood apple cart, because then young women may want to think for themselves, and the entire racket of feminism ran by women who butter their bread by playing Chicken Little to the subsequent generation would be penniless.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
The pay gap has nothing to do with employer discrimination; it has to do with choice. Let's employ a little common sense: statistically, women are the likely of a family to forego a career for more time with the family, and maybe it's because they want to.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
If equal pay is that important to you, stay a single, unmarried woman. It's not the employer's responsibility to make up for the free choices of its employees made on the employees' free and private time.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
There is nothing more amusing than when two people known for being non-objective argue over objectivity. This is the summation of Keith Olbermann vs. Ted Koppell.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
The biggest danger to media, and what ultimately drove it apart from the public's trust, are the people who believe that they are uncorrupted when their body of work doesn't support such a belief.
- Dana Loesch
Image of Dana Loesch
The difference between Koppell and Olberman types is that one gives editorializing in all its editorial frankness so there are no mistakes as to bias, and the other passes off a subtler bias as objectivity.
- Dana Loesch