Daisy Lowe

Image of Daisy Lowe
Granted, my childhood wasn't conventional, but it was full of love.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My grandparents had always helped look after me, they were always there.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I think the labels 'Plus Size' and 'Curvy' should be banned. You don't say 'White model' or Skinny model.' Why should 'Plus Size' models have a label.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm definitely a feminist.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I need to figure men out. I've been seeing men that either remind me of my mother or remind me of my father. I either end up caretaking or being abandoned so I've had enough of my romantic instincts. I need to date away from type.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
There's this one called Raya that is Tinder for celebrities. You have to do corny things like put a song to photos of yourself: 'Daisy likes pubs! Horse riding! Looks good in a bikini!' It's all so mortifying. My male friend got matched with Courtney Love and if ever there's a reason not to be on those things surely that's it.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My great-grandmother was in one of the first girl bands, in the 1920s. Their outfits were mental: velvet bloomers with big ribbons and headpieces. They were brilliant.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I was a precocious child. Everyone called me sassy.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I keep an eye on politics, although I wouldn't say I'm political.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I've always talked about having a strong maternal instinct... when Mum was pregnant with Alfie, everyone kept saying that I was going to be really jealous of the baby. I took it upon myself to go against what everyone expected and look after him.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
If ever I'm in trouble I ring my mum. She knows me better than anyone and has great life experience.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I spent all of my teenage years shoving sugar down my neck. And it didn't catch up with me until I was about 21 and my skin started getting really bad and my metabolism slowed down.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
If I didn't have to fit in to sample sizes I'd be a size 14, easy. I wouldn't bat an eyelid.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I used to panic about everything - family, friends... I'd think, 'Is that person okay? Can I fix this?'
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
The It-girl tag annoys me.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I want to bring my children up in a world where we're free to travel and work wherever we want, and in a society that takes care of immigrants and refugees.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I wouldn't be able to date someone who had conflicting ideas on abortion, no. Because it's every woman's right to do whatever they do.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I don't use 'best friend' often especially with someone I've only known for a year but Louise Redknapp completely changed my life and the two of us became these kind of wonderful confidence boosters for one another.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
On a day-to-day basis when I'm not working I like to look fresh with rosy cheeks and bright eyes.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
Helena Bonham Carter - she's so stunning. She's really English, quintessential, elegant, charming.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage would be my can't-live-without makeup!
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
Strictly has been such a gift. It is so much more than I thought it was going to be.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I've always loved acting but never thought I could do theatre because I got the worst stage fright ever.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
At the age of 19 I made a choice not to read anything that's written about me. I just don't touch it because it's not good for you.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I've spent my whole life feeling I should watch what I eat but actually don't.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
Women are so much more beautiful when they have shape.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm not going to lie. I think it's important for a woman to feel appreciated by men.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
Yes, I think women are really hot. I am, pretty much, a mild lesbian.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm not very good at staying up late and drinking or any of that stuff. It sort of freaks me out.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I left school just after my GCSEs, but I got good results so I proved to myself that I could do it.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My mother was incredibly creative and absolutely mental.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I don't like having regrets, I think it's important not to.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I cry fairly regularly, it's important to let it out.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I have three makeup brands that I couldn't live without - Tom Ford, Nars and Laura Mercier.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
As a model, my hair is torn apart by heat, hair tongs and backcombing.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I had a year off from the fringe, which was weird for my eyebrows because they hadn't seen the sun for 10 years.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
The only vegetable I liked when I was little was broccoli, which I called trees.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My grandpa's family are all quite overweight and he's got this big, rock-solid belly which I used to love to fall asleep on as a child.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
In terms of beautiful views while eating, I love Babington House in Somerset looking onto beautiful lake, beds, hills and forest.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I find that the more I take care of myself the more confident I feel.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
Whenever I wear things that feel too tight or dig in that's always a clear understanding that I'm not going to feel good that day.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I think anyone with great style looks like they have confidence - no matter how out there.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm so grateful that I model at a time where 'plus-size' models are being championed, but they're still called 'plus-size' which is actually quite a stigma in itself. It's just healthy, curvy women.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm crazily organised with my wardrobe. Everything is hung in categories: dresses, jackets, shirts, skirts and trousers are all hung in order, and they're then hung in colour order, too, so that when I'm looking for something I know exactly where it is.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My dad doesn't give me any advice about how to handle publicity.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I just love dancing. It's my favourite way to spend my time.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
I'm a big fan of twinkly things, anything sparkly.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My friends are real human beings. They and my family keep me very grounded.
- Daisy Lowe
Image of Daisy Lowe
My daily uniform is always an easy T-shirt or tank top, a pair of jeans and a leather or denim jacket, and combat boots.
- Daisy Lowe