Dabo Swinney

Image of Dabo Swinney
My dad was a great man, and I loved him, but he had some demons he fought. It was tough to see some of those things as a kid, but I believe God doesn't save you from things; he saves you through them.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I'm not perfect. I don't claim to be perfect. So, when people point out I'm imperfect, so what? That's just who I am.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I had a lot of time as a kid to dream. There wasn't much else left to do.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
You better have an anchor in life. It doesn't matter if you're a Division I head football coach or Joe Schmo from Okemoh. Bad things happen. If you're not anchored, you're going to be washed away.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
My father figures were my coaches.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I want guys that are sincerely interested in coming to Clemson. I don't need any practice recruiting, and I don't like wasting time. I want to be transparent, and I want prospects to be transparent, and if they're really interested in Clemson, then they're going to come here unofficially on their own.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
My vision is for other schools to be like Clemson. My vision is to build a model program.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
You got to be a champion on the inside.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
When you get a young group of people that believe, are passionate... and committed to a single purpose, you better look out. Great things can happen.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
For me personally, joy comes from focusing on Jesus, others, and yourself.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
We're all going to experience death and failure and setbacks and disappointments and cancer and, you know, it's a really difficult world. And for me, God has always - in my relationship with Christ - He's given me hope and peace.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
My dad was the biggest Alabama fan ever, and I was brainwashed.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I always told people Alabama was the smartest state because it has four As and a B.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I think God has got a sense of humor. I really do.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
In Alabama, when you come out of the hospital, they have to stamp your birth certificate with either Alabama or Auburn, or you don't leave.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I ain't never going to apologize for a 21-point win over a state rival, ever.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
When you win by three touchdowns in a state championship and you've got people who can't appreciate that? That's really sad.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
All I know is, there's nothing we can't do at Clemson. I don't have to go somewhere else to win at the highest level, to recruit great players, to have great support - I really don't. I'm just really fortunate.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I thought, 'If I ever get a new football building, I want a slide.' Now I go down it every day.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I have an MBA, but my Ph.D. is in people. Everything I do is about relationships.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
If my coach told me to go run them bleachers, you didn't ask no questions. I turned around and started running until he said stop.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I've never really hired anybody that people thought I should hire.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I just think there is a right way to do things, and I don't think two wrongs make a right.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I think we have a sin problem in the world. It's so easy to say we have a race problem, but we got a sin problem.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
A lot of these things in this world were only a dream for Martin Luther King. Not a one-term, but a two-term African-American president. And this is a terrible country? That was a dream for Martin Luther King.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I go to a church that's an interracial church.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
That's just my - I think that I made a decision when I was 16 - I grew up in a family that I was taught there was a God and all that, but I didn't really have a relationship with Christ until I was 16. And that was a game changer for me. That's really become the foundation of my life.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Everybody sees me now, and I'm the head coach at Clemson and this and that, but my life hasn't always been this way.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Trust me, people that know me know I ain't perfect, but I do try to live my life in a way that hopefully can be pleasing to my maker because I know I'm going to meet Him one day, and He's not going to pat me on the back and talk about how many wins I had or how many Coach of the Year trophies we got or how much money I made.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I'm a big believer in the student-athlete part. I value the education and what it provides for you. Football is a vocation. Only 1.67 percent of these athletes go on to the NFL. An education provides you an opportunity for a career. A lot of people just don't get that. To say they aren't getting anything is misinformed.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I didn't get into coaching to make money. I got into this for the coaching and teaching part.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
For me, and I've been on record saying it, let's create two leagues: one for players who want the college football experience, and another for those that want to get paid, have the NFL help fund it, whatever. Guys who don't want to go to school to get an education, let them go to work.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I've never failed at anything in my life.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I'm kind of a bottom-of-the-barrel guy.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I don't think it's good to be a distraction to your team.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Let's not be miserable when we win. There's definitely people in places that, even when they win, they're not happy. That's sad.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
There's nobody tougher on the players than me. Nobody.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Everybody runs, but only one wins first prize. So, run your race in such a way as to win.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Colin Cowherd? I never met him; I don't know him.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
If you grow up with traditions in your family, it's always nice to be able to get home and have those moments.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
You may not have any interest in Clemson whatsoever, but if Clemson calls, and they want to pay for you to come, and feed you and put you in a hotel, well, who doesn't want to go do that? Sign me up. Let's go, man.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I'm not trying to be like everybody else. I want to be Clemson, and Clemson's not for everybody.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
When a guy comes unofficially, then he, to me, is sending you a message that, 'You know what? Hey, I'm interested in Clemson.' Now, he may hate it when he gets here. But at least he came on his own. That's just my personal philosophy.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
There's some criminals that wear badges. Guess what? There's some criminals that work in the media. There's some criminals that are football coaches. There's some criminals that are politicians. There are criminals that work in churches.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
I'm a Christian, but I've coached and played with Muslims and all kind of different religions.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
A football team is really just a reflection of society. You've got 118, 120 guys on the team, you got a little bit of everything.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Everyone will be judged one day, but it's not up to me to judge somebody.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
As long as I've been at Clemson, there's not a guy that's more committed to Clemson than Kelly Bryant. There's not a better leader. This guy, he's the epitome of what you want. He's what you want your son to be like. I love him like a son.
- Dabo Swinney
Image of Dabo Swinney
Everything in life is how you respond to it. If everything went perfect all the time - you never lost a game, you got to the championship every time, you always won, you always got the top recruit, you always made the A - you really wouldn't truly appreciate all that goes into it.
- Dabo Swinney