Colin Cunningham

Image of Colin Cunningham
Be careful what you wish for because you will get it. Be even more careful what you work for because you will get it even more quickly.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
I'm blessed and proud and privileged to have played two wonderful characters on television.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
The most valuable thing that anyone will ever give you is their time. Not their money. Remember that.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
Making films is hard. Awesome, but hard.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
If you have to, take a break, go to your corner, get some sleep, but don't ever give up. You will get there.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
I look forward to every script that comes down the pike.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
I just want to see a good movie. Fortunately, good movies come in all sorts of genres.
- Colin Cunningham
Image of Colin Cunningham
If you have to, take a break, go to your corner, get some sleep but don't ever give up. You will get there.
- Colin Cunningham
Collection: Giving Up