Cliff Richard

Image of Cliff Richard
Financial support is one thing, but I always think what becomes really sacrificial is your time.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Finance
Image of Cliff Richard
But Jesus changes your attitude towards yourself and towards other people.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Attitude
Image of Cliff Richard
But if you have a solid walk with the Lord, then you won't fear that failure.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Failure
Image of Cliff Richard
But Portugal has a peaceful feel about it. I sit on the terrace overlooking the vineyard there and I feel cut off from the world. You need that sort of thing.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
Our industry is full of all sorts of eccentricities and one of them is owning property.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
Someone recommended that I read the Bible, and it was then I discovered that I knew nothing about it.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I'm very grateful because my fans are very loyal.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
Celebrities meet a lot of people and we just can't maintain them all in our fuddled brains.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
The thrill of hearing your own voice recorded is still there, I still love it, going into the studio and thinking how can I sing this song and between the producers and the musicians you find a way of doing it.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
When you use music to worship you are not attempting to entertain.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
There is no better news, than the fact that Jesus can actually turn a life upside down and save it.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
But, of course, one relies on the everyday people who just simply like your music, for whom you may not be a hobby but they enjoy being in your presence at a concert.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I've got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
And, of course, Barbados is the other place where I like to be.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
When you're out there with thousands of people it's probably better to have a bigger show to look at, and it turned out really well and they videoed it for me.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
It's the business I'm in, I can't say that signing things is the favourite part of my career but you know that it has to be done and that there is no pain involved.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
There's loads of things you can do to make things easy for your throat, you can drink a bit of lemon and hot water couple of spoons of honey, you can gargle with port, I've done it a couple of times myself - but don't swallow it!
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
When I became a Christian my confidence grew.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
It's important to put all I have into my career.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
If I'm going to represent God I have to do it the best I can.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
So I will go as far as I can into rock and roll carrying my Christian banner.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
Of course, when I started my career, like anyone else who was 16 at the time, we were besotted by the rock-n-roll scene from America, and all I was interested in was having a career of my own.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
The more I read my Bible the more I veered away from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
We need to be adopted by God through Jesus - that was what happened to me, and that's what changed my life so that now, I can see that my career can be part of a calling.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
About two months ago I finished a gospel tour.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I have tried to have a regular daily intake from my Bible, regardless of how late it is.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
We need to pray and read the Bible every day, and regardless of whatever else happens to you, that tends to keep you close to Him, because you are constantly in touch through His Word.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
It is important to have a circle of Christians friends, which I do have.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I have a group of people, about 40, in a local church in Surrey in England, who pray for me regularly.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I involve myself in an organisation called Tear Fund.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I don't mean that if you're a Christian, walking close to God, you will immediately gain celebrity. you may fail as an artist, because you may not have what the public want at that time, and you have to be prepared for that.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
The only advice I would give Christians entering the world of arts: give yourself a period of time, maybe three or four years. If you haven't made it in your chosen art form, dump it.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
If you can play guitar and sing, you can probably get a gig down the road playing at a restaurant, but don't throw your life away chasing something that is so elusive it will only lead you to regret and may turn you bitter.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
When I use music on stage, the prime directive is to entertain the public, so it is different.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I realised that God has placed Christians everywhere, to support each other, to support the needy in those areas, and that is the thing that I find is a great plus.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
I can say I have become far more open about what I believe.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
If you have got the public in the palm of your hand, you can be sure that is where they want to be.
- Cliff Richard
Image of Cliff Richard
The more we depend on God the more dependable we find He is.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: God
Image of Cliff Richard
Once in a lifetime a really beautiful song comes along ... Until it does, I'd like to do this one.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Beauty
Image of Cliff Richard
What other people think of me is becoming less and less important; what they think of Jesus because of me is critical.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Cliff Richard
It don't spit or swear or sleep around. I've always maintained I'm the most radical rock'n'roll singer Britain has ever seen.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Sleep
Image of Cliff Richard
How is there going to be Peace when there is no Justice?
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Peace
Image of Cliff Richard
I owe Elvis my career, and the entire music business owes him it's lifeline.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Careers
Image of Cliff Richard
The nice thing about having relatives' kids around is that they go home.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Children
Image of Cliff Richard
I liked the Beatles but I wasn't mad on the Stones. I always thought they were a slight rip-off of Chuck Berry and some of the old blues people, and they never seemed to change. If people compare me to Jagger and the Stones I would be the one to be put down ... I've been far more progressive than any of them.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Rip
Image of Cliff Richard
The music industry has changed drastically and that damages young artists. They don't have the same support system that we had. They wanted us to be happy. Today I would have been dropped after the first flop.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Artist
Image of Cliff Richard
But if you have a solid walk with the Lord, then you wont fear that failure.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Lord
Image of Cliff Richard
I think that if you are going to be successful as a Christian in the arts, you have to be successful in your Christian life.
- Cliff Richard
Collection: Christian