Clayton Kershaw

Image of Clayton Kershaw
When you're a kid, you just hope you make it to the big leagues. So to get to go say you're going to play in the World Series, it's an incredibly special moment. Up there with getting married and having kids, it's right up there with one of the best days of my life.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Baseball could end tomorrow but you're just understanding that God is in control of it and we are not.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
If I don't go 200 innings, it's been a tough year.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I've kind of found out that when I do get into trouble, that when I do have people on base, sometimes the best thing is to throw a little bit more off-speed, back off a little bit.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
All I really try to do is whatever hitter gets in there, I just try to get him out in as few pitches as possible.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I'm not trying to strike everybody out.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
It's amazing to see where baseball can take you.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
It's always great to do something to impact kids in sports.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
You are not supposed to convert anybody, that's God's job. But at the same time, you can be His disciple and live for Him and when people ask you why are you living for Him, you can show them why and profess your faith.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I started really believing and understanding what it meant to be a follower of Jesus when I was probably in high school sometime. From there, just trying to draw on my faith since then.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I think more than anything, just putting in perspective what this baseball thing means and understanding that it is a gift and I didn't do anything to deserve that and realizing that if we continue to look to God to guide our path, you never know what could happen.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I was given a gift to throw a baseball. I didn't do anything to deserve that.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I love baseball. I have a huge passion to play the game.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
It's just Lord be with me... Winning and losing isn't the most important thing. He's not worried about the outcome of the game. He's worried about how I reflect Him and how I'm pitching... I think every time you pitch and every time you go on the mound you have to understand that it's for Him.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
It's an uncomfortable thing to talk about myself, in general.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I don't think I'm going to ever be the guy that gives soundbite after soundbite. If somebody has a question, I'll answer it. But if they don't, I don't have anything to say, really.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I get paid a bunch of money to do this, and so there's a responsibility to my teammates, every single day, to show up and be the absolute best you can be.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I don't care how you get the outs. It doesn't matter to me how bad it looks, how good it looks, how many strikeouts you have. None of that stuff matters as long as you get the outs.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I don't know if money is something to really celebrate.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Baseball is so hard as it is. For me, if you simplify it, it takes a little bit of the weight off, rather than trying to figure out all these other things. It's just peace of mind.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I hate watching myself on video. I don't ever do it. I'm just too hard on myself, and I always go away feeling like, Wow, I've got a ton to work on.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
What a blessing it is to throw a baseball for a living!
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Baseball is going to end some day. I realize that as soon as you retire you know, people forget about you in this game fast! There's the next young guy coming up that's always better than you. So, for me, it's just about using baseball as a platform to do a lot of things.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I think first and foremost when you look at every other religion all over the world - its works based - you have to earn your way to the Kingdom. With Jesus, it's so different because we didn't do anything to deserve Him. He literally died for us and saved us! There's nothing else like that in the world. There is no other God like that!
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
God gave me an ability to throw a baseball. He chose me for a reason, and I want to honor Him with that.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Jesus is the only true way to Heaven.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Who knows how many times I'm going to get to go to the World Series? I know more than anybody how hard it is to get there.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
The way I look at it, 29 teams fail every year and one team succeeds.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I don't really judge myself, I guess. I don't really judge other players.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
My goal is to win just for the teammates and the guys in our room.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Winning the World Series is really all that we play this game for.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
All the individual stuff is great, but I just want to win a World Series.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I love L.A. I love being out here.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
There's a lot of variables you can't control in trying to win a game, but at the end of the day it does mean something to win a game in the big leagues and be on the mound.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
You can make a lot of cases that you can take the win stat out of the game and you can still figure out who the good pitchers are, and I agree with that to some extent. But there's something about your win-loss record, there's something about having wins by your name that means something. Regardless of how important that is.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I'm not a big thinker. The less thinking the better.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I take a little pride in my diaper-changing, actually.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Cali was a name I've always loved.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Everyone talks about how hard it is to have a kid, and that scares you into waiting.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
The Steph Currys, the Jordan Spieths, those guys are exciting to watch.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
You never want to be in a defensive mode or have a defensive mindset. You always want to know that you're in control as the pitcher, you make him get hits, you're never passive, always aggressive. If I get beat, I want it to be because I got rocked, got hit hard, never because I walked a couple of guys and before you know it.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
As competitors, winning is what drives you.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Things change. Routines change. Things have to change. But change doesn't mean less. It just means different.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
There's a lot of times that you got to put yourself out there to fail, you can't be afraid to fail.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
At the end of the day that's why I play the game, to glorify Him in everything I do and to compete for Him.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I've failed my fair share of times no doubt.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I don't turn off being a dad. It supersedes being a baseball player.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
Regardless on winning the Cy Young, I have one goal that never changes, and that's to win every start.
- Clayton Kershaw
Image of Clayton Kershaw
I'll never take for granted the opportunity to put on a Dodger uniform.
- Clayton Kershaw
Collection: Opportunity