
Image of Ciara
When I was pregnant with Future, one thing I learned quickly was, don't ever let a pregnant lady be hungry, because when I was, I was like the Tasmanian Devil!
- Ciara
Collection: Future
Image of Ciara
My son has been the best thing that has happened in my life. He has been amazing, and he is truly heaven-sent. And so, I just feel all that love.
- Ciara
Collection: Amazing
Image of Ciara
I have so much respect for athletes like LeBron James. I get motivation from them because I know how many hours they put into it. It takes a lot of hard work and drive.
- Ciara
Collection: Respect
Image of Ciara
Moms can be fresh, fly and young, and that's the kind of mom I want to be.
- Ciara
Collection: Mom
Image of Ciara
Education is everything - education is your power, education is your way in life for whatever you want to do.
- Ciara
Collection: Education
Image of Ciara
Confidence is everything. Confidence is what makes that simple white tee and jeans look good.
- Ciara
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Whatever you do, have fun while doing it. That's important for me.
- Ciara
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Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.
- Ciara
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I truly believe that if you put your goals in writing, speak them out loud and work for them, they will happen.
- Ciara
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I think cool moments like winning a Grammy deserve a nice little party where you really soak it in and not have to work and stuff. I do remember throwing a party on that Grammy night, but it was work.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
My journey has been a very fun one because I've chosen to make the best of every challenge that I've had along the way no matter what.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Sometimes you have to stop to think, regroup and regather yourself and realize how lucky you are to still be living and to still be breathing and still be able to even have a chance.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I'm a tomboy at heart. I always like to say that I'm an ordinary girl doing extraordinary things.
- Ciara
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This digital world is what you make of it in the end.
- Ciara
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My biggest competition is me.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
If you don't embrace who you are and accept who you are, you won't be able to live a happy life.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
As we get older, it's important for us to help hand back some of what we've gained as we've grown older. It should be one of your responsibilities - it's almost like being a mentor.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Everyone loves to dance. I've realize that's a part of what I do more and more every day.
- Ciara
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I love shopping! I'm impatient though. I'll go to the mall and in 30 minutes be ready to go.
- Ciara
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A lot of people don't realize that when you're trying to lose weight, or just trying to stay fit, 85 percent of it is what you eat, and 15 percent of it is how you work out.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Dancing - however you do it, even if it's in your living room - is a great workout.
- Ciara
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More than anything, I realize I've been blessed to make great music.
- Ciara
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Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I think it's really cool to embrace the pain of something that may have hurt you and be able to express it through music.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
If a person uses the word 'sorry' loosely then of course it loses its value.
- Ciara
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I think it takes a lot of confidence to be comfortable in being vulnerable.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Real music to me is real; it's what you feel.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I'm not totally innocent, and I do date. But as a young woman, I also demand respect.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
It's one thing to really dream and have a vision and want all these cool things, but it's a whole other thing when you actually have wisdom and understand things. Then you can truly make the best decisions.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Being a mom has affected me in the greatest way possible - and in a necessary way. Having my son has helped me to be grounded, and I feel like with a child you have to really think about things all the way through.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I was so driven that sometimes you don't recognise all the good things that are happening to you.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I think that when you become a mom... you don't really worry about the small stuff. I'm just way more centered. It makes you focus even more on what your goals are in life.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I want to be one of those moms and women that when I look back, I know that I always stayed focused.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Before I had a child, I had goals. And I still have to accomplish those goals, but now that I have a child, I have more goals to accomplish. So I can't waste time.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Everything in life is about timing. I've been able to have my experiences and learn from them and kind of figure out the thing that works for me and is best for me, and that's all I can really say.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
You have to be super focused when you're boxing. After I've done a few rounds, I feel as if I can conquer the world.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
When I'm on a strict eating regimen, at some point I have to have French fries, a cheeseburger and some pizza. And Oreos and vanilla ice cream!
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
There was a whole newfound confidence that came over me after having my son.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Having a child with someone, you're always going to be respectful of that. But the song 'I Bet' was honestly inspired by my life experiences - I can't just say it's from one experience.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
There are some songs where you're like, 'I really like this song,' and it just didn't work out how you thought it would. That's life. You win some, you lose some. You can't dwell on it. I can't be worried about the past.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I believe in allowing your child to be who they want to be - as long as they want to be something great.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
You don't know your child until they get here; you don't know their personality.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I don't want to sound too cocky. But I consider myself superwoman.
- Ciara
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My mom and I don't have a lot of photos of my early years.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
You know the best part of being a mom is getting that love. Honestly, you know, my son's love... a child's love is so pure, it just makes you feel so good no matter what.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
When I start training, I get very serious and focused about it. I probably train 4-5 days a week, and I eat probably eat 5-8 small meals a day to keep my metabolism going.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
Being a mom, I am even more inspired to really help make a difference. I can't imagine what it would be like if my child didn't have a meal to eat.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
My mom is one of those women... she don't take no mess. She is very vocal about what she wants and what she doesn't want.
- Ciara
Image of Ciara
I think 'One Woman Army' sums up the overall picture. I talk about love, about life, and I talk about what I want and would hope for and what I need as a woman. It kind of just says it all, you know?
- Ciara