Chrissy Costanza

Image of Chrissy Costanza
We wanted to really push ourselves on 'Past Lives' to actually hold back sometimes, sing in falsetto, let the music open up and take its space.
- Chrissy Costanza
Collection: Space
Image of Chrissy Costanza
Each song takes a different path through a different headspace.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
It's so important to be genuine. People will see through you if you aren't.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I tweeted once that I was jealous of bands like All Time Low 'cause they get so many bras thrown at them. So, now fans throw bras with messages written in them.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
Warped Tour is completely in a league of its own. It's this crazy cross between a real, full tour and a festival.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I love doing my makeup.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
Some people meditate, I like doing my makeup. It very much relaxes me.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
We feel this passion that we have for music and this relentless need to pursue it and follow it and go wherever it takes. It's just something that's ingrained into us - it's ingrained in us so deeply that we say it's 'in our bones.'
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
The thing about social media is that someone's going to hate what you do no matter what you do.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
Keep at it, always be thinking about it, always be developing, always try to grow and learn more - and never stay in one place.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I really like eevee and vulpixes because they're really cute... I know that's kinda basic of me.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I don't care about the drinking, I just want to be able to go hang out and not have to worry about being too young.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
We got our start doing covers and I think, and hearing other people covering our songs is super flattering.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
When I joined the band, I hadn't been introduced to a lot of these bands on the scene - no emo bands or punk bands. The only band I knew was My Chemical Romance.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
You can only release music so often. You have albums and the whole cycles and everything like that, so covers are a great way to release music and new things before the next album comes out.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
Our Japanese fans don't speak English primary. They'll translate a sentence before coming and say something like, 'Thank you for coming to our country.' It's like, you're welcome. Thanks for coming to our show!
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
When we were writing 'In Our Bones,' everything was bubbly champagne all the time so that's what ended up on the record.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
It's OK to know what's best for yourself. That was my biggest issue. I was looking to other people to tell me what I needed. When I finally turned inwards and took responsibility for the way I was feeling, that's when everything started changing.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I'll have people ask if they can take a picture with me when I'm not wearing makeup and I'm like, 'I'm sorry, I don't have the self-confidence for that'.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I've learnt that over the years, sometimes I was caring so much about how other people felt, I wasn't standing up for myself and I wasn't caring about how I felt even when people were straight up bullying me online.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I am literally horrible at speaking to a camera.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I can't even talk to someone and make eye contact.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I've had people tell me I'm fat, and I'm like one of the smallest people I've met in my life.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
You can have 10 nice comments today, and it's that one nasty comment that you're gonna hang on to.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I've loved writing since I was little. I used to write stories.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I definitely thought I was going to write books. I wrote a couple of children's books when I was like 11 when I was a child myself!
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I'm bad with speaking. I ramble a lot.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
From our music in general, we've always fought the idea that we had to fit into a box or fit into a certain category.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I'm secretly like 800 pounds and 90 years old.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
The opportunity to open for Fall Out Boy was incredible.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
We're all big fans of pop music; this is definitely the direction we've always wanted to head in.
- Chrissy Costanza
Image of Chrissy Costanza
The line is "So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past." We've interpreted it as the meaning of us [when we] went against the current, against the grain and did what felt natural to us...regardless of what we thought we were supposed to be doing. We threw all of that out the window. We existed how we wanted to.
- Chrissy Costanza
Collection: Past
Image of Chrissy Costanza
I think that ties into our name and the meaning behind our name, going Against the Current. We don't really want to fit in to one section. If we're able to be grouped into one category then we've become something that already exists, probably. We want all of those kids that would come out to that pizza shop to come to our show and all of those kids who know us from the radio to come to that show. We have kids that come to our show that have been coming to concerts for years, and ones that it's their first concert and they just wanted to see it. I think that's the best way to do it.
- Chrissy Costanza
Collection: Kids
Image of Chrissy Costanza
We did something that bands are kind of afraid of, or at least used to be, [which] is the YouTube scene. They don't want the YouTube stigma.
- Chrissy Costanza
Collection: Want