Chris Hughton

Image of Chris Hughton
What I do know as a manager, as a person, is that you have to try and be honest with everyone around you. If I leave a player out, they deserve an explanation. It's about communication, about being clear in what you want.
- Chris Hughton
Collection: Communication
Image of Chris Hughton
Part of the game is moving on. And you do.
- Chris Hughton
Collection: Moving
Image of Chris Hughton
I've lost two jobs, at Newcastle and Norwich, but that's the nature of the game these days. It doesn't remove winning the Championship with Newcastle from my record, nor finishing 11th in my first season at Norwich after we went on an incredible run before Christmas.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
You can't afford to be bitter in this industry.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Well, every manager has to take his personality into the job that he does, but irrespective of that personality you have to be aggressive when you need to be.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
The most important thing is that you can make tough decisions, discipline people when you need to, but also create a spirit to get the ultimate thing you're aiming for, which is winning enough games.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
My priority has always been to do the best possible job in whatever role I'm in.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Well, it's about getting points. And there are different ways of getting points. Whether you're offensively good, capable of scoring enough goals to win enough games, or resilient enough not to lose too many.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
It's always a nice thought to be coming against the best managers.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I am naturally very disappointed to have lost my job but immensely proud to have served as Norwich City's manager.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
If I look at my era, you looked at the black players who were playing then and there weren't many - Clyde Best... Certainly as each generation has gone, there have been role models for young black players to aspire to.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
When you look at role models, you tend to look at players who have played at the highest level, your Viv Andersons and so on.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I think as a manager you want to manage at the highest level possible and international management is one of those higher levels.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Jose has managed at some big, big clubs, and at all of those clubs, there is pressure, it comes with the territory. But he has a wonderful way of dealing with that pressure, and when you manage these sorts of clubs, you've got to be used to that.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
You'll never get anyone saying something detrimental about Jose - he's an outstanding manager.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Whether it is a classy performance where you are creating a lot of chances or a scrappy one-goal win, it doesn't matter.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I think you have to dig deep in every performance.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I understand the Rooney Rule and I understand why it is critical in America. I certainly think there are differences between the American system and in American football, there is such a large percentage of players who are of ethnic backgrounds. I think there is a difference here... I don't think its appropriate here.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I think the fact that we are trying to get as many young black and ethnic coaches involved in the game through campaigns to encourage that are important.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
A big part of managing is managing defeats and assessing where you are. It's making sure that you prepare a group of players and that you create an environment that is a competitive one but that is also a realistic one.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I think all you can do is prepare properly for every game but you also have to be realistic. Be realistic about what you are as a team.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I am immensely proud of my achievements with Newcastle and I enjoyed a fantastic relationship with the players, my staff and the supporters during my time as manager.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
There is always pressure on managers at whatever stage of a season because we want to be winning games and we want to be winning football matches.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
You have to be able to get enough points from your away games or it puts difficulty on your home games.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
If other managers are going to say things I can't legislate for that, that's their opinions.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I have never been afraid of being in charge, whether I have been coach, manager or caretaker.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Whatever role I have had on the management side I pride myself on having done my best in the job. I have never shied away from that responsibility.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I worked under a lot of 'top-class managers at Spurs and had to take over as 'caretaker a couple of times when things were not going well. I know what's required.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I didn't set out specifically to be a manager, but once you end up in that role you want to be measured against the best in the profession.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Managing in the Premier League isn't something I am fearful of.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I enjoyed a wonderful career at White Hart Lane. I had some terrific highs as a player in the eighties and to go from there and have so many years on the coaching staff is something that makes me very proud.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
As a black manager, somebody talking in good terms about me I don't think can be a bad thing.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
My concerns have always been to do the best job I can. But I am conscious that I'm a black manager and I am conscious that there is a profile that goes with that.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
For a player with his talent, it is about doing it consistently week in, week out and over 90 minutes.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
On a good day everybody can beat everybody.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Everybody knows what Peter Crouch's strengths are and when he plays he is a handful for any side.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Credit to all the clubs, if there are incidents anywhere I think the clubs are very quickly on that and are banning supporters who are making racial comments. I think clubs are very much on top of what they see.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I have spoken on many occasions about what I felt about a lack of black managers at the highest level. Total inclusion is good for our game and that is what I think everyone wants to see.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Racial events in our game, which we are trying as hard as we can to eradicate, are always going to happen. You hope that it is something that doesn't escalate. Sometimes when times are harder they become more prevalent.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Racism holds no place in our game and it holds no place in society. But unfortunately there are going to be incidents.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I consider Birmingham a proper football club; the tradition and support base that fits the club.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
What everyone wants to see are exciting football matches where fans get behind the team that they support.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
The more games I have as a manager the more I realise that there is only one thing that really matters - getting results and accumulating points.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I speak to black and ethnic coaches who ring me, or write to me, for some advice. There is a frustration from a lot of young, very able, black coaches to find that pathway that will get them into full-time positions.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
It is harder to win Premier League games playing 4-4-2 without having players of the quality the top teams have.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I was brought up in a football environment where we saw a lot of racism - whether it was abuse from other players or huge groups of supporters in away matches.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
We don't see enough women in the boardroom.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I remember going to stadiums and huge sections of the stand gave you racial abuse. It was never nice but it wasn't a surprise - particularly when I was first at Spurs.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
I certainly believe in a type of Rooney Rule - in legislation that doesn't give black and ethnic individuals a job but, at least, puts them in the frame.
- Chris Hughton
Image of Chris Hughton
Ossie Ardiles got the job at Tottenham. I knew Ossie well and he brought me back as his reserve-team coach. That was my intro into coaching. Over the years I have known lots of other potential coaches who couldn't see a pathway. They couldn't see role models. There were so many BAME coaches who would apply for jobs and not even get an interview.
- Chris Hughton