Chris Eubank Sr.

Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
My mother imparted on me that I must be a good custodian of my father's name and that is what I ask of my children. One should conduct themselves in the correct manner, respect one's elders and do the right thing.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Respect
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
If you are learning how to box, any type of support will make you weak. Any type of support is counterproductive.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Learning
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
No one escapes the long arm of the law, they are a business, they are very good at what they do and eventually they will catch up with you.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Business
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
To be exceptional you have to be alone, that's the life of a warrior.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Alone
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Broccoli is not as bad as people make out. It might give you wind, but I'd prefer to have wind and have good health. Health is the number one thing on the planet. However, I am quite partial to rum and raisin ice cream.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Health
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Fear gives you your intensity, it gives you your game.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Fear
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
When I was 11 my school held a sports day near Crystal Palace. We were told we were going to play a rugby match. The ball was eventually passed to me and I was obviously expected to run with it. I took one look at all these players charging towards me, placed the ball on the ground and walked off the pitch.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
From the age of 17, I lived the life of a hermit and dedicated myself to gym life, first in the South Bronx and then back in England. I was in a bubble and I bypassed a lot of popular culture.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Age
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
The feeling between two fighters is profound. We go places where normal people don't go. You smell a man's blood, it smells like rust. You get into a clench, you feel his strength, you feel his desperation, he feels yours. You're sharing this.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Collection: Strength
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Solitude is the companion of warriors.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Obsession is a synonym for magic. Magic is a synonym for genius. It's a knack. It's an aptitude.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
When I finished boxing, all that was available was commentating. But that's not me. I've got too much artistic licence to get out.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I admire rugged hard men who play rugby because it's something I would never contemplate.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Most of the planet is covered with water, so there must be a clue to its worth in that fact.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I'll fight anyone I can beat. I'm a businessman first and a boxer second. I'm looking for the readies. The aim is to win at all costs.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
There are certain things you must not say in spite of the fact that supposedly democracy means free speech. No. You are not allowed free speech. If you speak freely, you are then deemed as I was, to be a subversive.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I am not a meathead.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Every fighter has a duty to boxing to not bring themselves or the sport into disrepute by foul language or behaviour so that boxing can be seen as a gentleman's sport.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I moved to New York aged 16, and worked part-time in a Korean store in South Bronx selling groceries, bread and confectionery. I earned $10 and it was painful because I didn't want to be there. I also worked in Debenhams as a kid, and a Wimpy in Brighton when I was 20.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
You play football, rugby, tennis. You do not play boxing. When a sportsperson is in a game, when it gets too much, you quit. But in boxing you can't quit. You have to be taken out.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
A lot of people think my head is flat.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
There's a correct way to succeed. The incorrect way is to do things incorrectly.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I don't drink in public. I don't swear on TV. All I want is for people to say Chris Eubank is an all-right guy.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I failed my HGV licence three times.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
For lunch I like corned beef, white rice and fried onions, which I've eaten for as long as I can remember. My father used to make it; now, no one does it like me.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I'm a good man and a bad fighter... I've got the gladiator in me.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I am a sensitive, emotionally conditioned human being, and I have suffered racist abuse.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
At 19, I decided to turn professional and accepted my first fight for $250 at the Atlantis Hotel, Atlantic City, on October 3 1985. It set up my whole career and life.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Money's just a medium. I am extremely wealthy in all other regards.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Fortunately, I was technically skilled, so I didn't have to bludgeon people, I didn't have to batter them.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I was sensitive, I was emotionally intelligent.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
The only thing I have to do in this life is stay black and die. No one can force me to do anything.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
What can you say to someone like me? When you've got 19 world championship wins, it's almost like you're cursed because you're too good.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I am a strong father.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
My father, who was illiterate, smoothed iron for Ford Dagenham and we'd get up at 5;30 A.M. to give him a jump-start. My mother was a nurse and part of the Windrush generation. Growing up in east London, we were financially poor, but rich in hope and dignity, and we were happy.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Fear is what activates your tools; your jab, your movement, your speed, your ability to absorb punishment.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Boxing is a mug's game.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I've prospered because of my father. I know I'll never be his equal, but I've prospered because I've honoured my parents.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I've tasted the bitter beatings.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I probably give 80% more to my children than my father gave to me and still it doesn't come up to scratch. I don't feel guilty about it. Do my children love me? I think that is self-evident. Will they have psychological scars? No, because they have a wonderful mummy.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
To be accused of ignoring my roots is pig ignorant.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I am benevolent.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I'm not bankrupt of effervescence. I'm not bankrupt of craic.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
It's the only thing that allowed me to win so many championship fights and allowed me to put up with the bigotry of the media, the keyboard warriors, the critics. I've endured it all because, spiritually, I am buoyant, alive.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
In accordance to the way that Benn speaks, he is not educated. Sure, he's educated to a certain extent, but under different circumstances he would be a bouncer on some door in the West End and he'd have three kids from three different women... I am a superior person to that. I have finer points.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
I am always fully in tune with the interviewer, who is usually trying to make me look silly. My objective is quite the opposite during an interview: I never use my wit or my intellect to make the interviewer look silly.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
My objective as a mentor, as a father, as a manager and as a former participant of the great game of boxing is to protect mine, but also the opponent. Especially if I can see things which I have experienced before.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
Michael Watson is a part of me. It's in my head, it's in my grain. There are scars within me. Therefore, those scars are what allows me to steer and protect other fighters.
- Chris Eubank Sr.
Image of Chris Eubank Sr.
The people who have done it - I have been in there - a lot of people love boxing but they have not actually been in there, and haven't tasted the bitterness of a beating.
- Chris Eubank Sr.