Chloe Kim

Image of Chloe Kim
Watching my family work so hard has been so inspirational, and I think I really got their work ethic.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Chloe Kim
I think, every time I'm on the mountain, I'm just so thankful to be there.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Thankful
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm so happy to have all this support from everyone around the world, and I'm forever thankful for all of them.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Thankful
Image of Chloe Kim
I feel like dreams are always a little tricky, you know? But if you just push through the struggles and the hard times, it'll be so worth it in the end because you will be able to get to your dreams.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Dreams
Image of Chloe Kim
I knew if I went home with the gold medal knowing that I could do better, I wasn't going to be very satisfied.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Home
Image of Chloe Kim
For whatever reason, I'm pretty good with pressure. I kinda just flip it over and think of it as positive.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Positive
Image of Chloe Kim
I'll be really tough on myself. Someone will be like, 'Oh that's really cool' and I'll be like, 'Yeah, but there's this one flaw.'
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Cool
Image of Chloe Kim
My dad has definitely sacrificed a lot for me, and I don't know if I could do it if I was in his shoes. Leaving your life behind and chasing this dream because your kid is passionate about this sport.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Dad
Image of Chloe Kim
I missed out on a few proms, homecomings, might miss my graduation. I wouldn't want it any other way... it's worth it.
- Chloe Kim
Collection: Graduation
Image of Chloe Kim
The one thing I learned is to just give everything a shot. You don't want to live in regret.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
To me, snowboarding is really an art form, and I think every athlete, every snowboarder has her own style, and that makes them stand out.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
Just because I'm young doesn't mean I didn't work hard to get to where I am.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I love Chipotle. And I'm not just saying that. Like, I genuinely am in love with Chipotle.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I just say, 'Never give up.'
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm proud of my Korean heritage, but I want people to know I'm American. It's not important to be the Korean Taylor Swift.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I feel like I have this unique opportunity to represent both Korea and the U.S.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm, like, finishing up high school. I don't know how you can learn anything from me because I'm still, like, a teenager. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I got mail from a prison once.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm a dragon.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
If you give me fro-yo without mangoes, you're dead to me. If you say that Hawaiian pizza is gross, we're done.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I freak out when I see a spider. I was doing an interview once, and there was this really big, furry spider crawling up the tripod, and I was like, 'I can't do this!'
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I can play guitar - but I can't really. I wouldn't say I'm talented at it. I just kind of watch videos on YouTube, and I follow the instructions... OK, yeah, my hidden talent: I'm good at following instructions!
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
Zendaya - she's a boss - and Rihanna as well. I feel like those are two very powerful women.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I grew up in Southern California. If it's snowing on a day I'm supposed to train, I'll just stare out the window in all my gear and be like, 'Hmmm, maybe not today.' I hate being cold.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I don't get butterflies. I get a good feeling in my stomach before I compete. When I don't, I get worried.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I hate it when I get grumpy. But I can only be high-energy for so long.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
It would be meaningful if I can get a gold medal in my parents' country.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
People ask where I'm from, and I say 'Los Angeles.' Then they ask again. 'Well, my parents are from Korea.'
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I think the cool thing about snowboarding is that everyone has their own style.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I don't think I made many sacrifices myself, but my parents have.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm so used to America, used to the traffic in L.A., and I don't really feel it click with the Korean culture. But obviously, I have a Korean face, and I feel like that's just - you know, I can't walk around people like I'm, like, straight-up American. It's like, I'm Korean American. My parents are from Korea.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I just grew up in the States, so I feel like I identify more with the American culture.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I didn't really like snowboarding in the beginning. Now, I just love it. I'm in love with it.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
When I was younger, me and my dad worked really hard. We did it the hard way.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
Snowboarding requires lower-body strength.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
Competing in my first Olympics in the country where my parents came from is pretty insane. I'm feeling nothing but excitement.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
If my hands get cold, I'll go inside to warm them up and basically never come back out. I'm a little wimp.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
The Olympics are just different. I'm not sure why; the pipe's the same size, the board you're riding is the same, you're competing against pretty much the same people. But the Olympics is the Olympics, and I know it's a really big deal.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
My father didn't want to ski alone, so he took me up to the mountains in order to basically bribe my mom to come with him.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
My dad would load me into the car under a pile of blankets in the middle of the night so I could sleep the whole way and be on the mountain when it opened.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
Snowboarding is a huge part of my life, but I also feel like it's important to have a plan B or a back-up plan for after my career because I can't snowboard for my whole life competitively.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I want to go to college.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I don't feel that much fear.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I always try to see it in positive way, like, you know what, the people that are expecting so much about of me know I can do it and believe in me. So I just kind of think about it like that. And it makes me feel a little better.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I feel like I can represent both countries, in a way, because I have a Korea face, but I was born and raised in the States.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I'm much more of a city girl. I like the mall. I like shopping.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I was really excited to land my first 1080. But I was surprised that it came a lot easier than I thought it would.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I genuinely only want to work with people that I agree with on certain things. There were many sponsors I didn't want to work with because I didn't agree with their messages that they wanted to use me to convey.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I love working with sponsors.
- Chloe Kim
Image of Chloe Kim
I don't remember the exact moment I fell in love with snowboarding; it wasn't something cheesy like, 'Oh the wind was blowing through my hair and I just knew this sport was for me... ' I was good at it, and it's exhilarating!
- Chloe Kim