Cheryl Burke

Image of Cheryl Burke
I went through child abuse, and I also went through abuse with dating a couple of boyfriends in high school. I also have gone through a divorce.
- Cheryl Burke
Collection: Dating
Image of Cheryl Burke
My mom is Filipino and my dad is half Russian and half Irish.
- Cheryl Burke
Collection: Mom
Image of Cheryl Burke
You have to embrace your body, whether it's curvy or whatever you may be. You have to embrace who you are. Beauty comes from the inside not out.
- Cheryl Burke
Collection: Beauty
Image of Cheryl Burke
When you obsess about fitness goals they become unhealthy and impossible to achieve.
- Cheryl Burke
Collection: Fitness
Image of Cheryl Burke
I just want everyone to know you are beautiful in your own skin.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I was partnered with the singer Drew Lachey of the popular group 98 Degrees. Drew and I complemented each other with our strengths. I was good at dancing and teaching dance, and he was a good student and a natural-born ham for the cameras.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I've been so unlucky with dates for myself. So why not have someone else pick them for me?
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I've been lucky enough that some designers let me borrow their dresses to wear to events. And companies such as So Low and Tart have given me items to wear to rehearse in. I wish I could take more credit for the clothes that I get to wear!
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
My mom has always said that you have to do other things besides going to school, other extracurricular activities, so she made me do everything from basketball to, well, you name it. But for some reason, dance was the thing I always wanted to go and do.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I live by green tea with lemon and honey.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It's important for me to keep my cardio up, especially for my body type, or I'll gain weight so fast.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I know I'm not fat, but when people keep telling you that, you have to think about it.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Sometimes it's harder to untrain somebody with dance experience than it is to teach somebody with a new skill.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
At the end of the day, dancing is something that brings people together.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Listen, you can never take the bedazzle away from me.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
By the way I also don't know anybody, so I would have to Google almost every single partner of mine - other than Ian Ziering because I used to watch '90210.'
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Because I have been bullied and attacked about my body, body image has always been an issue for me.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
You don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I lived in a bubble as a kid.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I'd like to maybe be a judge. I could be pregnant and judge. I just can't be pregnant and dancing!
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I don't necessarily view myself as a 'famous' person, I look at like Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts and think to myself, now that's a celebrity.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I have two sisters and neither one of them are dancers.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I actually don't really like shopping but I do love clothes!
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I'm not one of those girls that's like, 'I have to be married by the time I'm 35 and I have to have six babies when I'm 38.' No, I'm just fine it's all good.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I want to try new things and just see what's out there.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
There are all different types of people out there who are going to say all kinds of things, online and in real life. The important thing is to know which ones to listen to.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It sounds crazy, but I'm so married to my work that I rarely meet new people.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It's tough... My real father - I have my stepdad, my mom remarried - but my real father lived in Thailand, so I barely saw him as it is. So it was really hard for me to go back there and just, I feel like I have a lot of unanswered questions.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
There's not one second that I don't think about my dad.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
After doing 'Dance Moms,' I've been super inspired and motivated to work with girls.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I've always had that naturally curvy body since I was 11 years old.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Tommy Chong is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It's like, either you're a great dancer and you're going to do great, or it doesn't come naturally to you.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It's so hard for me to talk about this, because I owe my life to 'Dancing with the Stars.' They've changed my life completely. They're my family and it's always hard to say goodbye.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I always wear fake lashes - they just look so darn good on camera!
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
In my day-to-day life, I have lash extensions.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
A little moisturizer and I'm out the door. I don't even need to put on mascara anymore because of my lash extensions.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
We're basically sewn into our costumes on 'DWTS.'
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
It's important to me to have a healthy tan with so much skin showing.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Don't underestimate the value of a great hair dryer.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Everyone always asks me how to get the most mileage out of a spray tan. I'm spoiled and I get a fresh one every week; but my best advice for the rest of the girls out there is to wax a day in advance of your spray tan.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I swear by lash extensions. They cut my makeup routine time in half.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I wanted to eat what I wanted but I made sure that portion control was basically half of what I normally would eat.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
When you have a buddy to work out with, you don't want to flake on that person.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Turning 30, you see changes. You have to work harder as you get older.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
I always lose weight - around 5 to 7 lbs. It's because of our strenuous rehearsals and long hours, which is not relatable to anybody because you're working out 8 to 10 hours a day.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
We will all face criticism throughout our lives, no matter where we live and what we weigh.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
My weight fluctuates, just like any other person's does, and there will always be critics.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
You've got to tune out the other people and tune in to what's going on inside. Love yourself. Nourish your body.
- Cheryl Burke
Image of Cheryl Burke
Dancing is the best exercise. Not only is it great cardio, but it works everything, strengthening your whole body.
- Cheryl Burke