Charley Boorman

Image of Charley Boorman
In places such as Kazakhstan and Mongolia people depend on each other a lot more. We can often be quite detached in the West, with e-mail and telephones, whereas in those countries people rely on each other more. It's lovely because you feel like, although you're a stranger, they respect you as a friend and want to help you.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
No-one's ever satisfied.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
When you're nuts about motorbikes, sooner or later, you get to the point where you really want to do a long journey.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Always bring a pack of baby wipes with you.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
The fundamental thing for anybody, any relationship or any expedition or anything is communication.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I think when you travel for long periods of time you become quite sensitive and emotional.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
He was an amazing actor and could mimic anybody's voice. My sister Katrine was walking past one day and could hear our dad shouting and thought, 'God, I won't go in that room!' but realised it was Nicol Williamson mimicking my father's voice perfectly.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Dad was a tough cookie. He expected a lot from people when they were employed to do a job. If they don't do it properly there's not much time for pampering. He came from making films like 'Deliverance' and 'Point Blank.' He was renowned for taking on tough movies. He revels in that kind of thing and people feed off that enthusiasm.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
There's a whole culture now where you meet travellers who don't give you a scrap of paper with their address on it, they give their GPS coordinates. 'I've seen this amazing place in Malawi you've got to go to! I'll give you the coordinates!'
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
On the Internet you can swap GPS details and use tools like Google Maps. It's amazing.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
GPS devices are fantastic, but when travelling, especially in the middle of Africa, you must always bring a map as well.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
On the whole, GPS is fine but you still need maps because the information available can be different to what's on the ground. You need to be vigilant for obstacles.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
If you say to people, 'I'm off to Papa New Guinea,' you'll often get a bad reaction - usually from people who've never been there. There's this fear of the unknown. And 99% of the time, you end up surprised - it rekindles your faith in humanity.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I mean, if the country's in the middle of a war of something, I probably wouldn't go.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
We all live in a very tranquil, sanitised world where you're told to do everything, and when you travel, it's very liberating not to be in that crazy, nannied state.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
It's very difficult to say what experience was the hardest. 'Long Way Round' was the first one, so we didn't know anything.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I got that sense of travel and adventure from my father.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I was dyslexic - still am dyslexic - and as child, I found things very difficult. I think my father realised that in acting and stuff I could express myself.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
All kids love bikes and cars. But there was a guy in my local village, Tony, who gave me a go on a bike. My first proper motorbike was when I was about 12, but I'd ridden on his and he was the one who really got me into bikes.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I think the easiest story to tell is your own.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I'm a traveller, I love to travel.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
If you're dyslexic I think it's very important to know that you can do anything you want and it's not simply because you're dyslexic that you should be shoved on the side.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I'm very grateful to being dyslexic and I owe my career to being dyslexic.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Get on to social media and ask questions about the areas you're going to. You'll be surprised at the amount of responses from people who want you to experience some of the amazing things they discovered themselves.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
If you look back as far as the first explorers, they all took with them the latest gadget.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Africa can make people see things differently, and they realise the world is not as dangerous as people think.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Long Way Round' was the first time Ewan and I had done anything like that. We went through Mongolia and Siberia and places like that, so it was very tough.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I suppose all the things I've done have been different.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I always wonder who people are when I meet them; where they live, how they get home from work and little things like that.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
It took four days from discovering I had cancer to finding out how serious the problem was.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I feel I have got away with beating cancer so I am now living life to the full and not worrying about whether it will come back.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
When you ride electric bikes, you know the terrain that you're riding on becomes a factor and headwinds become a factor. Then there is tailwinds, which is behind you... it makes such a difference going downhill and stuff like that.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Dad wanted me to act because it was a clever way of boosting my confidence.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I appeared in several of Dad's films - at the time, I didn't really appreciate how great a director he was.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
We have a Mercedes Viano, which is a sort of posh people carrier. I told my wife I bought it for the kids, but the real reason is that I can put my dirt bikes and a mattress in the back, then get out of London for the weekend.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
When I was on the motorbike in the Dakar Rally I had a lot of time to think.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
My dad had no interest in motorbikes at all. It didn't come up on his radar.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Ever since I've been seven I've been trying to make a living out of motorbikes.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Sometimes you take for granted what you have on your own doorstep.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
You get sentimental on the road. I'd see a horse with its foal and a tear would come to my eye.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Any trip is good. Any bike trip is better!
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I had a wonderful childhood, looking back on it.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I remember being very free in Ireland.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Unlike London or other big cities, there's a great tolerance for motorbikes in Ireland. Culturally, it's quite different.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I think people saw him as someone who did good things for Ireland. If you looked at all the Irish actors in 'Excalibur' alone - Gabriel Byrne, Liam Neeson - there was a whole gaggle of Irish actors who've gone on to become stars, so Dad was really part of that.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Ewan McGregor and I travelled 20,000 miles from London to New York by bike. It was incredible.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
My ideal holiday would be to spend the first week doing lots of fun stuff, then to spend the second week relaxing on a beach.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
I don't read when I'm travelling.
- Charley Boorman
Image of Charley Boorman
Travelling is fantastic fun and you see far more of a country journeying through it.
- Charley Boorman