Charles Woodson

Image of Charles Woodson
I like to call my wines 'anytime wines,' You just want to sit and open up a bottle and watch 'The Blacklist' on a Monday night? Open it up, and it's very easy. It's very approachable.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
You can put me in anything and I will make it better.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I've done a lot in this game.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
If you love your job and you love what you do, you'll just continue to go out there and work, and try to make whatever corrections you can.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Guys go through concussions sometimes that aren't as noticeable. But they know - the player knows - and they want to go back in the game. You want to play.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I've had an incredible career.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
It's the only way you're able to play as long as I have, is to go out there and perform.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I had the broken collarbone twice, but collarbones heal.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Me being able to move around, nickel, dime, safety, you don't know where I'm coming from or if I'm coming, and that's a positive.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I love the game. You never get rid of that.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I think when guys watch me play, I think that raises the level of other guys because of the way I play the game.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I try to not to step on any coach's toes as far as what I'm telling the young guys or what I'm trying to give them.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Going into Green Bay was just a fresh start and I was able to stay on the field and go out there and do my thing and I had opportunity.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
If you lose a game, you lose a game. You've got to deal with it.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
That's the way I've always played the game from when I was a kid. It didn't matter if we were up or down in the game, how it was going, how you felt, you played until the end.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Every time I step on the field, it doesn't matter who we're playing, I want to get an interception.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Would it be great to intercept Peyton? No question about it.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
There's always going to be love between me and Green Bay.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I spent seven years in Green Bay. A lot of good times, a lot of great years. Got a lot accomplished.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
In 10th grade, I started playing defense. Mainly because we already had a great tailback. Once I started playing it, it just started growing on me. I liked it a lot.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Because my brother liked Michigan, I liked Michigan, and by the nature of that, I didn't like Ohio State.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
So, growing up myself, I played flag all the way up until seventh grade. So, we didn't tackle until I was 12, 13 years old or whatever it was.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
All lives matter when black lives matter and no lives are more important than black lives.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
My love of wine happened organically while being in Napa Valley during training camp while playing for the Oakland Raiders in the 90s.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
The way people connected with wine intrigued me and I wanted to be a part of it.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
If you want to make a great wine that can stand the test of time, then you must put the time and the work into it.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
For both the wine business and in football, if you want longevity, you must work hard.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When I talk about the early years in Oakland, I don't want to take anything away from who that player was, because that player was still a heck of a player, that player was just young. I played off the field the same way that I played on the field.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Whenever you play the game, you just want the game to be on the up and up. You don't want to ever lose a game because you felt like it was stolen from you.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When you play for the Raiders and you play for Al Davis, it was always the talk that it was Al Davis against the rest of the league. Some of the calls that we would get, we would always say, 'Oh we got that call because of Al's relationship with the NFL.'
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I've got that aggressive, winning attitude.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
The wine business is intense. It's not just bottle it and sell it. It's really a process.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
What Chris Webber and the Fab Five - Jalen, Juwan, Ray, Jimmy and those guys - they created a culture, and Michigan was a beneficiary of that. Chris Webber was a big part of it.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Any time as a corner you feel like you're in good position and the ball's still coming, you don't understand why, but you don't care at that point. You just want to catch the ball and hold up your end of the bargain if they throw it to you.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
To be honest, retirement has been good.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Playing for the Wolverines, you have to prepare each and every day to beat Ohio State. If you do that, you're going to win a fair share of your games.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When people still see me, even though I have been in Green Bay and Oakland, they still talk about Michigan.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Any time you end your career, no matter what it is, it's tough to leave, regardless of if you know it's time or not.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I've been through my fair share of injuries.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
People don't last long in this game. I feel blessed that I've been able to stick around and play at a high level for my entire career, which is another hard thing to do. That's the only way you stick around - if you're out there and you're able to produce and make plays.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
I've been injured where you can't play. But if I'm able to get up and move around, I'm not coming off the field.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When you have a guy that each week you can change up your game plan a little bit depending on what an offense does - you can put him at nickel, you can put him at linebacker position, Will or Sam or whatever they have him doing, he can create a matchup that the offense is not ready for.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
If you can utilize a guy's talents and not let other parts of the game suffer, you've got a winning mix.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
A lot of hard work goes into making a great wine. It requires that same type of dedication and discipline that goes into getting to the Super Bowl as an NFL player.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When you play trying to avoid injuries, that's when you get hurt.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
When the time comes to retire, I think I'll know. I really do.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
Yeah, you make some tackles or you meet the ground and you feel the pain. Ain't no question about it. Whether it is the shoulder, the back, making the wrong plant when you fall - yeah, you'll feel it. You get right up. You go back to the huddle. You can't show weakness out there. You try not to. You don't want to give a sign.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
The hot tub is my best friend.
- Charles Woodson
Image of Charles Woodson
If you limit yourself, in my opinion you’re just saying, ‘We’re not supposed to win this game.’ You’re playing into their hands. You are scared of what of this team does. You can’t go into the game scared, that’s for sure. Richard Sherman, a great player but you have to play football.
- Charles Woodson
Collection: Football