Charles Kennedy

Image of Charles Kennedy
Terrorism gravely threatens international peace and security, and as a solution, the power and apparent finality of force are seductive.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Terror can never be defeated by force alone.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Britain is a European power. We cannot change our geography. Our involvement in the politics of European cooperation is one of necessity. Our wealth and our security depend upon it.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I know from my own parents how important active older people are to a local community.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
We'll need to revise the tired assumption that people automatically become more conservative as they grow older.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Liberal Democracy is all about extending choice. Give people the option to decide their retirement age, and you immediately extend their freedom in a very significant way.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Many people want to scale back their working hours as they near the end of their careers, but not necessarily to give up work altogether.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Fair votes - fundamentally - are about the rights and the interests of the people.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Politics means facing up to hard choices and facing down prejudice, short-termism, the easy, tempting court of knee-jerk public reaction.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I want our party to step up its efforts to reflect and champion the concerns of everybody who has reached the second half of their lives.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Of all the principles which constitute Liberal Democracy, internationalism is the clearest, the most distinctive, and the one with the longest history.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Liberals have been committed to the principles of human rights, international stability, and international justice. They have also sought international solutions to those problems which have demanded collective attention.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
When human rights are systematically abused, it raises the question whether it may be legitimate in some circumstances for the international community to intervene within individual states as well as in conflicts between states.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
When it comes to our public services, decentralisation means giving power back to those on the front line - our doctors, nurses, teachers and physiotherapists, and our locally elected officials.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Those who use our public services should be able to deal directly with those who manage and deliver them.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Decentralisation is controversial - but that's fine. We should be fearless about having a debate.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
We actually believe in hope. But hope requires purpose. And purpose requires direction.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
The way to defeat international terrorism is through international cooperation based on international law, clear intelligence, and a measured and appropriate military response.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Soon after the 1997 election, I argued that there was no inverse law of political gravity which said that everything which went down had to come back up.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
When power is exercised exclusively at the centre, the result is rigidity of rules and alienation of the people subject to those rules.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
New Labour needs to realise that family life and the way we raise our children are private matters.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
No government body is more notorious for over-legislation than the Department of Trade and Industry.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Speaking to numerous teachers and nurses, I am consistently struck by the sense of mission they have about their work.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Valuing public servants would boost morale among those on the front line of implementing government policy.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Westminster is a jungle - and the hunter can always smell fear on its prey.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
In my view, as a country we need to rediscover some of that skepticism about government and revisit that libertarian agenda.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
We need a liberal agenda in which government resists the temptation to interfere in the lives of individuals but is equally determined to play an active role where creative action can advance the liberties of all.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
In my view, nations together are stronger than when they are isolated. And because they are stronger, their people are more free, not less.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Useful lessons can be learned from our more successful local authorities - as you move into government, it is even more imperative to communicate speedily and persuasively with your members and your voters.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I happen to consider myself a Highlander even before a Scot; I am proud to be British yet feel comfortable as a European citizen.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I find no contradiction between being a Highlander, a Scot, a citizen of the U.K. and a citizen of the European Union at one and the same time.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Three simple words - freedom, justice and honesty. These sum up what the Liberal Democrats stand for.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
If you were to describe me as teetotal, on behalf of my constituency I'd have to sue; that would lose me every vote in the Highlands.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
By common consent, most European countries support the maintenance of robust welfare states and are comfortable with taxation systems that support them.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
'Federalism', in the context of political and media usage in Britain, has come to mean the creation and imposition of a European superstate, one centralised in Brussels.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Like John Major in her wake, Thatcher was convinced that she understood the Scots - yet couldn't understand why we remained so stubbornly resistant towards the notion of understanding her.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
A society which is liberal democratic cannot have public policy determined upon the basis of who has got the loudest voice - or who can brings things to a halt.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Quality of life actually begins at home - it's in your street, around your community.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
It's our job as Liberal Democrats to be an effective opposition - and an increasingly tough one as well.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
There stands no contradiction between giving voice to legitimate anxiety and at the same time, as and when exchange of fire commences, looking to the rest of the country, as well as all of us in the House, to give full moral support to our forces.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
There are hard choices to be made in balancing the country's security and an individual's liberties. But it is a choice that has to be faced.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I don't want a headline saying 'Kennedy suggests this or implies that.'
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
My health is good and it's up to me to keep it that way.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
For any new leader of any party at any given time it takes time if you are not in government to establish yourself.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
With 24-hour news... the story moves on with the media.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
We should have high expectations of our children, but politicians should not tell teachers how to meet them.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Immigrants provide skills that we simply cannot afford to do without. They have contributed hugely to Britain's success.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
I believe that access to a university education should be based on the ability to learn, not what people can afford. I think there is no more nauseating a sight than politicians pulling up the ladder of opportunity behind them.
- Charles Kennedy
Image of Charles Kennedy
Politicians are good at saying how Government must do more, but we must also think carefully about where Government should do less.
- Charles Kennedy