Catherine O'Hara

Image of Catherine O'Hara
I know. I'm lazy. But I made myself a New Years resolution that I would write myself something really special. Which means I have 'til December, right?
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: New
Image of Catherine O'Hara
To this day, I've found that it doesn't matter what a guy looks like if he's really funny. His sense of humor makes him attractive. On the other hand, you don't hear men saying, 'No she's not pretty, but is she ever funny!'
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Humor
Image of Catherine O'Hara
When I've traveled to London and Ireland, people don't seem to take themselves so seriously, and it's not just having a sense of humor about what's around you but having a sense of humor about yourself, and that's the healthiest sense of humor.
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Humor
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I think everyone is born with humor, but your life can beat it out of you, sadly, or you can be lucky enough to grow up in it.
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Humor
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I'm pretty much a good Catholic girl at heart and I believe in family. I also have a basic belief that God takes care of me. I believe in prayer, even though I'm not that religious. I just have that foundation from my family. I mean when you think that you're just a human being and one of God's creatures, you can't take anything that seriously.
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Good
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are so cool together.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Insecurity is such a waste of time.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Everybody in my family's funny. Being funny was highly encouraged in our family, I think.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
It's scary when you look at how kids age, because you think, 'Am I aging at that rate, too?'
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I'm afraid of needles, except acupuncture needles.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
My crutch was, in improvs, when in doubt, play insane, because you didn't have to excuse anything that came out of your mouth. It didn't have to make sense.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I guess the more women are present and out there in life, the more their stories will be told. I don't know. Their stories have always been told on Lifetime.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I love 'Beetlejuice' - that's where I met my husband! He designed the sets, so I have nothing but fond memories of that movie.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I'm drawn to playing characters who are terribly flawed and have no idea about it.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I wouldn't mind spending a little more time and effort and money on good skin care. And I'm sure they'll come out with, as they are doing, with more and more treatments that are noninvasive and healthy ways to keep your face looking as good as it can.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
As a teenager, I loved 'The Carol Burnett Show' and 'Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In,' and I lived to watch 'Monty Python.'
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I met Gilda Radner, God bless her, when I was in grade 13, which doesn't exist anymore. The high school I went to went from 9 to 13.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I think one of the sexiest things a couple can share is laughing.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Character roles definitely age better than your ingenues. You don't get to keep doing that.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I lived in L.A. for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Night time really is the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone is asleep.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I think the success of my work stems from being truthful.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
You've got muscles and you use them everywhere else in your body when you want it. Why not your face?
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I mean, I knew I wanted to do this kind of thing in school, but to actually have somebody that would bring you into that world, that was really exciting, you know?
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
When you're writing, you're putting thought into what you want to express, and then you come up with it - it comes to you. When you're improvising, it's the same thing. You're writing. You just say it out loud right then, instead of saying, 'You think this might work?'
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
If Chance the Rapper was on tour in L.A., I would try and play with him. I love him.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
From November through December, 'tis the season for 'Home Alone!'
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
If you have a great script and great dialogue, you don't need to improvise.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I think the best dramatic actors know how to tap into their character's humor.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I'd love to work with Michael Keaton, Steve Martin, and Bryan Cranston again.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I just like to work and get paid.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I only want to write. I don't care about directing, really. I've tried it, and it was fun, but it's not like I have to.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
There are more and more women writing. And there are more and more good male writers who are writing and who learned and decided it's worth writing for women.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I've met people whose accents have nothing to do with where they were born or raised - they want to reinvent themselves.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
Comedy has changed with the times, thank God - slowly, oh my lord, slowly - but it has.
- Catherine O'Hara
Image of Catherine O'Hara
The year I married my American husband, I won the lottery - and I tried to give it to somebody else, because I was already approved - not the money lottery, the immigration lottery.
- Catherine O'Hara