Carrie Underwood

Image of Carrie Underwood
Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Moving
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm girlie in the sense that I like makeup, but I also love sports and man food.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Food
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm a suck-it-up-and-move-on kind of person. Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Happiness
Image of Carrie Underwood
I would say that my role model, as far as just somebody leading by example, which to me is what a great youth counselor does - they are there to talk to and lead by example - would be my mom, but she wasn't a youth counselor. She was a teacher, and she is a good person and definitely one of the biggest influences in my life.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Teacher
Image of Carrie Underwood
I am a Christian person, and I do love the Lord, and I feel no matter who you are, what you believe, how you live your life, it's not my place to judge. I don't have that power. I don't want that power. It's my place to love and to show God's love to other people, even if they don't live a life like I live.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Power
Image of Carrie Underwood
All of us gave it all we've got, overcame a whole lot just being on the show and learned a lot about ourselves. We're just normal people trying to do what we love and follow our dreams.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Dreams
Image of Carrie Underwood
In the romantic sense, I'm pretty useless with guys. If I see somebody who I'm attracted to, generally I just think, 'Oh well, he's not interested in me.' The only time that I talk to guys is when they talk to me first.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Romantic
Image of Carrie Underwood
It's nice to know you have support. Last night I got a marriage proposal. I just laughed.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Marriage
Image of Carrie Underwood
My cell phone is my best friend. It's my lifeline to the outside world.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Best
Image of Carrie Underwood
I respect country music because I feel like it's more about the talent and the songwriting and I put on a big show and we have a lot of stuff, but I feel confident in myself enough as an artist and a singer that I can have all of those fun toys and know that we don't need all the bells and whistles either.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Respect
Image of Carrie Underwood
Being a part of SKECHERS is exciting. It is such a hip company with a great attitude and image.
- Carrie Underwood
Collection: Attitude
Image of Carrie Underwood
Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I got to meet some of the best people I've ever met, and we all grew as people and as entertainers.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
We're all different. That's what makes us special. We have to love each other and get on with each other. It's not up to me to judge anybody.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
There's a lot of things that are said on the American Idol message board. I quit reading them because most of the people are very mean.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We're the ones under the microscope. We're expected to sound perfect. We're expected to look perfect all the time. We're expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I can't believe this is happening to me. The weirdest thing is it was just a dream, and now it's actually real. It's hard to believe sometimes.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
It wouldn't be a Carrie Underwood album without a revenge song on it. People really like when I do that. I don't mean to. I don't hate men that much. But it turns out so well!
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Throw caution to the wind and just do it.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
'Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On' was my anthem as a child. It was about me. I was Baby.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm not worried. I'm just so grateful to be in the position that I'm in. I'm just going with the flow right now, and I think my album will come together quite nicely because I think everybody is on the same page.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Everything's completely different, and it's been hard. Fortunately, I have a lot of wonderful people around me, and I think I'm handling things pretty well.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Before bed, I read a book or flip on the radio - I'm not picky, I'll just turn it on and see what comes up. I burn a yummy lavender- scented candle.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Once you get into a routine of eating healthy, it hurts twice as much when you fall off the wagon. But it's nice to have a few bites of something you like. I'm not a sweets person, but I love pasta and pizza - oh, buddy!
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm a private person, and I don't want people knowing what kind of underwear I like. It's creepy!
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I've learned this, that haters wanna hate. You could sing a song perfectly, you could write the songs perfectly, and some people are absolutely going to hate you.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I feel like I am a celebrity for no reason, like people are resentful I didn't have to play bars for 10 years to get a record deal.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
We don't have milk cows. People have so many stereotypes of people from where I come from - Oklahoma. We don't ride around in covered wagons, either.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Some weeks, I'm super-duper busy, so I can only fit cardio in here and there, a lot of stuff happens in the afternoon, so I can get up and have a workout, which makes me feel awesome for the rest of my day. There's just something sexy about feeling strong. And every night I'm onstage, I get another workout.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I like to dance around the house when I'm getting ready. It gets my day going.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Doing the weekly shopping, I stock up on stir-fry kits, Amy's meatless burgers, and armloads of onions and garlic. I put onions and garlic in everything.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
You never know what curve balls life is going to throw you and there's no way I can predict anything or make any assumptions about what the rest of my life is going to be like.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Singing is just a feeling set to music.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Nobody's going to tell me that my dog doesn't love me. That's crazy talk.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm not the person in person that I am on stage.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
A lot of people think I don't like them just because I'm pretty quiet. But there are certain things people don't necessarily need to know. There's got to be some things for me.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Getting revenge on a guy is just not worth it to me. I mean, it definitely sucks at the time, but obviously you're not supposed to be with that person.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'd sleep in a little, work out, do laundry, run errands, buy presents for people with birthdays coming up. I like it when I don't have to be anywhere, and anything I do is my choice.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm always thirsty when I wake up, so I guzzle a bottle of Smart water before I scramble tofu with onions, peppers and spinach and top it with salsa. I've been a vegetarian for years, but I recently became vegan.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
When I'm with my parents, that's the place I can unplug. That's the place I can shut down and not worry about work or what's going on. I go home and hang out with them. I sleep more there than any place else ever.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Sometimes a girl's gotta have some chocolate!
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I wondered how people would take me being a country music singer. I thought about deviating from that and singing other things. But... it doesn't really make sense for me to try to be something that I'm not.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
My very first magazine cover was the National Enquirer.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
At first, it was hard to sit down and read the things that people were saying. A lot of people would've worked their way up to this position and would've gotten a thick skin over a few years' time. For me, though, all this happened in a few months.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I've heard all kinds of crazy rumors about myself. I've even heard that I'm pregnant! I've become real good about laughing things off - I figure I'd better get used to it.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
As far as talent goes, we had pretty much everything, and I think that's why this year was so successful.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
Right afterwards there was a whole, whole lot of press to do, so the week after, all day, every day, was press so I didn't really get a chance to celebrate.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
So many people always try to help me carry my luggage and help me do things I can do myself. If I can do it myself, I'm going to do it myself. I'm not going to let other people do it for me, and I think that's a big part of where I came from. I'm not a real prissy girl.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
I'm fighting a losing battle here: I'm trying to lose some weight. I love chocolate; that's one of my biggest downfalls. I haven't gotten a whole lot of chocolate, thank goodness, because I'd probably be about 300 pounds.
- Carrie Underwood
Image of Carrie Underwood
There's not ever much of anything going on in my head.
- Carrie Underwood