Caroline Ghosn

Image of Caroline Ghosn
Don't let the good days get to your head, and don't let the bad days get to your heart.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Good
Image of Caroline Ghosn
The fact that millennials are fast at communication and expect transparency and don't feel comfortable with hierarchy gets interpreted as us being impatient or entitled. These traits are perfectly normal given that we're the first digital natives.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Communication
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Your morning sets up the success of your day. So many people wake up and immediately check text messages, emails, and social media. I use my first hour awake for my morning routine of breakfast and meditation to prepare myself.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Morning
Image of Caroline Ghosn
A smile and good energy. They will take you farther than any material possession.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Smile
Image of Caroline Ghosn
You don't get what you deserve - it would be amazing if life worked out that way.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Amazing
Image of Caroline Ghosn
After graduation, I discovered that I'd hit the limit of what I could learn from the women in my family. On top of that, in the workforce, all of the things that mattered in college suddenly weren't enough.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Graduation
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Trust me: Every entrepreneur has felt like an utter loser at some point.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Trust
Image of Caroline Ghosn
My first college internship was at Sony Pictures Entertainment in Los Angeles. My second internship was at McKinsey & Company as a consultant - that turned into my first job after graduation.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Graduation
Image of Caroline Ghosn
From a professional standpoint, our transformation of the labor landscape at scale through technology with Levo is the highest and best direction of my energy.
- Caroline Ghosn
Collection: Technology
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Collaboration is like carbonation for fresh ideas. Working together bubbles up ideas you would not have come up with solo, which gets you further faster.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Give yourself time to digitally detox from your constantly connected life, and keep your phone away from your bed.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I've started to really nurture a bedtime routine, which, for me, starts with caffeine-free tea, usually rooibos or jasmine tea, something soothing, very fragrant, just a reminder to get back to your senses.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Levo is Latin for 'to polish' and 'elevate,' and the name is essentially connoting the fact that we are coming together as a community to mutually enhance each other's lives.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
The big experience of feeling like I jumped off into the deep end was that transition from college into the workforce. There were so many unwritten rules I didn't understand.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I live my life as an entrepreneur in every possible way I can by applying the question 'What can be done better and how?' at every juncture.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Be the best you can be, but acknowledge that you will make mistakes, and then know which errors to let go of. There will be typos in e-mails, meetings you are late for, daily to-do lists that don't get completed. Cut yourself some slack and, more important, reward yourself along the way.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I wish I had known the value of interning at a startup before starting my own. There is so much I could have learned on somebody else's dime in a much lower-risk environment.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Believe in yourself. You are enough.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
You can't value others until you value yourself.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I begin to cut myself off in a digital shutdown at about 10 P.M. Phone, laptop, and iPad go down. If I'm at home, I'll leave my laptop and iPad in the living room. Those things don't go into my bedroom at all.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
In high school, I interned at my mother's restaurant and learned the small-business ropes. It was really instructive and taught me to switch contexts quickly, as I contributed to everything from managing the reception desk to building their website.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Run focus groups. Do whatever you need to do to get 8 to 10 people together in a room and put your product in front of them. Ask them how much they would pay for it and whether they would pay for it. It's really important to get user validation early and often.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Power is the agency to effect change, pure and simple. The more power you have, the clearer and less frictional the trajectory from an idea in your mind to its birth in real life.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
As individuals, we professional women need to learn how to raise our hands and ask for more throughout our careers.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Taking care of myself used to be at the bottom of my list, but I'm all about wellness.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I'm very close to my family.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Productivity doesn't have to be complicated. It can be easily boosted through a manageable combination of the right tools, resources, and habits to make the most of your time.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I've always known I've wanted to build companies that have a social impact.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I'm nicknaming millennials 'the purpose generation' because we're making so many decisions.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Just displaying your resume online, which LinkedIn lets you do, isn't enough.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Power is ultimately about the energy you emanate from within.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
White is hands down my favorite color and the color I wear the most.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Fashion doesn't boost my confidence - rather, it provides a canvas to express or reflect it and whatever is influencing me in my life at the moment.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Your style can be an artistic part of your personal leadership journey.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Education has rules and parameters. Women outperform men when the parameters are clear.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
A mentor is someone who is willing to give you advice that isn't in the best interest for them. It takes a real mentor to put you first.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
We work more than we do anything else in our lives, but the average person only interacts with four to five colleagues. Outside of that, they don't build that many relationships.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
You need to be really great at your job. You need a strong network of peers, and you need a strong network of mentors.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Impostor syndrome, or feeling like a fraud at work, at home, or anywhere else in your life, will probably affect you at some point.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
If you're not certain about something, it might mean you should reach out to a person you trust for advice.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
When faced with an obstacle or uncertainty in your abilities, use it as an opportunity to grow your talents.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
You're a smart person. You're going to figure out where you can be more effective and more efficient with your own resources, and that's going to put more of an investment and emphasis on your future.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
The most important thing that I did was to actually take the time to sit down every month and do a review of what I spent and look at it objectively.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
As a tech optimist, I believe productivity woes can be solved through cleverly imagined and implemented technology.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
The genesis of the Thinking Talent app came from wanting to create a way to scale self-discovery with a framework that we, personally, inside of the company, have used really successfully.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
Especially in the first 10-15 years, your regular resume is not an authentic representation of you - you don't really have that many notches on your belt, so to speak. In a super-competitive job environment, you need to be able to tell a multi-dimensional story about who you are as a person.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
One of the biggest questions that we hear from young graduates is, 'I'm not even sure where to start because I'm not quite sure who I want to be yet.'
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
A skill is something that you aren't inherently talented at and that isn't an effortless action, the way your thinking talents might be, but is something you can become excellent at nonetheless.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I have a million career weaknesses, and although it's uncomfortable, I believe that authentically acknowledging and working through your vulnerability is more powerful than the delusion of perfection.
- Caroline Ghosn
Image of Caroline Ghosn
I admire people who operate from a place of love and who have gone through the rigorous process of finding and articulating their purpose, whatever it may be.
- Caroline Ghosn