Carly Fiorina

Image of Carly Fiorina
I think 4 percent growth is a good goal. And I think the fact that we have become used to an economy that sort of putt putts along between 1 and 2 percent is sort of tragic.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Crony capitalism is alive and well: the big are bigger, the wealthy are getting wealthier because, with a very large powerful complicated government, which is what we have and which Democrats want more of, only the big, the powerful, the wealthy and the well connected can survive.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
The truth is, Hillary Clinton's ideas create more income inequality. Why? Because bigger government creates crony capitalism. When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you've got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Our founders never intended us to have a professional political class.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Like Hillary Clinton, I, too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe. But unlike Mrs. Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
We can rebuild an alliance to fight ISIS, but we have to lead, and we have to give our allies what they are asking us to do. We do not have to march off to war, but we have to help our allies fight a war which we need them to win.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I'm a pro-life candidate because I believe that science is proving us right every day.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
The Democratic policy is any abortion, any time, for any reason at any point in a woman's pregnancy, right up until the last minute, to be paid by taxpayers. Barbara Boxer described this policy as, 'It's not a life until it leaves the hospital.'
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
When it turns out that you were supposed to be disclosing all these foreign government donations to the Clinton Global Initiative while you were Secretary of State, and you didn't, and now the Clinton Global Initiative is having to restate their 990s, that doesn't sound very trustworthy to me.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I understand how bureaucracies work. And that's important because our government has become a vast, huge, bloated, corrupt bureaucracy.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
You know, the truth is this: it is a leader's job to challenge the status quo. And when you do, you make enemies.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Every job is important because each one represents an American's livelihood and ability to raise a family. Yet spending our time building walls around America will do nothing to help us compete for the millions of new jobs being created.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I think the dot-com boom and bust represented the end of the beginning. The industry is more mature today.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
We need more transparency and accountability in government so that people know how their money is being spent. That means putting budgets online, putting legislation online.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Many people have asked me how I feel about losing my job.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
When you challenge other people's ideas of who or how you should be, they may try to diminish and disgrace you. It can happen in small ways in hidden places, or in big ways on a world stage. You can spend a lifetime resenting the tests, angry about the slights and the injustices. Or, you can rise above it.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
People who don't fit the mold are treated differently than those who do.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lied about emails, she is still defending Planned Parenthood, and she is still her party's frontrunner.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
If someone believes they are limited by their gender, race or background, they will become more limited.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
People have decided that career politicians may be part of the problem, not part of the solution.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Russia - having sat across the table from Vladimir Putin, it's pretty clear when you meet him that he has an almost limitless ambition for power. And he's been very good at acquiring it - political power, economic power, military power, territorial power.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
A leader's most important decisions are about people. Who do you put in which jobs? How long do you leave them in a job?
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
The truth is, I'm proud of the life I've lived so far, and though I've made my share of mistakes, I have no regrets.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
The truth is in California you can't build a new manufacturing facility, and businesses are leaving in droves because of bad government policy.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Most of the media... is positioning the merger with Compaq and the recent actions by Walter Hewlett and David Packard as a fight between the past and the future.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
This world is clearly emerging before our eyes. The shifts ahead, the opportunities ahead are massive.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
You have to master not only the art of listening to your head, you must also master listening to your heart and listening to your gut.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Do not be afraid to make decisions, do not be afraid to make mistakes.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Well, you know, I - again, even in the context of BP, I wonder about this government's priorities. The federal government's top priority right now should be the cleanup. And BP certainly has done so many things wrong. They need to be held to account.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
But ours was intended to be a citizen government. It is what of, by and for the people means. And when our most important issue in California is the creation of jobs, I think it's quite helpful to have someone in the U.S. Senate or in the governor's seat who actually knows where jobs come from.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
When our most important issue is the debt that we're piling on our children and grandchildren, I think it's pretty helpful to have someone in the U.S. Senate who has actually managed billions of dollars and knows how to cut billions of dollars.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I started out typing and filing and answering the phones for a little nine-person firm. And that nine-person firm gave me my chance to find my own way.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I am a conservative and proud of it.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
The GAO just released a report that said 22 percent of federal programs fail to meet their objectives. The truth is we don't know how taxpayer money is spent in Washington, D.C., which is why I think we ought to put every agency budget up on the Internet for everyone to see.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I think we ought to ban earmarks. I think we ought to give citizens the opportunity to designate up to 10 percent of their federal income tax toward debt reduction. If we did that, we would reduce our debt by $95 billion a year.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
What I think we need to do to engage the American people in a conversation about entitlement reform is to have a bipartisan group of people who come together and put every solution on the table, every alternative on the table. And then we ought to engage in a long conversation with the American people so they understand the choices.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Don't think of yourself as a woman in business.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I've never thought in terms of 'men do this' and 'women do that.'
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Had anyone told me that I was going to have a career in business, I would have said, 'No way.'
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Quitting law school was the most difficult decision of my life. But I felt this great relief that this is my life and I can do what I want with it.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
A merger is hard to pull off under any circumstances. It's harder when everybody is against you.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I have very eclectic tastes.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
People's ideas and fears can make them small but they cannot make you small. People's prejudices can diminish them but they cannot diminish you. Small-minded people can think they determine your worth. But only you can determine your worth.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I lost my job in the most public way possible, and the press had a field day with it all over the world. And guess what? I'm still here.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I felt disconnected from the decisions made in Washington and, to be honest, really didn't think my vote mattered because I didn't have a direct line of sight from my vote to a result.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I'm happy to tell you that having been through surgery and chemotherapy and radiation, breast cancer is officially behind me. I feel absolutely great and I am raring to go.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
I'm not a professional politician, I'm a problem solver.
- Carly Fiorina
Image of Carly Fiorina
Californians are worried about whether they will have a job along with ballooning federal spending and deficits.
- Carly Fiorina