Butch Trucks

Image of Butch Trucks
When we started, it was so intense: it was like a religion. And when you played with Duane Allman, you either gave it your all or you got out.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
We did 300 shows in our first two years.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
There will always be kids in every generation that understand that Lady Gaga is not music, it's theater.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
We've been lucky because quite a few young people keep coming to see us play. We couldn't tour as much as we do if we could only count on the baby boomers.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
I take my laptop with me on the road. When I come home, I log onto AOL, go to the Web site, and answer questions.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
A lot of the cities where we have a strong following, we don't even get to every year anymore. But Stony Brook was a place that, from the very first time we went, the chemistry was right. They loved us, and we loved them, and we just kept going back and going back.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
After 'Win, Lose or Draw' we were workin' on another album that nobody's ever heard, and it's a good thing nobody heard it.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
'Enlightened Rogues' we made like the earlier ones: whatever tune came up, whatever direction it went in, that's the way it went. That's what we'll always do. I think if we ever stop doin' that, we ought to quit.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Our first album was kind of simple, but it had that fire, that energy that we have to have.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
There's this new band that just started with us called the Dave Matthews Band. My God! I mean, I like those guys. Plus, Dave Matthews looks just like Forrest Gump.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Blues Traveler is hot, and Big Head Todd, the Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies - all of 'em.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Our approach is more the jazz approach, where you learn to play your instrument as well as you can, develop your craft, and then communicate with each other. That's the focus, not trying to give some message or entertain or have a good light show or whatever.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
With The Allman Brothers, we made two studio records that were OK, but the first really great album was the live one, 'At Fillmore East.' We were a live band, and it's one of the reasons we were able to stick around for 45 years.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Back when Napster first came along, I started telling everybody Napster was like shooting yourself in the foot because you're stealing music. The record companies don't pay for us to make records - the bands do.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
It wasn't unusual for an Allman Brothers record to cost $300,000.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
There's always going to be a percentage of the kids out there who want to hear people who can actually play and sing.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
My hearing after 50 years of playing music sometimes isn't too great.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Something happens when the music starts, and all that tiredness just goes away. When it's going like that, I'll take on any 20-year-old hot-shot drummer who wants to try me.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
After we did the last Allman Brothers Band show, my wife and I just packed up and went to France for pretty much all of 2015, and I just got bored; I got the itch. I wanna play.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
As long as all four of my limbs keep moving and I can still sit up straight and play hard rock and roll for 2 and a half to 3 hours, I'm gonna keep doing it, and I'm gonna do it the way I do it.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
To be able to take music and do something as profoundly original as what we did with the Allman Brothers, you've got to put some time into it.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Sometimes you're gonna jump off a cliff and land flat on your face. Then you just get up and go again. But sometimes you dive off the cliff and start soaring with the eagles, and that's when you find new music, places that you've never been before.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Putting together two powerful sets is always difficult. After you really pour it out one night, it's hard to pour it out the next night.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Johnny Winter doesn't know the word 'subtlety.' But it works, it works.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
To be honest, I don't listen to much music! I've been so engrossed in it my whole life that when I drive around in my car, I'll listen to college lectures on philosophy and literature and world history, things like that, to kind of catch up on the college experience I missed.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
With the jam bands I've seen, it's about music, and it's about theory, and it's about making everyone feel better with music.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
The music became secondary to being rock stars.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
A jam means it's not structured - let it go. Let it go here, let it go there.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
There's nothing - nothing - like the magic of playing music.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
I've never thought too much of 'Rolling Stone.' The first thing I'd do is look at about 50 or 60 of the drummers they have ahead of me and go, 'Oh yeah, right!'
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
We never thought that we would be more than an opening act.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
I love Lucille Ball. But you don't call that Shakespeare. It's just entertainment, you know. And if you like that, then go have a ball, have fun.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
There obviously are a hell of a lot of people that love Lady Gaga. But to me, she's been the theatre of the absurd. And the more absurd it is, the bigger she got.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
We went on to become the No. 1 band in the country for three or four years. And that was probably the worst thing that could have happened to us.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
I'm boring as hell. I just sit around and talk philosophy.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
See, we started out with a foundation of blues. But then we added people like Miles Davis and John Coltrane to the mix and gave rock n' roll a much more complex structure. It made it possible to play more than three chords.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
Country's cool if you like that kind of thing, but it doesn't have the complexity or - what's the word? - subtlety.
- Butch Trucks
Image of Butch Trucks
The trouble is that you get fans who tell you you're great no matter how big an idiot you are.
- Butch Trucks