Brooklyn Decker

Image of Brooklyn Decker
The 'Sports Illustrated' cover was the last thing I shot. That week, I told my agent, 'You know what, I really... I don't want to be a model anymore. I really want to do movies.' And I think he wanted to wring my neck at the moment.
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Sports
Image of Brooklyn Decker
You know what I love the smell of? Christmas trees and pine. I always have a pine candle even if it's not Christmas.
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Christmas
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I loved the travel but I didn't love the work. I mean, come on, modelling is only so stimulating!
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Travel
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Sometimes I'll watch a music video of a great performer like Beyonce and try to follow her choreography. Yeah, maybe I look ridiculous, but dancing gets your energy up a lot better than running on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bike.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
The Brawny man is a prime example of a guy with a cool-looking mustache.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
You become a model once you go through hair, makeup, and Photoshop.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I'm a size 4. In modeling, that's often too big.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I have an insane sweet tooth.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I have zero hand-eye coordination - zero - so I've never been good at softball, basketball, golf, things like that, but I'm really strong and I have really good endurance so I can go forever - I'm a tough girl.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I'm not going to sit here and say, 'Pity me; I came from modeling.' It's opened a lot of doors. People will take meetings because they've heard the name before. That's an advantage that I have.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I'm named after a horse. My mom's best friend had a horse named Brooke, so my dad suggested 'Brooklyn' as a more formal version, and it just stuck - and now I live in Brooklyn part-time, so go figure.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I think that I'd like to try to be a superwoman and have kids and work, so we'll see if I can actually accomplish that.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I don't see myself doing catalog shoots in Madrid anymore like I was doing two years ago. I hope that the acting side of things grows.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I would like to say I've achieved goals, but really, modeling is all luck. You're not really achieving anything. The least hardworking person with a special face can be huge and have a whole world of success.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
My parents had us very young. We lived in a modest house. We built forts, we hiked, we went camping and they wanted us to be independent. It's how children grew up in the 1940s and 50s: outside all the time, playing in the dirt, riding your bike around.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I don't play tennis at all.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
With my first pay cheque I sent my parents to Jamaica, so they actually got passports! They're pretty grounded; it wasn't until they saw the trailer for 'Battleship' that they were like, 'Ooh, this is a big movie, isn't it?'
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I really missed going to college. I missed not having that education and that experience.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I have a really difficult time watching myself on film. I literally cower in my seat and cover my face.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
When you have a gown, there's much more to be concerned about. Where is this crease falling? Are you making a weird shape with the dress? Are you doing the designer justice? With a bathing suit, it's more about you and the mood you convey.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Because I'm such a tomboy, I hate showing off my body.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
A little scruff looks nice, but it feels so uncomfortable. Think about how a guy wants a girl to have smooth legs: It's expected. Shouldn't a guy be expected to do the same on his face? I think that's only fair.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Guys, your home should never smell like artificial food: candy canes, gum drops, lemon bars. I mean, I will consume lemon bars in mass quantities, but I don't want my house to smell like one.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I want to live a normal life - drive my kids to school, have tons of animals running around, be barefoot and pregnant. I want all that.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Yes, Adam Sandler is a good kisser, and other actresses have said the same thing to me. They've come up to me - other actresses who've kissed him - and said, 'Hey, so good, right?'
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I really love going places without a map.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Whenever I'm near a body of water, I love to rent a kayak. It's easy to use, and you not only get a cardio workout but also do a vigorous upper-body workout, pushing and pulling your paddle through the water.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Being married to Andy has given me a new appreciation for my body. He's taught me that it's not how thin you are that matters. It's how your body performs, how it endures wear and tear.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
My dad is a Type 1 diabetic. I grew up in a household where we were really conscious about cutting back on sugar because we had to for his health.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
The good thing about kids is they want to be mobile; they want to be running around nonstop. They want to play. They want to be outside. So they're inherently more active than we are, because we get much lazier as we get older. Part of being a parent is keeping up with your kid.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I love candy, but when I'm cooking, I will use Splenda Naturals to try and cut back on sugar.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Truth be told, I would love to tell you that I work out every single day and I'm really into yoga and meditation, but it's just unrealistic. I truly could not keep up if I tried.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
With acting, if you audition terribly, at least you know, 'I messed that up. I was horrible. That's why I didn't get the job.' With modeling, it's like, 'I'm not cool this year; therefore, I'm unemployed for a while.' With modeling, it's just, either you're liked, or you're not.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I'm kind of like a tween. I've read all 'Hunger Games' books in three days.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
N'sync - I had all their faces taped to my jeans for their concert when I was 13.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Philip Seymour Hoffman - I just think he's incredible.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
We always have veggies, nuts, spreads, and fruits laying around the house.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I'm more one of those people you laugh at and not with. I'm not the one with the jokes, I'm the one who falls on her face going up a flight of steps.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I like an English sense of humor: dry, dirty, a little bit off. That's kind of my taste.
- Brooklyn Decker
Image of Brooklyn Decker
I like a hairy chest, I think that's really sexy. I'm not naked a lot oddly enough but I usually wear sweats, its very unsexy.
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Sexy
Image of Brooklyn Decker
Our company is geared toward making the lives of women run more efficiently. Every single day, day in and day out, we're thinking, How do we make the world better for women? It's something that's on our minds all the time, so to have a day where it's actually celebrated officially feels really special. And to do it with a friend just makes it really personal and special.
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Running
Image of Brooklyn Decker
With my first pay cheque I sent my parents to Jamaica, so they actually got passports! They're pretty grounded; it wasn't until they saw the trailer for 'Battleship' that they were like, 'Ooh, this is a big movie, isn't it?
- Brooklyn Decker
Collection: Jamaica