Bria Vinaite

Image of Bria Vinaite
I can't help but be thankful, and really appreciate everything I have been through, good and bad, because it got me here!
- Bria Vinaite
Collection: Thankful
Image of Bria Vinaite
My earliest memory of freedom was when I was about 14 and I stopped caring what people thought about me! I was so free and in charge! That whole year I was exploring myself, and I was so 'free' that I got sent away to boarding school.
- Bria Vinaite
Collection: Freedom
Image of Bria Vinaite
Yellow is my favorite summer color - it makes me feel like a sunflower.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I love lace because it can be really feminine, sexy, or dark. There are so many ways to wear it, no matter what your style.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
People assume that I'm this trashy motel girl, and that those are the only roles I can play, but I really take it seriously, and I know that I can do more.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
We all judge people.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
It's kind of almost not fair that certain people don't get the opportunities that others get just because of where they are born or where they were brought up.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
There's not enough opportunity, and I feel like you can't control where you're born or where you're brought up.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I feel like I want people to... I guess not be as judgemental of situations because they might not know the full story. Just to try to be nice about other people's struggles and be understanding and not judge people based on their circumstances.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I'm not religious, but I feel like there has to be a higher power up there.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I never counted how many tattoos I have, but I started getting them at a really young age, so most of my big ones are cover-ups.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
It's nice to stand out and not have to conform to all the beauty standards that just don't even make sense anymore.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
So many people want to have this typical look and this typical everything and it's all the same everywhere.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I really hope that the traditional sort of girl that people view as an actress changes. There's room for everyone, you know? All of us bring different things to the table. It's nice to show people that you don't have to be one type of personality to do this.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I get a lot of really nice messages from girls who are like, 'You make me wanna be myself because people accept it.'
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
That's what this country is. It's made up of immigrants.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I've been really picky about the sort of characters that I want to represent.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I buy a lot of random books, and it's really hard to immediately fall asleep if I've been staring at a screen, so reading and trying to put my phone away maybe an hour before I go to sleep are two of my go-to strategies before bed.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I've struggled with skin issues my whole life.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I really love Neutrogena's acne mask. It's cleared up my skin on a bunch of occasions.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I am obsessed with LaCroix, and I drink so much of it.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I have a plant called Roger Franklin and he is really special. I'm not trying to sound weird, but he has a lot of personality and I talk to him every day. It's the first plant I've kept alive for longer than a week and I'm very proud of that. I try every day to make sure that he's happy.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I'm not a spiritual person, but I really believe in the power of the mind and I really believe in manifesting things.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
Every single insane psychotic thing that I've ever believed that seems unfeasible to other people, I've made it happen.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I'm really hoping to find something that I feel as connected with as I did with 'The Florida Project.' I want to feel that passionate about things that I work on. I don't want to just act to act.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
There are so many things we don't know about because they don't get spoken about, and people might be embarrassed to speak up or might be shamed into not speaking up.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
Some people don't necessarily have family helping them or anyone, even friends, that care enough to help.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I mean, I did a play when I was in eighth grade, but who hasn't?
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I put my phone on 'do not disturb' a lot.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
For me, if I didn't have reading I'd go absolutely crazy. It really helps me to unplug from the whole world, and keep my sanity, and be able to fill my time with something other than technology.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
It's really nice to have hobbies that don't involve any sort of technology.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I would never post something making fun of depression or mental health, or picking at people.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I don't want to be in an office. That's not my thing.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I have direction, but I was very particular about the things that I wanted to do, and I refused to get just like, a regular job.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
Every day I have this crazy schedule that happened overnight - it's a lot to process.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I just feel like my life changed in so many ways, and I'm just taking it all in.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
People should have affordable places to live. That's a fundamental right.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
OK, so, my favourite actress in the world is Sarah Paulson. I think she is so talented and I admire her so much, I have always said from the beginning she is someone who just really has perfected the craft. She could play anybody and be believable.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I definitely want to explore all different types of characters.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I feel like my story just proves how important not only social media is, but how important it is to be your authentic self. Because when you're really truly your authentic self, the right people will find you. And when they find you, it will be for exactly who you are.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I feel like I'm not a traditional person.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
You don't need to do things in the typical way to get a beautiful result.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
Nike SF Air Force Ones are hands down my absolute favorite sneakers.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I'm obsessed with candles.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
Yes, I'm the crazy person who totally travels with candles.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I really like Clinique's Moisture Surge Hydrating stuff. It's a super concentrated moisturizer. It's pink and comes in a tube.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I definitely need to learn how to take compliments, because it was very weird to go from sitting in my house all of the time to having hundreds of people coming up to me and congratulating me and telling me I did a good job.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I feel like it's easy to get lost in your own world and get distracted, and sometimes seeing things from different perspectives helps you appreciate your life a little bit more.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I would say I read around 50 books a year, sometimes more.
- Bria Vinaite
Image of Bria Vinaite
I didn't really go to school much, and I went out a lot. At 16, that's not something you should be doing.
- Bria Vinaite