Bretman Rock

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I want to live like a normal life.
- Bretman Rock
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I don't want to not be normal.
- Bretman Rock
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To be honest, I don't know... something about the camera like turns me into such a diva. Like when it's on and I see my face in the camera, I'm just like, oh girl you look so good!
- Bretman Rock
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I mean, I'm a boy that wears makeup, but I want to be as normal as I can.
- Bretman Rock
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I will wear a woman's dress and a man's pant with it.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I don't only wear men's clothing - I actually have more women's clothing than I do men's.
- Bretman Rock
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Men's clothing and women's clothing shouldn't even really be a thing.
- Bretman Rock
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Drag Race' was, like, my outlet and finally being able to see myself in television and that was through Manila Luzon, who was a 'Drag Race' contestant. Manila was the first Asian queer person that I ever saw on mainstream media and 'Drag Race' really did that for me.
- Bretman Rock
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I wanted to share my life. I wanted to share literally where I come from and where I'm going.
- Bretman Rock
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There are so many reality shows, but there's none that really shows the island life and what influencers are in the islands. We don't have the same resources as people in L.A. do.
- Bretman Rock
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I know I'm not the only kid that moved to America and had to live with 30 cousins in one house.
- Bretman Rock
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I'm just so blessed to have my family, to be honest, because I really would not be Bretman Rock without that and their support, and they've always been supportive of me.
- Bretman Rock
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When I say I came from nothing, I really came from nothing.
- Bretman Rock
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So often, I go to L.A. and I feel like I'm hanging out with robots. And all they do is sit around and talk about other people. I could run my mouth, but at the same time, if that's all we're doing is talking about other people, it's not cute!
- Bretman Rock
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I just feel like my audience is interested in anything that I do. Dare I say, even when I was making my science experiment videos, they lived for that.
- Bretman Rock
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I just feel like people would watch me do anything. I could make two hour videos of me putting bracelets together and people would watch that.
- Bretman Rock
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I would like to thank everyone that watched me grow up on the Internet.
- Bretman Rock
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I put so much online, and my heart is the only thing I don't wanna - my heart, I need to myself.
- Bretman Rock
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People are always surprised that I'm actually normal and not always over the top.
- Bretman Rock
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I think people are always surprised to learn that I'm actually nice.
- Bretman Rock
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I feel like it'd be so fun to, like, do, like, Britney Spears' makeup. I've always been a big fan of Miss Britney - I'm a Britney stan.
- Bretman Rock
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I would always tell people I'm going to have a reality show, I'm a star, or I'm rich.
- Bretman Rock
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One day I decided I was a star and I would walk to school with my head held high. I would walk to school in my stilettos and high heels, listening to 'Lucky' by Britney Spears.
- Bretman Rock
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Fame is not who I am. It's not even what I do. It's just a part of my job.
- Bretman Rock
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I've met people who don't know who they are, but only know who they are online. When I'm separating Bretman Rock and Bretman, it's really just to help with my mental health. The Internet is not real life.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I think I've always been fascinated by women, colors, and makeup and the whole art of vanity because I would always watch my grandma get ready for church. And I was five or six at the time, maybe even four. I've always just loved admiring my grandma get ready and seeing how a touch of makeup made her so much more confident.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I feel like beauty got into me before I even knew what beauty was.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
People value makeup differently. Some people see makeup as an artistic expression, some people use makeup as a boost of confidence. I just think makeup is so beautiful and that it really is art. That's why I do makeup.
- Bretman Rock
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I will always value beauty.
- Bretman Rock
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My favorite TikTok of my own would have to be the video of me drinking coconut water without closing my mouth - that trend was really fun to do because it was a hidden talent that I did well.
- Bretman Rock
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I don't think people experiment enough with clothing because society tries to tell them what they can and can't wear. I love playing around with different aesthetics and/or mixing around aesthetics to create a totally new look.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I have always been skating, either with skateboards, ripsticks, longboards - so it's been really easy to get used to the electric board. And no, you don't have to wear certain shoes. I love to wear my crocs!
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I would love to design clothes. Bretman clothing would be a good reflection of my personality, with a super-extra, nonbinary, and non-gendered clothes that are made with quality sustainable fabrics.
- Bretman Rock
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I hate when I'm alone and I hate being inside my own head.
- Bretman Rock
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My dad had the longest, silkiest, healthiest hair you've ever seen on a man. He had an extensive skincare routine. He was very picky with food. He never ate with his hands.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
Whenever I see a camera, I just want to perform for some reason. If I was getting paid for it or not, I would still be posting random videos of me on the Internet.
- Bretman Rock
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I think my struggle with acne just kind of triggered the skincare junkie in me. I just wanted to find the best products out there.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
Acne has always been a big problem of mine.
- Bretman Rock
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To be honest with you, I feel like a lot of people don't realize that sometimes the best products are the drugstore products. You do not need a $600 moisturizer to get rid of your acne.
- Bretman Rock
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You need SPF wherever you are in the world.
- Bretman Rock
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I'm a Leo, I'm always cute.
- Bretman Rock
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If I'm not getting sleep I will literally break out.
- Bretman Rock
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I definitely really wanted to go to college and live my mom's full American dream fantasy of her son being a nurse.
- Bretman Rock
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I do everything I do because of my mom and for my mom and because of my family and for my family.
- Bretman Rock
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I genuinely think that I have what it takes to be the best entertainer of my time.
- Bretman Rock
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To be honest, I kind of skipped over watching cartoons, and reality TV shows raised me. Literally, in fifth grade I ran home from school and watched 'Jersey Shore' every Thursday, girl.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
Honestly, ever since this influencer life started for me, I feel like every year is a new chapter.
- Bretman Rock
Image of Bretman Rock
I think I've always had this non-binary energy with me. My mom has always told me that I'm pretty and handsome at the same time. And so I kind of just believed her.
- Bretman Rock
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You do not need millions of followers to know and to feel that you have a platform. I feel like everyone should realize that they have a platform regardless of how big their audience is.
- Bretman Rock