Bobby Wagner

Image of Bobby Wagner
In a business where it's cutthroat, it's cool to be able to play with one organization your whole career.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
It's a little harder nowadays because of the way contracts are set up, the way the league is, to play with one team.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
My goal is to really be a dominant player in this league and have nobody question that. That's what I strive for.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I strive for being great.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Whenever you go somewhere, you want to leave a mark.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I feel like I was always good at the run.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
You've got to be by yourself at some point.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
As a team you have to figure out what you want to do and who do you want to pay and that comes from the guys upstairs.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Every year they are making the game harder and harder for a defensive player to play.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
If you don't have a defense this league don't exist. So I feel like defensive players do need to kind of stand their ground to kind of show that we are just as important. You see all the offensive guys getting paid and we are just as important.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
If you are saving lives, I am willing to help.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I thought it was a really good thing to be a part of giving blood and saving lives.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I'm definitely a guy that yells at the TV. You call out plays and think they're going to hear you say what you called out.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I just don't like missing games.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
If I'm being interviewed by a reporter, I take my time to answer the question.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Saying, 'I'll find the answer for you,' opens the door for people to still come to me with questions. Even if I don't have an immediate answer, I build trust by finding the answer.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I really want to stand out as a middle linebacker.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I don't really want acknowledgement or want people to pat me on the back or whatever. I just want to help the people I feel like I can help and if there's an opportunity where I feel like I can help, I do it.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
It's from the heart. I don't really care if people see that I do it or notice that I do it or even recognize that it's me doing it. I just do it because I feel like there's a lot of people out there that need a hand, and I try to lend a hand.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
At the end of the day, me representing myself shouldn't be a big deal.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Basketball - you don't get hit in basketball. That's a nice life over there.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I think that's what separates the NFL because they're so many different cultures in here that you get to learn from, that you get to experience that people from the outside don't get to experience. We don't live in a box. We understand that there's different type of views, different type of actions, and we have an open mind to listen to them.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Rookie year you get out there and want to make as many plays as possible, then second year you want to be perfect, and then you kind of find a combination between the two - making a lot of plays and trying to be as perfect as possible.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I think my rookie year I was just out there, I just wanted to be out there and have fun. Maybe my sophomore year I was thinking a little too much because I wanted to be perfect, but I think everybody goes through that stretch.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I'm really good at basketball.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I wish I could sing.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Is Adele embarrassing? I think she's dope.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I want to wake up in a Bugatti.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Some guys when they're catching the ball they'll tighten their gloves. The O-linemen have heavy stances in run verses pass is super light. There's all types of things that you can find on film that can give you an edge.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Well, there's one guy, when he runs the ball his head's really, really still - doesn't move whatsoever but then when it's a pass he's always, like how he's looking is like his head is almost going back and forth and back and forth because he needs to know who to block.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I feel like I finally got a routine with massages, and yoga and swimming, and all these different things that I do. I think it has helped me not get hurt.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I'm a huge fan of Jay Z. I listen to a lot of Nas, a lot of 2Pac. I like to listen to people that make me think.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
To be in a position to help my family out and change the trajectory of the Wagner family it's a pretty dope feeling.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I just feel like that '90s era was pretty special from all aspects. Whether it was hip-hop, R&B, it was a lot of music back then that everyone could relate to and listen to.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
When I was a rookie, I was kind of just flying, trying to make plays.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
You've got to get what you've got to get while you can.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
You've got to do what's right for you.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
As soon as you can't play and they don't want you no more, it's over. So you've got to make the best of your opportunity.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
A lot of companies feel like they have to go down to the Bay Area to get the money that they need to build their business, and we don't believe that's true.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I heard I wasn't a good linebacker, I was too small and all that other stuff.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Every game is different. Every week is different.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
You can't do the same thing every game.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Coach Clune has been a great person to me, he taught me a lot, linebacker-wise.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Coming out of high school, I wasn't really highly recruited because I was still learning the game.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
Everybody kind of passed up on me; a lot of the teams I played against said I was too short, I wasn't strong enough, I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't physical enough. The only team that believed in me was Utah State.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I worked hard and had support from my family, but it was a grind at Utah State.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
My mom taught me, 'There are a lot of doubters out there.' It doesn't matter what everybody else thinks.
- Bobby Wagner
Image of Bobby Wagner
I've always been interested in trying to help people in anyway possible.
- Bobby Wagner