Bill O'Reilly

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Americans who have parents raised during the Great Depression or World War II understand how drastically things have changed on the home front. My father did not care a whit whether I liked him, and it would have been unthinkable for him to pick up my stuff. There were rules in the house, and they were enforced.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Home
Image of Bill O'Reilly
One of the downsides of being famous is that folks pay far more attention to you than they should. American celebrities are constantly under surveillance, and every word they say is subject to scrutiny. So, be careful what you wish for if you desire fame. No human being should be a goldfish.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Famous
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Atheists well understand that Christmas is the most visible display of religion in the world, and that any diminishment of it is a good thing to militant secularists.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Christmas
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Public misbehavior by the famous is a powerful teaching tool.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Famous
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Sociologists well understand that chaos at home causes violent behavior, educational failure and social alienation among children. Yet, many of us in America stay far, far away from this topic. That in itself is a national scandal. Bad parenting is gravely harming this nation.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Parenting
Image of Bill O'Reilly
My parents were children during the Great Depression of the 1930s, and it scarred them. Especially my father, who saw destitution in his Brooklyn, New York neighborhood; adults standing in so called 'bread lines,' children begging in the streets.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Great
Image of Bill O'Reilly
As a former high school teacher and a student in a class of 60 urchins at St. Brigid's grammar school, I know that education is all about discipline and motivation. Disadvantaged students need extra attention, a stable school environment, and enough teacher creativity to stimulate their imaginations. Those things are not expensive.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Teacher
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I'm not the 'chosen one.' I'm just one of many who have been given gifts. I can write. I can bloviate on TV. So I'm trying to use the gifts in a positive way. And I believe that's all directed. And that's why I'm here on the planet.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Positive
Image of Bill O'Reilly
My mother's not a political person. She just doesn't want me to be mean... sometimes I have to be mean. It's like a parent or a teacher. Sometimes for the good of everybody you have to be a little bit strong, a little bit confrontational.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Teacher
Image of Bill O'Reilly
There comes a time when a human being has to either face evil or admit to allowing it. Abortion is legal in the United States, but it should not be celebrated or used as a political tool. Viable babies are human beings.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Legal
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The government cannot overcome bad parenting. What our leaders can do is publicly condemn irresponsible parental behavior in vivid terms.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Parenting
Image of Bill O'Reilly
You don't have free will when you have lung cancer.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Far be it for the public schools to teach this, but the U.S.A. was founded on basic Judeo-Christian principles. Don't believe me - take a trip to Washington D.C. and tour the Supreme Court building. There you will see a sculpted copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Yeah, I'm obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
As the tree is bent, so it will grow.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The goal of higher education should be to champion the airing of all honest viewpoints. Nothing less is acceptable.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Historically, Alaska is a place that has attracted those fed up with conventionality.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
One night, I just woke up and I went, 'Killing Jesus.' And I believe, because I'm a Catholic, that comes from the Holy Spirit. My inspiration comes from that. And so I wrote 'Killing Jesus' because I think I was directed to write that.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Look, I debate for a living so I don't need to learn any lessons from amateurs.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The traditional American family has always been the foundation for success in America.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The most powerful nation on earth should be able to pass a fair, effective immigration law that combines compassion with responsibility and does not injure hard working Americans who are taxed up to here.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
You can't be a real man if you don't look out for your kids. They need you.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
It's hard to do it because you gotta look people in the eye and tell 'em they're irresponsible and lazy. And who's gonna wanna do that? Because that's what poverty is, ladies and gentlemen. In this country, you can succeed if you get educated and work hard. Period. Period.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I've been to Africa three times. All right? You can't bring Western reasoning into the culture. The same way you can't bring it into fundamental Islam.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
That's my advice to all homosexuals, whether they're in the Boy Scouts, or in the Army or in high school: Shut up, don't tell anybody what you do, your life will be a lot easier.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
You want to have two guys making out in front of your 4-year-old? It's OK with them. A guy smoking a joint, blowing the smoke into your little kid's face? OK with them. And I'm not exaggerating here. This is exactly what the secular movement stands for.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Dan Rather is guilty of not being skeptical enough about a story that was politically loaded.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Lotsa people want to hurt me. That's the price you pay for being a big mouth.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
This country is a better place because Fox News has succeeded.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
You could put on monkeys jumping up and down and get bigger numbers than MSNBC.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Americans will respect your beliefs if you just keep them private.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
When I die, I don't want my demise to be used as a political rally, and that's what happened yesterday.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush administration again.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Jobs that cannot be delivered must never be promised. It's unfair to raise people's hopes that way.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
They advertise on the radio for food stamps!
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The oil companies are regulated by the federal government. They can't drill on land nor in American waters without permission from the feds. Many Republicans want to drill baby drill but what's the point if all the oil goes to China? Increased production obviously doesn't mean lower prices for us.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I know that Oswald killed Kennedy. Now, was he pushed? Encouraged to do it by outsiders? Possibly. Possibly. Was he sitting down with Fidel Castro? No.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I don't really shout that much.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I'm just a loud Irish guy.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I'm not writing a Ph.D. Dissertation.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
I'm pretty busy.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Whenever I go on a show with a comedian I just counter punch.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Every book has mistakes in them, every one. There's never been a book published without mistakes.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Many conservatives were openly angry with the Bush administration over enormous government spending and the chaos in Iraq. I don't see as much independent thinking on the left, where President Obama is rarely criticized by his acolytes.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Folks know that while I respect Barack Obama and do not cheap-shot the president, I am very skeptical of his big government, nanny-state philosophy.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The measure of a decent human being is how he or she treats the defenseless.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Mr. Obama is proud of his belief that government knows best. When he told the world that individuals were not totally responsible for their personal success, that government has a major role in it, many Americans were taken aback. But Barack Obama sincerely believes that.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
President Obama is a utopian at heart. He wants to improve the lives of the downtrodden, which is a good thing. But, he doesn't understand that damaging the free marketplace in pursuit of 'social justice' will eventually harm those whom he wants to help. The nation's crushing debt is a tsunami brewing off shore.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Drive through a yellow light, and you may be ticketed thanks to a camera tied onto a pole. Everybody's watching everything. And then sending it out to the world via email.
- Bill O'Reilly
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The more laws that governments pass, the less individual freedom there is. Any student of history will tell you that. Totalitarian countries ban pretty much everything.
- Bill O'Reilly