Bill McCartney

Image of Bill McCartney
Big dreams create the magic that stir men's souls to greatness.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Dreams
Image of Bill McCartney
I know many Catholics love God with all their heart. I have genuine respect for anyone who truly has given their life to Christ. We read about Mother Teresa and what a wonderful example she was.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Respect
Image of Bill McCartney
All coaching is, is taking a player where he can't take himself.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
When you're born again, your DNA changes. You have the ability to understand God's terms.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
We'd like to build a highway for healing and unity.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
This type of gathering is unprecedented. The time has come for Christians to publicly affirm our Jewish roots, distinctions and oneness in Jesus Christ.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
For many years, our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters have paid a great price. Other Jews have rejected them, and the Christian church would require they walk away from their traditions to fit into the Gentile culture. We must face these past wrongs.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
I had a born-again experience at the age of 33. As a result of that I found a church where I felt I was being fed properly. I don't say that as a reflection on Catholicism. But once I was born again, I got an evangelical spirit.
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
I've never wanted just part of the package, part of the prize. I want it all!
- Bill McCartney
Image of Bill McCartney
If you want to take the meaning of the word integrity and reduce it to its simplest terms, you'd conclude that a man of integrity is a promise keeper. When he gives you his word. You can take it to the bank. His word is good.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Honesty
Image of Bill McCartney
We have not come to compete with one another. We have come to complete one another.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Team
Image of Bill McCartney
Rom. 8:29 tells us what our purpose is - to conform to the image of Jesus Christ, and that singularly helps me keep a focus. That's really what I'm called to do, and I should be gradually growing and changing. He should be increasing, and I should be decreasing.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bill McCartney
Big Dreams Ccreate the Magic that Stir Men's Souls to Greatness...
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Dream
Image of Bill McCartney
What you are about to hear is God's word to the men of this nation. We are going to war as of tonight. We have divine power - that is our weapon. We will not compromise. Wherever truth is at risk, in the schools or legislature, we are going to contend for it. We will win.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: War
Image of Bill McCartney
It boggles my mind that someone can see life breathed into a baby, watch the grass die and then come to life again, see leaves fall and watch the rebirth of a tree, or gaze on any of the majestic splendor that is this earth and not be overpowered by the presence of an Almighty God!
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Baby
Image of Bill McCartney
But someone once described the contrast between a good life and a godly life as the difference between the top of the ocean and the bottom. On top, sometimes it's like glass -- serene and calm -- and other times it's raging and stormy. But hundreds of fathoms below, it is beautiful and consistent, always calm, always peaceful.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Bill McCartney
True worship is not just an emotional experience. It reaches to the very depths of our souls and touches every aspect of our being
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Emotional
Image of Bill McCartney
You have to convince your players that the only reason a play failed was that they didn't execute properly.
- Bill McCartney
Collection: Player