Bill Kirchen

Image of Bill Kirchen
Play what you would like to hear, rather than what you would like to play.
- Bill Kirchen
Collection: Play
Image of Bill Kirchen
Listen more to the other players on the bandstand than you do to yourself.
- Bill Kirchen
Collection: Player
Image of Bill Kirchen
I'm happy with the amount of success I've achieved. I feel like I'm getting better every day and I'm always learning. I don't take anything for granted and I've gained a deeper perspective on things.
- Bill Kirchen
Collection: Perspective
Image of Bill Kirchen
I'm not fighting restraints or worrying about pleasing everyone. I've been able to carve my own niche in the marketplace, which is pretty cool. Obviously, I'm just blessed to be able to tour the country and make a living to support my family at the same time.
- Bill Kirchen
Collection: Country
Image of Bill Kirchen
I actually enjoy being on my own, because it allows me to do what I do.
- Bill Kirchen
Collection: Enjoy