Bill Foster

Image of Bill Foster
I am grateful for the sacrifices our veterans have made to defend our freedom and prosperity.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
We owe these heroes a great deal - it is our solemn responsibility to ensure that all veterans receive the care and respect they have earned.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
Alan Greenspan is going to go down in history as one of the worst Federal Reserve chairmen ever.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
'Too big to fail' is fine for restaurant chains. If Denny's fails, it's fine for this economy. You can always go down to the TGIFs. But that's not the same for large-scale investment companies.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I don't want to do anything that capitalizes personally on the fact that I've been in public service.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
If we had created rules to automatically turn up the required down payment on a home when there's a housing bubble, or just say that the mortgage on a property cannot be larger than the value of the property three years ago, the amount of human misery that would've been avoided would've been enormous.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I supported and voted for the public option in the version of the Affordable Care Act passed by the U.S. House. Had it been incorporated into the final version of the ACA, it would have done much to increase the competitiveness of ACA Exchange Marketplaces.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
Anyone concerned with the broken politics in Washington needs to look no further than Mitch McConnell's cynical manipulation of the rules and obstruction of the NLRB.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
As a businessman, I know that businesses need certainty.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
The NLRB provides important protections to American workers.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
We should not chip away at the protections that have built the largest economy and the largest middle class in the world.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
As we continue to work to pass comprehensive immigration reform, we must take action to stop these predators who are exploiting immigrants attempting to play by the rules.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
As we face tough decisions in Washington, we must never forget our responsibility to protect Medicare and preserve it for future generations.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I really believe in U.S. manufacturing and U.S. exports, but we have to have a level playing field.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I'm not opposed to the idea of helping regions that are struggling to get a reasonable fraction of federal research spending.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I grew up in a family that was always talking about politics.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I understand clearly as a freshman in Congress, you don't get to steer the bus.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
When I see the sort of mindless tax cuts for the wealthy, cuts to education, I just think we've got it exactly backward in this country.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I think when you provide something absolutely free, the potential of abuse exists. Getting an education without skin in the game is not good.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
We have to get back to universities being more focused on education and more connected on what they educate students for to the jobs that actually exist.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
I'm pushing - on a bipartisan basis, actually - to get federal support for the creation of high-quality textbooks that can be downloaded for free on the Internet.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
From a scientific point of view, it's hard for me to understand why someone in the Texas Panhandle should not have access to the same research funds that someone in the Oklahoma Panhandle can have.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
The idea of ensuring that federal research dollars should be reasonably spread around is an arguably useful goal. But it should be done per person, not per state.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
The real question is whether the federal government should be in the business of redistributing wealth to equalize the economic status of every state, including states where not many people, for whatever reason, have chosen to live. That type of redistribution is a distortion of our economy.
- Bill Foster
Image of Bill Foster
Negative thoughts are contagious and they get passed around like a disease. I inoculate myself against the fear of failure.
- Bill Foster
Collection: Basketball
Image of Bill Foster
If I killed my wife and mother and debauched a thousand women I couldn't go to hell--in fact, I couldn't go to hell if I wanted to.
- Bill Foster
Collection: Mother
Image of Bill Foster
Practice being excited.
- Bill Foster
Collection: Practice
Image of Bill Foster
Joanna Priestley’s amazing body of animated films have deservedly earned their place in the pantheon of contemporary international animators. Inventively visioned, superbly crafted, and rich with insight into the physical and spiritual dilemmas that confront us all, each new work provides an unexpected pleasure.
- Bill Foster
Collection: Spiritual