Bhumi Pednekar

Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Having born and brought up in Mumbai, I am as urban as urban can be, but my parents ensured that my sister and I understand social responsibility as well.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Priyanka Chopra - I have actually adored her since I was 10, maybe, when she became Miss India. She's just super strong, and I crush on all strong women!
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Everywhere in the society, even my extended family, when they got to know that I am going to be an actor, they were very worried because there is a lot of negativity attached to my craft or being a heroine.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I feel, in our culture, the girl with any sort of power is called 'difficult' or various words that are demeaning just because she has a voice, has confidence, and stands for her rights. It is sad, but it is the truth of our country.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Cinema has the power to change the society. Through my films, the kind of characters I have played and will play, I am trying to do my bit in changing the patriarchal mindset.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
As human beings, we need to evolve with time, and if you fail to do that, your existence will suffer.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
'Son Chiriya' is a special film with lovely co-stars and a sorted out director.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Just wearing expensive and glamorous clothes do not merit for me to do a film. There has to be a good story and a good role.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I feel good when my films get all the love, respect, and appreciation. That is my driving force to do better work in future.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Abhishek Chaubey has been in my bucket list for a long time. When he approached me, I thought it's for a film he is producing, but I never expected my fourth film to be an Abhishek Chaubey film.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I come from a family where I have been empowered.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I have become a nicer person after every film I have done.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am constantly trying to push my boundaries and break the mould that has been made for leading actresses, and it is such great fun.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I want to always break stereotypes. It is fulfilling as an actor to be able to do that, especially when you see people and the audience loving it.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
The journey of shedding weight was tough, but the only good thing was it did not take a toll on my health.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
If I don't stay true to my character, I would fail as an actor.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Abhishek Chaubey has improved my craft, as I learnt so much on set.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Commercial film is a film that makes a lot of money, and I have very high hopes from 'Sonchiriya.'
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
These days, you don't need a song or glamour to make your film work. It is all about a good story.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Earlier, actors had a lot of power in their hands. And now, it has gone in the hands of the directors and writers, and that is how it should be. They are the visionaries, and we are the doers.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
The chances of me getting trolled are very high because of the films I do. But I only read the good things.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am a Bombay girl.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
The sad truth of our country is that Indian women don't get a moment of rest.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am an opinionated feminist. I can never say or do anything against women.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
It's never easy for an actor who doesn't have connections in the film industry and who has to start from scratch.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I would love to play an urban working girl.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I believe 'Sonchiriya' is a film that will be recalled with much pride and respect for many years from now. We all worked very hard to make it a special work, and the director Abhishek Sir is a genius.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Films are the largest and most impactful medium.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
When you are comfortable with your co-star, it reflects on screen.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Thank God for the Internet. Thank God for these amazing portals that are there. For instance, Netflix and Amazon. The kind of content the audience has got to see has gone up drastically, and because of this, the quality of work will go up, too.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
The fact that we don't have censorship on the Internet really gives you a lot of freedom, as makers and creative people do what they believe in.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am glad that 'Lust Stories' is coming on Netflix as opposed to the kind of commercial release it was going to get.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I have always liked my body. Believe me, when I was bigger, I wore whatever.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
As a perception on how I have perceived myself, I have always felt beautiful.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Whenever I hear the narration for a new film, I have this process back home where my mother reads all my scripts.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
It's unfortunate how people assume so much about your life based on the work you do.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I've seen everything at a very young age... I am a strong, opinionated person who really belongs to this modern day and age.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I'm an independent girl. I come from a family where we were given freedom.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I make sure I travel with my girlfriends at least twice a year because that's the time I rejuvenate and disconnect from myself.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I absolutely hate math!
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am a couch potato!
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I had a replica of a red outfit that Karisma Kapoor wore in some movie. I have worn that outfit on many occasions.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I think, as an outsider, you are ready to deal with whatever comes your way.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
As a woman, my stance is that I'm a fighter, and in no way will I support any kind of injustice against women in our society.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Women face so much at various levels - it can be as simple as the common belief that a woman is incapable of doing certain things or the fact that even if you do something wrong to her, she won't speak up for fear of embarrassment... The time is here that we all should fight against such wrongs.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
The kind of films I do, people assume that I am not a fashionable person, but I am an urban girl, and I have always been fashionable.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Fashion is important in every girl's life.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
Fashion is nothing but wearing what is comfortable and also sporting clothes that make you feel confident.
- Bhumi Pednekar
Image of Bhumi Pednekar
I am a compulsive shopaholic.
- Bhumi Pednekar