Bettany Hughes

Image of Bettany Hughes
The occasional motivational speech gig tends to pay better than the books and television.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Motivational
Image of Bettany Hughes
Forgiveness gives you a chance to be fulfilled rather than be eaten up with anger.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Anger
Image of Bettany Hughes
I think it's ironic when Plato makes the learned woman Aspasia Socrates' teacher, but I think women crop up more in the Platonic dialogues than they do normally in texts of the period, and in an un-hysterical way.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Teacher
Image of Bettany Hughes
Cricket's in the blood - my dad loves it and my brother Simon played for Middlesex before becoming a radio and TV cricket commentator.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Dad
Image of Bettany Hughes
Venus, ancient goddess of love and beauty, is an apparently irrelevant, invented deity of the long dead. But Venus merits scrutiny. Chart her life story across 5,000 years and you chart the evolution of our conflicted relationship with sex and with the female body.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Relationship
Image of Bettany Hughes
The presence of industrial quantities of Byzantine pottery dating from the sixth century AD on the headland at Tintagel, Chinese silk in the tombs around Mecca and 'Arabic' numerals in the 13th-century beams of Salisbury Cathedral tell us we have been interdependent not for decades but across millennia.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Dating
Image of Bettany Hughes
Europe's leaders need to sit down with Socrates for a night; a life unexamined is not worth living. We have to remember that, as he says, the pursuit of wealth should never be at the expense of wisdom.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Bettany Hughes
For the Spartans, it wasn’t walls or magnificent public buildings that made a city; it was their own ideals. In essence, Sparta was a city of the head and the heart. And it existed in its purest form in the disciplined march of a hoplite phalanx on their way to war!
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Wall
Image of Bettany Hughes
Peter Jones's is a vital public service. He reminds us that while we shouldn't live in the past, we are wiser and stronger when we live with it.
- Bettany Hughes
Collection: Past