Bernice King

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Somehow, we have to realize that what we watch and what we listen to not only often reflects our most violent tendencies but cultivates more violence.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
Nonviolence as a lifestyle and perpetual strategy will allow us to be on the offense instead of continually on the defense. We will be able to move the ball down the field with team decisions and playmaking versus constantly thinking about how the opposing forces are moving the ball.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
Nonviolence will empower and equip us to bring generations to the table and fuse our knowledge, gifts, and zeal together.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
Like my father, I believe that nonviolence is the antidote to what he called 'the triple evils of racism, poverty and militarism.' These three evils were consuming our hopes for community in 1964, and, fifty years later, we remain divided because of their festering effects.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
It is time for humanity to reset our spiritual compass from self-centeredness to other-centeredness.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
Police departments across the nation must develop nonviolent 'rules of engagement,' so that they don't reflexively respond to suspected crimes with violence. This will require more in-depth training in the behavioral psychology of conflict resolution so police have tried-and-true techniques of preventing and de-escalating violence.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
In addition to a stronger focus on better training for law enforcement, America urgently needs programs to provide jobs and educational opportunities in economically depressed communities.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
We can put millions of America's idle young people to work helping to repair and restore America's deteriorating infrastructure, public utilities, and transportation systems. Nothing would revitalize the nation's sagging economy more than such a commitment.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
After acknowledging that most law enforcement personnel are fair-minded and do a difficult job, it only takes one exception to create a terrible tragedy.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
If I had to do it all over again, would I want my dad here? I would say no. Our world is in a better place because our father gave his life.
- Bernice King
Image of Bernice King
We live in a society where we may have differences, of course, but we learn to celebrate these differences.
- Bernice King
Collection: Differences
Image of Bernice King
In all religions, we make a choice about what we emphasize, and I choose to come down on the side of a loving God.
- Bernice King
Collection: Choices