Bernard Ingham

Image of Bernard Ingham
The media ... is like an oil painting. Close up, it looks like nothing on Earth. Stand back and you get the drift.
- Bernard Ingham
Collection: Media
Image of Bernard Ingham
I sometimes compare press officers to riflemen on the Somme -- mowing down wave upon wave of distortion, taking out rank upon rank of supposition, deduction and gossip.
- Bernard Ingham
Collection: Media
Image of Bernard Ingham
Confidentiality is the nature of all governments. Of course you may say, the government will always want to communicate the good news; things which bring satisfaction, cheer, help or pleasure to voters. And of course, you are right, governments are not masochists by nature.
- Bernard Ingham
Collection: Cheer
Image of Bernard Ingham
Blood sport is brought to its ultimate refinement in the gossip columns.
- Bernard Ingham
Collection: Sports