Benjamin Wittes

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For those who support same-sex marriage - and I support it without reservation - the ideal of equality and the belief in the dignity of same-sex relationships necessarily makes the issue seem a great deal like the civil-rights struggles of the past.
- Benjamin Wittes
Collection: Equality
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The difference between a cult and a religion, of course, lies in extremity.
- Benjamin Wittes
Collection: Religion
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Sometimes, the intelligence community does legal collection against a legitimate foreign intelligence target and that target interacts with U.S. persons, against whom our people thus end up collecting information as a collateral matter.
- Benjamin Wittes
Collection: Legal
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Although environmental groups sometimes raise issues in the confirmation process, environmental protection is not central to the fear-mongering of the liberal interest groups that oppose conservative judges. But the threat to basic environmental protections from conservative jurisprudence is broad-based and severe.
- Benjamin Wittes
Collection: Environmental
Image of Benjamin Wittes
While I oppose the death penalty as a policy matter, in a legal culture in which we reserve the right to execute people for relatively routine street crimes, it seems quite absurd for the justice system to get squeamish about executing the operational masterminds of Sept. 11.
- Benjamin Wittes
Collection: Legal
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I've got no problem with drone strikes.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I'm positively enthusiastic about American surveillance policies.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Secret courts require great faith that the Justice Department - and future Justice Departments - will act with integrity.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Al-Qaida is a cult of martyrdom.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Back when the natural sciences, philosophy, and theology were one great intellectual hodgepodge, proving the existence of God was a relatively commonplace exercise. To the modern mind, however, science and religion talk past each other.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The search for the Torah codes is rooted in the unfathomable theological premise that the Torah - itself a set of five books of limited length - contains literally all truth.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
In general, liberals fear conservative judges far too much. In almost all areas, in fact, they dramatically overstate the stakes.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
In the world of President Trump, we really want people who aren't going to lie. We want people who can sit in front of a congressional committee for hours and, however mad they may make us, never give us reason to doubt that they are telling the truth as they see it.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
When it comes to letting kids out into dark alleys, we understand that they have things to steal. We need to understand that in online life, too.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
June 10, 2002, the day John Ashcroft announced the arrest of Jose Padilla, marked a low point in Ashcroft's career as Attorney General.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
If the 'enemy combatant' cases of Padilla and Hamdi present a clash between liberty and security, each side champions one while giving short shrift to the other.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
How exactly the obstruction-of-justice statutes interact with the president's broad powers to supervise the executive branch under Article II of the Constitution is a genuinely difficult question.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
There is no doubt in my mind that Article II limits to a considerable degree the application of the obstruction statutes to the president when he is acting in his capacity as chief law-enforcement officer of the country.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I don't doubt that there are many presidential acts that would constitute obstructions of justice if anyone but the president engaged in them but which constitute legitimate exercises of presidential power when the president engages in them.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The nature of constitutional delegations of power is that they entitle the empowered official to do certain things that other people can't do.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I normally try to ignore presidential tweets.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The idea that the president doesn't interfere in law-enforcement investigative matters is one of our deep normative expectations of the modern presidency. But it is not a matter of law. Legally, if the president of the United States wants to direct the specific conduct of investigations, that is his constitutional prerogative.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
If Trump wants to corruptly direct the conduct of an investigation in order to out an FBI source who was helping our government investigate Russian interference in our electoral processes, well, Article II of the Constitution begins with these terrifying words: 'The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.'
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The notion of law enforcement as professional, not political, began developing as an aspiration and an ethos even while, in practice, the FBI was the personal fiefdom of J. Edgar Hoover.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Conservatives complain that the Supreme Court is too liberal. Liberals complain that it's too conservative. Both charges are inaccurate: in reality the Court is a careful political actor that arguably represents the center of gravity of American politics better than most politicians do.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The foundations of modern civil-rights law are exceptionally secure. Conservative judges nibble around the edges sometimes, and people still debate the constitutionality of affirmative-action programs. But almost no one seriously argues about the basic meaning or legitimacy of core civil-rights protections.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Liberals have been overselling the threat to reproductive rights for decades.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I generally favor permissive abortion laws.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
A generation of women has grown up thinking of reproductive freedom as a constitutional right, and the Court should not casually take away rights that it has determined the Constitution guarantees.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Stability in law - particularly constitutional law - is critically important; the Supreme Court would do well to remember that.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
One effect of Roe was to mobilize a permanent constituency for criminalizing abortion - a constituency that has driven much of the southern realignment toward conservatism.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The core constituency that Republicans must satisfy in high court nominations is the party's social conservative base, which fundamentally cares about issues, not diversity, and has accepted white men who practice the judging it admires.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Full disclosure: James Comey is a friend. I won't pretend to neutrality about him. He is a highly honorable and decent person, and I have no doubt that he made the many judgments for which people loathe him in good faith.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
In a way I never did with George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, I will write about the actions of the Trump presidency with the working assumption that our nation must be protected both by and from the president.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I'm an unabashed apologist for strong national-security authority. That's why I might be more alarmed by Trump.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
If you believe, as I do, that the scope and range of presidential authority is great, that puts a lot of weight on the civic virtue and decency of the individual who holds the office.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
President Obama's decision not to go to Congress for help in establishing reasonable standards for the continued detention of Guantanamo detainees is a failure of leadership in the project of putting American law on a sound basis for a long-term confrontation with terrorism. It is bad for the country, for national security, and for civil liberties.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
To get a FISA warrant to spy on a suspected spy, the feds go before a super-secret court located in a sealed room in the Department of Justice. With no defense lawyers present, they need only show probable cause that the target is an 'agent of a foreign power' engaged in intelligence gathering against the United States.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The reason the FISA standard is constitutional is that the government is supposed to use FISA surveillance not for criminal investigations but for counterintelligence probes pursued under the president's authority to conduct foreign policy.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Broadly speaking, the problems with the Espionage Act are that it is hopelessly broad. And we tend to use the Espionage Act - we think about the Espionage Act as forbidding disclosures of classified information. That's not really what the statute says. What the statute talks about is information related to the national defense.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
I understand that a lot of people who use phrases like #resistance have found my work valuable. But my job is to look at difficult problems of national security in ways that may be useful to policymakers and the public.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Eric Holder is a decent man.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
The nature of the job of attorney general has changed - irrevocably. And we should never again have an attorney general, of either party, capable of expressing surprise at the role that national security issues now play in the life of the Justice Department or in the role of its chief.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
We should never again have an attorney general capable of saying virtually nothing as the law of major intelligence programs and the integrity of his department's work in overseeing these programs are assailed over a protracted period of time.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
We should stop thinking of Snowden, to the extent that we ever were, as a hero. We should stop thinking of him as a whistleblower.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
In 1999 and 2000, when I was a young editorial writer at the 'Post', the 'Post' won the public service medal two years running.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Good intelligence analysis, after all, is all about discrimination between what's important and what's not.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
National security is not just things that go boom. It is not just terrorists and foreign adversaries.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
It is possible for great nations to rot from within.
- Benjamin Wittes
Image of Benjamin Wittes
Reasonable people can disagree about the authorities the NSA should have, when it's appropriate for the CIA to use drone strikes, and how assertive U.S. foreign policy and intelligence should be.
- Benjamin Wittes