Bathsua Makin

Image of Bathsua Makin
A learned woman is thought to be a comet that bodes mischief whenever it appears.
- Bathsua Makin
Collection: Gender
Image of Bathsua Makin
Let no Body be afrighted, because so many things are to be learnt, when the learning of them will be so pleasant; how profitable I need not tell you.
- Bathsua Makin
Collection: Learning
Image of Bathsua Makin
To ask too much is the way to be denied all.
- Bathsua Makin
Collection: Too Much
Image of Bathsua Makin
... a little philosophy carries a man from God, but a great deal brings him back again.
- Bathsua Makin
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Bathsua Makin
These men of Law and their confederates ... the caterpillars of this Kingdom, who with their uncontrolled exactions and extortions, eat up the free-born people of this Nation.
- Bathsua Makin
Collection: Men